StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 664 Don’t fight GG or retreat

With a belief in death and an aggressive fighting spirit, the majestic and majestic Hyperion marched forward through the battlefield filled with artillery fire and countless casualties. The porthole windows were filled with the spectacular orange flash of flames, battleship fragments and huge and zerg insects. The bloody corpses and the shadow of the towering ship were shrouded in a magnificent halo.

In the deep darkness of space, the flash and impact released in an instant by artillery fire and battleship explosions were like new stars lighting up in the middle of the night, as if stars were shining.

As Matt Horner stood aboard the lurching Hyperion, he thought about the time he had sat on the back deck of the Terrador ocean-going fishing vessel and gazed at the clear night sky when he first set foot in space. The deep black sky stretched as far as the eye could see above, and there were countless dazzling stars shining on it, bigger and brighter than he had ever seen before. It was really a starry sky, a brilliant sky.

Perhaps, this universe is not as beautiful as humans imagine. Human beings have only been sailing in the stars for a few centuries, and they are still as ignorant as the apes who have been gazing at the stars for thousands of years.

But it is also true that even the protoss admires the ignorant but fearless courage of humans. The excellent qualities of this young race may be as many as their shortcomings.

It suddenly occurred to him that people say that everyone will become a star in the sky after death.

We are becoming stars.

Going deeper into the center of the vast sea of ​​​​insects, the number of king insects, mutant dragons and corrupted flying insects flying in the gunfire also increased.

These horrors are monsters clinging to the rattling alloy forged armor of the Hyperion with their sharp claws, glaring ferociously into the overburdened porthole glass with their malicious hazy yellow eyes, and screaming. , roaring and impatiently wanting to get in and tear apart the humans in the battleship.

When Matt turned back, there were only four Imperial warships still following Hyperion, including Warfield's flagship Iron Justice. The figure of the huge battleship was almost completely obscured by the shadow of the vast sea of ​​insects, and the flickering light on the bow was being swallowed up bit by bit by the darkness.

Ahead is the Aiel's Shield, the flagship of Artanis, the high-ranking executive of Durham. The energy dome supported by this majestic protoss mothership has blocked most of the firepower for the Hyperion. When the matrix on it is overloaded, The brilliant light released is extremely spectacular and beautiful. Multiple protoss carriers shuttled between the Hyperion's wings, protecting their human allies.

In the blink of an eye, the speed of another Protoss aircraft carrier slowed down significantly. With a faint spark suddenly rising from the Kedarin crystal core matrix and energy output conduit, blue flames immediately erupted from the side of the battleship. A terrifying flame rose.

This aircraft carrier is quite close to the bridge of the Hyperion, and it is precisely in this way that we can clearly and intuitively feel how spectacular her sides are, filled with golden and blue light. The carrier's service dates back to the Golden Age of the Protoss Empire, and its history is even longer than the history of Koprulu humanity.

Finally, after enough time to erase the vague memory of steel, this great and glorious legendary battleship ushered in the final battle, and all the crew members on board were witnesses of it all.

Matt's ears seemed to be filled with the roar of the souls of the protoss battleship crew with endless rage. The templar warriors who returned to Kara must be praised by countless protoss hymns.

The protoss is a noble and poetic race, but they are stubborn and conservative. If they are your enemies, they will fight to the death. If they are your friends, they will fight you to the death.

"Already close to the center of the enemy's formation." Adjutant Porter lowered his head to check the radar scan several times faster. His expression was still calm, but his face turned pale.

It is unimaginable that a majestic steel ship like the Hyperion would be bumping like a small boat in this sea of ​​​​worms, as if it might be overturned by a huge wave at any time.

At this moment, the Hyperion's energy shield has long been exhausted. Corruption flies and swarm devourers have eroded through the thick armor with terrible acid. Hundreds of zerg are swarming into various deck cabins.

Desperate and brutal battles were taking place in hundreds of cabins, hatches, elevators and passages to all decks. The Imperial Marines defended the various chokepoints, with engine technicians, ordnance sergeants and damage control officers behind them still there. Under the command of the ship's officer, they tried their best to maintain the normal operation of the warship, but they might be destroyed by a hull rupture accident and the bloody mouth of the zerg at any time.

