StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 668 The Golden Age under Emperor Augustus

The electronic version of the newspaper "The Empire and You" founded by the UNN Universe News Network subsidiary is one of the most popular reading materials in the Tyranids. The first cover of the newspaper's first issue in 2503 had this sentence on the front cover:

People naturally began to compare the era under Augustus the Great to the best era in human history, without any fear of doing so unfairly. ——Max Speer

Indeed, this sentence shows the growing ambition and arrogance of the imperial people in this era of abundance and prosperity.

"This is not a good era, with powerful enemies around and wars one after another. And I happen to know that the real disaster is far more than this."

The Emperor, who was riding an Orion turbo coupe through the streets of Augustgrad, leaned his head on the leather cushion and commented sarcastically on this issue of the "Empire and You" newspaper. The cover line: "Tell Spier to take it easy and stop others from saying I control UNN."

At this time, the turbine sports car that Augustus was riding in was driving over a viaduct that crossed the center of Augustgrad like a giant dragon. Its endless ends were hidden in the hazy morning mist. , countless driving land cars seem to be driving among the clouds.

On both sides of the viaduct are skyscrapers of stunning scale, with Gothic-style vertical spiers extending to the invisible skyline, black glass and polished metal facades separated by huge grilles. It is exuding a dazzling luster under the sun. The people of Augustgrad seem to be living in the forest of steel and glass where giants live. The small figures on the ground are like ants on the hill.

The city of Augustgrad is entirely built on incredible, layered steel structures. The huge buildings neatly arranged along the road are like black Stonehenge, which is jaw-droppingly spectacular. Billions of people live in this hard-lined, metallic complex of commercial offices, shops, hotels, banks and apartment complexes, and even they marvel at what they have accomplished, as if This huge city seemed to have been built overnight.

Humans are just tiny ant colonies on the planet, and even the nests built by ant colonies can be as high as the sun.

For seven years, the borders never stopped growing. Augustgrad had become the largest and most majestic city known to Terran humanity, its brilliant lights at night clearly visible even from high altitude orbit.

If a few years ago people in the Tyranid Empire were still critical of Korhal's qualifications to become the imperial capital, especially the people of Tarsonis, then all the discordant voices are now over the greatness Korhal has achieved. Lost in achievement.

"You don't need to guess, this Spier must have been thinking for a long time before writing this kind of words - not too explicit, but also to make his emperor feel comfortable." Sarah Kerrigan sat on Augustus On the other side of the city, even though she was the queen of the empire, she was still as venomous as before.

Of course, if Emperor Augustus hadn't been running to Lisa Cassidy's palace every day, Kerrigan wouldn't be so evil.

Even though Augustus himself didn't have much psychic talent, he could still detect the dangerous aura emanating from Kerrigan.

"What's wrong with letting us have such a sweet dream?" Prince Arcturus sat in the front seat, beside his wife Juliana Pasteur, the daughter of the famous Umoyan diplomat.

This day was the day when their son Valerian Mengsk graduated from the Stillling Military Academy. Everyone in the Mengsk family came to attend his graduation ceremony, but other family members were in another car. in the car.

Considering the reputation of the royal family, Arcturus finally married Julianna, but the relationship between the couple could never return to the passionate love period of their youth. Not only that, their relationship couldn't even be called harmonious.

The two people have always had conflicts and disputes over the training of Valerian. Julianna always believed that Arcturus was just forcing her son to become a qualified heir without caring about his feelings. The author does not deny this. But since Valerian himself chose the path he would take in the future, his gentle and kind mother could only let it go.

However, in public places, Arcturus and Juliana always have to look like they are in love, because this is a symbol of the harmonious coexistence between the Tyranids and the United States of Umoyan.

"Arctus, you are not someone who believes that dreams will come true." Augustus turned to look at the scenery outside the window.

"People change." Arcturus smiled, feeling in a good mood.

The turbine sports car that Augustus was riding in was actually not a very new model in Augustgrad. It was actually sparse and common on the roads in the center of the city. In the air, a more gorgeous and fancy flying car is walking on a path parallel to the viaduct.

With the vigorous development of the empire's technology and industry, cars using anti-gravity technology have entered thousands of households in the empire at lower prices. The newly opened resource-based colonies have also made necessary fuels such as high-energy gas even cheaper. .

Therefore, even ordinary company employees in Augustgrad can now afford to take their families on vacations during the holidays. In addition, the prosperity of interstellar routes has made low-cost interstellar travel finally possible at the beginning of this century. If a person hopes to try his luck on another planet far away from his hometown, then you can give it a try.

Nowadays, even on the most remote borders of the Tyranid Empire, you can see cruising Imperial fleets. Every galaxy has large and small space stations and outposts built, and Imperial merchant ships can be seen in every starry sky. Developed logistics has given rise to prosperous trade, and even the marginal worlds that were originally unknown due to geographical location are now on the right track.

Governed by an unprecedented enlightened government, the Terran Empire is indeed entering a golden age of rapid development. ——Under the threat of powerful foreign enemies, human civilization will either stagnate or burst into endless possibilities.

There was silence in the turbine sports car for a while, and the mist that shrouded the sky finally dissipated. The bright morning light shone on the wide river below, and the beautiful high white walls on both sides curved into curves as the river bank extended.

Looking forward, the majestic main city of Augustgrad is already in sight.

