StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 669 Tychus is indifferent

"Stand at attention and look up!"

After Emperor Augustus finished speaking, Admiral Jim Raynor, the president of the Stillling Military Academy, began his speech:

"My young ensigns, I have to say I am proud of what each of you has accomplished."

"After today, once you are summoned, you will set off to where you are most needed in the Tyranid Empire." He said: "No matter where our army is, whether it is in the lava-tumbling Char or the frozen Black. Sith, whether your enemy is the ravenous zerg or the evil Tal'darim protoss."

"Follow your duties."

"Only by uniting as one can we overcome difficulties. You represent the glorious vision of Emperor Augustus to create an era of peace and prosperity."

"The great Imperial Marines are waiting for you"

"Now, congratulations again."


At the graduation ceremony, young men and women threw their flat caps into the air and ran to hug their families who had been waiting outside the venue for a long time. Many people could not help but cry with joy. The cruel elimination rate of the Stillling Officer Academy is frightening. The empire established this academy to cultivate outstanding elite soldiers.

As top students who graduated from the Tyran Empire's First Military Academy, they will surely be the future stars of the Imperial Marines, with an unlimited future.

For those students who come from ordinary families or even refugees, being able to become an imperial officer is undoubtedly a leap in class and status. From now on, their destiny will undergo earth-shaking changes. Some will become famous, while others will be buried in other places.

In this dark age, no one can stay away.

As Renault said, after graduation, they will set off to the Tyran Empire's military stations in various worlds. Some of them will also board the empire's fleet cruising in the vast star field and lead the Marine Corps detachment on it.

The empire's territory spans three star sectors: the Koprulu Sector, the Sigma Sector, and the Delta Quadrant Sector. There are more than 1,500 planets separated by tens of thousands of light years. These people today will surely be scattered in various distant worlds in the future, just like the stars scattered in the night sky.

Frequent wars mean more opportunities for promotion for soldiers. For students who graduate from Stillling Military Academy, promotion will become easy as long as they get one or two medals. After all, the empire will not put Valuable talent is wasted on basic positions.

But opportunities and risks coexist, and they face a terrifying enemy that is unique in the entire history of mankind. In order to win the Terran homeland for human survival from the vicious enemy, countless people will continue to set foot on the battlefield of StarCraft in the future.

On that battlefield far, far away, their flesh and blood will turn into mud, and their eyes staring at the sky will turn into ponds filled with rainwater.

A hundred years later, no one will remember them anymore.

"I think back then, we walked out of Turasis II Recruit Training Camp like this." Today, Renault is wearing a blue-black Imperial Marine Corps admiral's dress, with five gold-plated uniform buttons on the front, white gloves and black leather shoes, and black leather shoes on the back. He also wore a navy blue cloak with a red lining and a black velvet collar, which made him look imposing.

When he came down from the podium, his cloak was rustling, so majestic.

Augustus glanced at Renault and felt that his general style was natural. Coupled with the standard Marsala tough guy image, wearing this suit can be said to be full of majesty.

Tychus also wore an Imperial Marine officer's uniform, but he only wore it for a few minutes before he couldn't help but scratch his butt and touch his crotch.

Back then, they were just young boys from a rural planet. In Turasis's recruit training camp, there were a lot of such people, and it was not unusual at all. Renault's father knew that his son would become a hero. He just lacked a leader, but he never imagined that he would achieve what he does today.

Come to think of it, following the right boss is still very useful.

"Yes." Augustus heard this and began to recall what happened more than ten years ago: "After the graduation ceremony of the recruit camp, we ran to town to drink a few bottles of beer, but we were involved in the Marine Corps During the fight with the fleet soldiers, the commotion finally got louder and the military police were attracted."

"Come on, tell these marines about the rules here." Kerrigan imitated the fleet soldiers' favorite words, imitating them perfectly in both manner and tone.

"We had no choice. We drove away in the gendarmerie's Vulture car, possibly followed by a battalion of gendarmerie." Augustus chuckled and said, "Unfortunately, their driving skills are really terrible."