A corner of the Hyperion's bridge porthole has been torn apart by zerg. The air pressure difference inside and outside the battleship has set off a hurricane and terrifying suction force. The Imperial officers and soldiers on the bridge will be sucked into it if they are not careful.

The strong wind was blowing the collar and the lowered brim of Matt's khaki uniform, and several Imperial Marines armed with Gauss rifles were running to shoot at the mutalisks that were struggling to squeeze in through the porthole gap. At such a critical moment, Matt remained firm and steady.

Over the years, he has seen too many storms and waves, and he is always ready to sacrifice himself for the cause of the empire.

"It's time to start Nova Impact." Matt gave the order without changing his face, listening to the shouts from the ship's channel and the crashes and explosions in his ears.

Behind the bridge corridor of the Hyperion, a huge portrait of Emperor Augustus Mengsk standing with a sword seems to be looking at the Hyperion and the Imperial soldiers on board.

"The survival of the empire depends on this."

The Hyperion is now located in the center of the densest concentration of the main force of the swarm, which is enough to clear out all the zerg in Tiberus and the surrounding star systems at once.

The scene on the main screen of the bridge shifted to the laboratory. The brainworm Alpha, who was locked in a cryogenic tube, had already given up on licking the donut tied to the fishing rod and started chasing his tail in circles. , and kept talking about the wind rustling and Yi Shuihan.

It seems that only heartless insects can always be happy like this, and human sorrows and joys are not connected with it.

Even when trapped here, Alpha can interfere with the control of the swarm masters through the main hive mind, causing them to turn to attack their own people. Otherwise, the Hyperion is likely to be shot down by countless zerg midway. .

It really hides merit and fame.

To be fair, Alpha could have taken this opportunity to escape and return to the insect swarm, but for some reason, it had completely stopped thinking about such a thing.

Not to mention that the second-generation master didn't know how to deal with the traitors of the insect swarm, wouldn't it be nice to stay in the Augustgrad Palace, eat royal food and wait to die?

On the other hand, Alpha is not without his own "master". Compared with the second-generation master and other rebellious traitors, Alpha prefers to stay with Princess Louise Mengsk.

"Don't worry, General Horner, you can completely trust Egon Steitman." In the laboratory, Steitmann, who was watching the brainworm amusing himself, suddenly stood up from where he was sitting with his head held high. got up.

To be honest, there was a time when the zerg that rushed into the Hyperion almost came into the laboratory. Stetman could even hear the sound of these little beasts smashing the air-tight valves and instrument panels, and couldn't help but feel a little agitated. My legs were so weak that I almost screamed and was embarrassed.

"Hurry up." Matt frowned. Stetman is indeed a first-class genius, with amazing talent. He can't even find a second person among humans, but he always loses his temper when he is most confident.

Stetman has long been ready to start the Rising Star Impact and is gearing up to show off his skills.

There is no difficulty in activating the Xel'Naga artifact. Even several marines holding the operation manual can easily activate it, just like dealing with a toaster without any difficulty.

Stetman's research found that the Xel'Naga artifact obviously did not have the function of nova impact, and it came entirely from Dr. Narud's messy transformation. And this kind of transformation is not very clever even in the eyes of a stupid person like Stetman. It won't be long before he can develop some interesting new functions.

In other words, the Xel'Naga artifact itself is a mysterious key with infinite possibilities, capable of opening the door to all mysterious knowledge. But according to Stetman, Xel'Naga left the artifacts not to destroy his unscrupulous descendants, but for some other purpose.

Maybe just for fun. Of course, if Stetman could understand what these ancient gods of the protoss were thinking, he felt that he could definitely see a psychiatrist.

There is no need for Stetman to do it himself. His assistants have already started the Xel'Naga's preset program. A ripple containing mysterious power lingers from the Hyperion, which passes through the energy conduit and becomes an artifact. The warning lights on the five low-temperature tubes that supplied energy immediately started flashing.

Unexpectedly, just the ripples emitted before the Xel'Naga artifact was pre-activated immediately made the zerg around the Hyperion extremely frightened. Even the approaching Leviathan stopped in surprise.

Obviously, that was the most intuitive reaction of the masters and swarm masters who were controlling the entire insect swarm behind the scenes. ——It's like eating fish when a thorn suddenly gets stuck in the neck.