The commercial district of Augustgrad is surprisingly prosperous, with hundreds of millions of people passing by every day. Here, people can find goods from almost all imperial worlds. In those super department stores the size of the Sky Tower, you can even find high-energy crystal minerals from Masala, agricultural products from Haiwen, and products from Fumi Added high quality wood

"I found another piece of shit about you, written by Doni Vermillion. He must have eaten too much peanut butter, and he shamelessly said that you are not a womanizer." At this time, Kerrigan opened the personal terminal panel again The news section on the Internet came to Augustus.

"Doni is the UNN host who dares to tell the truth the most." Augustus spread his hands.

"Look at this again, he actually said that you are magnanimous and never hold grudges." Kerrigan sighed, lamenting that this guy became blind at a young age.

In front of the public, Augustus naturally tends to be perfect. After all, the people have no way of understanding that side of his daily life.

"Well, you probably can't find any bad news about me, at least not yet." Augustus looked at Kerrigan.

The Mengsk royal family, represented by Augustus, had almost no scandals. Apart from occasionally inviting local governors to ride vultures together, the emperor himself seemed to have no indecent hobbies.

"When you say that, does it prove that you search your name on news websites a hundred times a day?" Kerrigan glanced sideways at Augustus with her beautiful eyes.

"How could that happen?" Augustus shook his head. After all, Augustus was already the most famous figure in the empire.

I am not my own royal brainworm. I not only shamelessly self-publish brainworm movies and books with myself as the protagonist at my own expense, but I also always maintain high-intensity self-search on the Internet. Unfortunately, it can only respond angrily to those comments that say, "This brainworm is so cute."

After thinking about it, Augustus didn't argue any more, and instead stood up and hugged Kerrigan, finally blocking her mouth.

"Ugh!" Kerrigan was really not angry. Otherwise, with her incredible spiritual power, she could have kept talking in Augustus's mind with her mind.

Even though less than half of the transformation process has been completed, Kerrigan's psychic power has completely gotten rid of the shackles of humans after being baptized in the original splitting pool. The original catalyst fluid did not leave many traces of zerg on Kerrigan's body, but her green eyes had been completely transformed into a magnificent purple, shining with a charming luster like gems.

"Huh?" Louise, who was sitting in the middle, was dozing off. Her head was nodding. Even though she was confused, she was also slapped by her stupid old father. A pair of big cold gray eyes stared around fiercely. .

Because he volunteered to take care of his little sister, Louis basically didn't sleep well yesterday. For the first time, he realized that there may not be many children as obedient as him. Thinking that Aunt Lisa may have another younger sibling in the future, the situation has become more and more serious.

Last year, Augustus and Kerrigan's second daughter was born. After careful consideration by the family, she was eventually named Charlotte Catherine Mengsk.

The little princess also has powerful psychic talents, but she is much weaker than her elder sister, and can only barely reach level eight. It was obvious that Augustus' genes must have been holding him back.

At this time, the Stillling Military Academy finally arrived, with its campus surrounded by greenery.

There is a huge black cross monument in front of the Stillling Military Academy. It was built to commemorate the Battle of Tiberus System three years ago. Every year, a large number of veterans return here to pay tribute to their fallen comrades. bouquet of flowers.

It was customary for Augustus to hand over flowers whenever he passed by, and his future successors must continue this tradition.

The main entrance of the college is heavily guarded, and the sentries in crisp uniforms are all new junior students. Their open hard-collared coats look both handsome and fashionable.

Everyone here knew Augustus, and he, Kerrigan and others who were accompanying him were quickly welcomed into the square where the graduation ceremony was about to be held.

But when he found Valerian and was about to walk over, he saw Tychus Finlay talking to him shoulder to shoulder. For a moment, Emperor Augustus' eyes immediately became sharp.

"Come, let your uncle Tychus be healthy." Tychus chuckled and put his arm around Valerian's shoulders.

"Don't ask your nephew to borrow money." Renault solemnly reminded his old friend.

"Haha." Tychus smiled so much that his mouth widened, obviously he was very proud of himself recently:

"Boy, I will take you to eat some meat today."

These two uncles were the founding generals who followed his uncle Augustus to conquer the empire. They were like brothers to the emperor. Of course they were elders in Valerian's position.

Naturally, Valerian didn't dare to say anything to Tychus, but if he didn't shirk, this guy would really be able to take his juniors to have fun.

"Tychus!" Augustus shouted.

When Tychus heard his voice, he immediately dwarfed and ran away in despair. He didn't know what trouble he had caused recently: "I have something else to do, you guys talk first!"

"Uncle Augustus, you are really here." Even though he was twenty-one years old, the beautiful blond Valerian was still as surprised as a child when he saw Augustus.

"Congratulations to you, future heroes of the empire." Augustus shook hands with several officer academy cadets around Valerian one by one.

These young students are all good friends of Valerian and can be friends with the prince. They are also a very outstanding group of people in the academy. Augustus remembered the man named Istel Foss. This young man from the countryside was among the best in a college where talented people were born.

Augustus then began his speech at the graduation ceremony.

"Today is a special day for everyone. This college should be proud because it has always been providing the brightest and best talents to the empire." He said: "This is the most magnificent era in the history of Koprulu , it is the age of heroes. The threat of the zerg is still imminent, and the Tal'darim protoss are still harassing our new colony in the Sigma Sector."

"You will be the voice of the Tyranid Empire, bringing law, prosperity, and peace back to this land."

"Congratulations, second lieutenants, may you serve with honor. I am proud of you."

"The era belongs to you."

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