This may be the talent of the Mengsk family. They are kings wherever they go. Augustus went from being a child king in kindergarten to becoming the emperor of the Tyranids.

"Hahahaha." Renault laughed a few times, as if he thought of something and couldn't laugh anymore.

Now the conditions and starting points of these young officers who came out of the Stillling Officer Academy are much better than they were at the beginning, but how many of them can survive until the war is truly over.

Many of those who came out of the Turasis boot camp have not survived until now. The Union War, the Contact War, the Brood War, and the Second Total War were like waves washing away the sand, washing away too many people.

Reno's neighbor's boy, Tom O'Mo, is still buried near the old house. Now there is a larger monument there to commemorate the Shiloh people who died fighting for the Tyran Empire in the previous wars.

It's very cruel. Some people died at the beginning of the war, and some people survived to the end. As long as they lasted a day or two, they could see their loved ones, but they were not able to go back in the end.

"You thought of Tom again?" Augustus also thought of him.

"Yes." Renault sighed, feeling relieved for a long time: "The last time I went back there, Tom's parents had already moved away. I heard that they didn't want to stay in this sad place. "

"Tom's death was not their fault. At that time, the federal government had driven hard-working farmers to desperation. The fields were deserted and unemployed people were everywhere. We had just graduated from high school when the federal military recruiters rang. The doors of every house.”

"At that time, a lot of people were choosing to join the military. Tom was just unlucky, and we've seen a lot of unlucky people."

"." Augustus shook his head and said: "How is Shiloh developing now? Although I often pay attention to it, I have never had time to go there."

"The changes have been really big. I almost thought I had landed at the wrong stop." Reno was deeply moved: "You know, there are fields everywhere, and green crops are growing in the fields. The food produced on Shiloh land , enough to feed the entire population of Tarsonis."

Things have changed, and the last time Renault returned to his home planet on Shiloh, he was almost unrecognizable.

Town of Centerville - It would be better to say that the town of Centerville is now well-known as the hometown of heroes. The most conspicuous places in the city stand with brownstone statues of Imperial Marines and farmers fighting side by side. Those were all those who followed Korhal. It was built by those who had left Shiloh after the Revolutionary Army returned to their hometown.

Renault could intuitively feel the huge changes in Shiloh. In the old federal era, the farmers who had gone bankrupt due to exorbitant taxes and high-pressure policies could no longer even afford to buy seeds, and had no choice but to waste precious land. , and now, it is all fertile land.

The people of Shiloh are proud to have staunchly supported Emperor Augustus from the Civil War to the present day, and now the planet and its people have been rewarded, making great economic strides as the Empire's primary agricultural world. , the land that was difficult to develop due to soil quality problems became thousands of miles of fertile wilderness with the help of the empire's terraforming plan.

With the economic recovery and great progress in food and medical care, the population of Shiloh has expanded rapidly, exceeding the pre-war scale. The new generation of Shiloh people has long been ready to once again contribute to the empire and the country like their ancestors. The emperor prepares to fight.

Just like a dozen years ago, the new generation of Shiloh people are all down-to-earth farmers, and there is no longer a domineering federal government over their heads.

Facts have proved that Emperor Augustus will never treat the world loyal to the empire badly.

At this time, both Augustus and Renault had already walked to the podium, including Valerian, who was also among the graduating students. All the royal members present came over, and Renault's family was among them.

Reno's son John is already thirteen years old. Unfortunately, Reno, who leads the army all year round, missed most of his only son's childhood.

This little slug that used to always follow Valerian's butt has grown a lot, and is very similar to the young Raynor, but a little quieter.

John Raynor is extremely talented and possesses extremely strong psychic talents. He did not choose to become a ghost agent, but wanted to serve as a psychic censor for the Empire.

This is a very special and rare but very important profession in the administrative system of the Tyranid Empire. It is held by telepaths who have learned to strengthen their telepathic abilities since childhood and specialize in mind reading. They serve as an auxiliary to the imperial prosecutorial procedures and counter-intelligence agencies.