Suddenly, the dense swarm of insects made way for the Hyperion.

The next moment, everyone heard the Overlord's scream containing infinite anger. It must have been confused as to why the Xel'Naga artifact that had just been used on the Tasha planet not long ago suddenly appeared on the planet of more than a thousand people. Tiberus, light years away.

Thinking about it, if the fleet had been ordered to carry the artifact from Tasha to Tiberus as soon as possible after the launch, it would have been barely possible, but at that time the Lord had not launched the Tiberus Battle at all.

Emperor of the Tyran Empire, is this also in your calculations?

What puzzled the Lord the most was that each time the Xel'Naga artifact was used, it had to take at least three months to recharge the artifact, so it decided to launch a war at this opportunity.

But it didn't expect that it was also the end of Emperor Augustus. Now that he had Alpha, the brain worm, he had five spiritual energy sources to charge the Xel'Naga artifact, which greatly shortened the time spent every time. Time interval to use Nova Blast.

If even that wasn't enough, he could stuff Narud inside.

Without much hesitation, just noticing the energy fluctuations of the Xel'Naga artifact, the insect swarm was about to flee. A part of the insect swarm acted as pawns and launched a desperate attack, while Behemoth and Leviathan, the main insect swarm, began to open the wormhole space and prepare to evacuate.

But it was still a step too late.

"What are you doing?" Alpha, the brainworm, was keenly aware that something was wrong and knew that Stetman was about to activate the artifact.

In fact, Alpha wasn't that afraid of being drained by the Xel'Naga artifact. It was indeed painful at first, but after getting used to it, it actually felt a little better. Of course, it is impossible to admit this.

"A little bit—" Alpha mocked Stetman with a mocking expression.

"Are you ready?" Stetman clamped the control terminal in the creaking nest and adjusted the goggles on his nose.


Alpha's eyes narrowed.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--"

Before Alpha could say anything else, a burst of dazzling white light overflowed from Alpha's many small eyes and wide open mouth, as if his soul was out of body.

Stetman couldn't help but raise his hands in the air. The dancing look was like a shaman offering sacrifices to living people, or maybe he had recently taken a little terazine for inspiration. ——Of course, this is a small intake in compliance with the doctor’s advice.

A beam of light invisible to humans rose above the Hyperion, and in a moment it shone brighter than the sun of Tiberus.

Matt saw that in an instant, the zerg that was climbing on the porthole of the bridge of the Hyperion suddenly turned into a piece of minced flesh and minced meat, screaming like a vampire under the sun. For ashes.

Except for the huge Leviathan, Behemoth and a small number of giant king insects, all the zerg in the Tiberus system have disappeared. The number of tens of billions of zerg had been wiped out in this short period of time, and the Imperial soldiers who had experienced this tragic battle breathed a sigh of relief while feeling an unreal sense of bewilderment.

Since the Xel'Naga artifact was first activated, the Zerg have remained helpless against this terrifying weapon. This is a weapon that directly affects the genetic level of the zerg, as if it is a divine punishment sent down by the creators.

Perhaps, this is the last mercy of the Xel'Naga. They once created the Zerg with their own hands, and of course they also have the means to counter it. Another possibility is that the Xel'Naga who created the Zerg are not the same one who left the artifact.

"The battle is not over yet, continue the pursuit!" Warfield's voice came again, and the Imperial warships, who had suddenly awakened, turned to attack Leviathan and Behemoth, which had been severely damaged by the Xel'Naga artifact but were still alive.

But on the port side of the Hyperion, there was no response from the Gorgon-class battlecruiser Master of the Universe.

The Dominator of the Universe has been protecting the left wing of the Hyperion and has withstood a lot of firepower for friendly ships, but at this moment, it has become a sad and empty shell, like a snail shell that has been sucked dry by a locust.

Even for these steel-hearted warriors, this is an extremely difficult test. Most of the people who come here have a passionate fighting spirit, and they know that they are going to die, which makes it unforgettable for those who will miss them.

Those who survive will feel grateful that they are still alive, and feel guilty that they are not with their friends. For those who lost all their friends at once in this war, the rest of their lives was far more difficult.

Now, it's all over.

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