It is said that even the most thoughtful people cannot escape the eyes of the censors.

"Your Majesty, General." Valerian saluted Augustus and Renault with soldier's etiquette.

This handsome and extraordinary Mengsk has sharp eyes like his father and a soft face like his mother.

Since Valerian was not the emperor's first heir, he did not suffer from any arrogance, nor did he feel that his status was very noble, so he appeared humble and polite.

However, in the eyes of these old guys in the empire, Valerian is sometimes too confident in his abilities and has not fully estimated the dangers of the world.

"You have grown up, Valerian." When Augustus hugged Valerian, he discovered that the thin boy with a weak personality already had a pair of broad and strong shoulders.

"Finally, you chose the path you want to take."

"At his age, I was already a captain in the Federal Marine Corps." Arcturus was a strict father, and he did not want his son to be too proud. Compared with what his fathers had achieved, he was only just getting started.

The most indispensable thing in the empire is generals who can conquer and fight well, and they will not look down upon Valerian because of his royal status.

"Well done, Xiao Val." Renault patted his shoulder and reminded him in a low voice: "Remember, you can trust your Uncle Tychus on the battlefield in the future. At other times, a word he said will not matter. Don’t believe it.”

Tychus is also an indifferent guy. Last time he somehow managed to sneak into Stillling Military Academy and abducted Prince Valerian, calling him uncle to take you to see good things.

Then, Tychus went to the largest nightclub in Augustgrad and booked all the beauties to enjoy himself behind closed doors. However, he only ordered a soda for Valerian and pointed to the holographic TV and said that in the UNN news That sweet and lovely female host is pretty good, just watch it first.

Valerian watched for a while and felt that what Uncle Tychus said made sense. In the end, for some reason, a group of thugs in suits rushed out and told Valerian that the Tychus had run away and asked Valerian to buy the order.

This incident made Princess Juliana cry with anger. Even the well-informed Prince Arcturus had nothing to say, scolding his son for being hopelessly stupid, and even Tychus dared to believe it.

"Oh." Valerian already knew that Tychus was a villain, so he naturally didn't need to be reminded.

In comparison, Jim Raynor is much more honest.

Although Uncle Jim always liked to show off his superb shooting skills, boasting that he had never missed a target since the first time he peed.

"Where are you going to serve?" Augustus asked Valerian.

In the east, although the insect swarm that was defeated in the Tiberus system three years ago has not invaded the imperial border in large numbers, there are still many small insect nests that occasionally invade the imperial world. Recently, zerg figures have appeared more and more frequently, and there are even reports of the appearance of large insect nests.

In the Westerlands, the primitive zerg have taken root and recuperated between the Tal'darim protoss and the Tyranids. Due to their aggressive nature and instinct to pursue powerful essences, they are always in conflict with the Tal'darim and humans.

Fortunately, the primitive zerg looked down upon the best of humanity at all, and did not initiate large-scale wars. ——Although they still have not given up absorbing the essence of mechas and battleships.

In the Sigma sector that the Northern Empire had just opened, the empire's new colonies were also in constant conflict with the Tal'darin protoss there.

Even though the past three years are generally considered peaceful, the war has never stopped.

Although Valerian is the son of a prince, he refused to be assigned a leisurely position in the core world after graduating from the military academy, and instead decided to go to the front line.

"Go where the empire needs me most." Valerian said: "I know where the shortage of people is most, and that is the front line."

At this moment, the young man's body seemed to be shining.

"You have a heart of gold." Renault remembered that he had said the same thing to Tychus, but in terms of enlightenment, a hundred Tychus could not compare to the young man in front of him.

"Go find your friends." Augustus patted Valerian on the shoulder and pointed to several young students waiting for him in the distance: "In the future, you may not have so many opportunities to visit each other frequently. We met."

After Valerian left, Kerrigan grabbed Augustus's clothes and whispered: "Augustus, I noticed Zeratul's psychic fluctuations. Zeratul is here, and he is alone. .”

"I can feel it. He seems to be hurt."

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