StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 689 The clown is actually me

"And once Amon reshapes his incarnation in the universe, he will return again and bring ultimate darkness." Artanis heard this and thought of many things for a moment: "What Zeratul said is very important for the expedition to Amon." Er's plan blinds us to the real threat at hand."

The Daram Protoss were not ignorant of the changes in the void, but even so they still decided to recover Aiur first.

Because they have a golden fleet!

"I hope it's not too late." Augustus said in his heart that you finally understand, my treasure.

The Golden Fleet may have arrived at Ayr when they said this, and are now preparing to throw the hero probe Probis up to light a crystal tower.

"It can also be said that as long as Eamon's incarnation is killed, he will have to return to the void again." Renault held his chin, thoughtfully: "But how can we determine the location of that incarnation."

"It is not easy to create an incarnation that can contain the will of Xel'Naga, and it will be very fragile before it is completed." Zeratul guessed: "Aamon will definitely hide it under layers of mystery. "

"Selandis, I must inform my mentor Tassadar about this matter." Artanis thought that in the next two halls of revelation, they are likely to discover more truths that would surprise the protoss clan. I also started to get anxious.

There is no way to communicate with the outside world in the Otarian Rift, and in this distant world, if there is no spiritual connection with the spire, the transmission of messages will be delayed for many days.

"Don't worry, maybe Eamon will tell us himself." Augustus couldn't help but smile.

Now Augustus is really not sure where the body of Aemon's incarnation of the evil god is located, because it turned out to be a super hybrid created from the huge residual body left after the death of Lord Al and the flesh and blood of countless stars. .

In this timeline, the master's body has long been evaporated by the powerful twilight energy.

But since all signs indicate that Amon's will is returning to the real universe, he must have used other methods to shape his incarnation.

Eamon, who considers himself a god, is so arrogant. The incarnation he wants to create must be the most powerful body in the entire universe, and there is no room for settling for second best.

"Amon will tell us himself? Then he is either an arrogant maniac or an idiot." Tychus listened for a long time.

"Maybe he's both an egomaniac and an idiot," Renault said.

"But no matter what, at least we have learned how to deal with Amon." Augustus concluded: "As long as we can find and destroy Amon's incarnation, he will be forced to return to the void."

On the other side, Artanis, Zeratul, and Koralion also agreed.

"Yes, but I have known it for a long time." The yawning brainworm squatting on top of Dehaka interjected at the right time to maintain his image as the great lord of the swarm: "You can know this kind of thing even without looking. .”

"This is only the first Hall of Revelation, and there are more secrets waiting for us to uncover. I suspect that Eamon's minions came just to destroy the Hall of Revelation to cover up the truth - we must act as soon as possible, "Augustus glanced at the arrogant brainworm and said nothing.

It understands so well.

As he became increasingly worried that Zeratul's doomsday prophecy was about to come true, Artanis then led the Dallam Protoss as the vanguard to the second Hall of Revelation.

Augustus and Coralion exchanged opinions alone. The Tyranid Empire and the Purifier troops joined forces, closely following the Durham troops while always keeping a certain distance.

At the same time, Dehaka's Primordial Zerg and Cerebrate Alpha's Cerberus Zerg troops also joined the Imperial forces to act as reconnaissance troops or support flanks.

As we get closer to the depths of the Guiyi Temple, the road becomes wider and wider, with countless majestic walls and temples pointing to the sky extending infinitely to both sides. Augustus realized that they were climbing up a sloping road that was undoubtedly the Stairs to the Gods.

Deep in the Temple of Unity, their battles with Amon's minions became more frequent, and rare hybrid beasts also appeared in pairs, with a terrifying momentum.

But in general, the wide terrain is quite beneficial to the protoss and human coalition forces, as they will not be dragged into a small and closed battlefield. Amon's army also had fierce conflicts with the structures guarding the temple. Obviously, the dark god cannot control the divine institutions in Urna.

Even so, the vanguard of the Durham Protoss troops, led by Artanis, never slowed down their advance. The news in the first Hall of Apocalypse gave them a sense of mission to save their people from danger, which made them high-spirited and motivated to fight.

Augustus also followed his troops forward quickly, and from time to time he would check with Renault on the status of each unit.

At this time, they had been marching in the winding corridors of the Guiyi Temple for more than two hours. Even with the assistance of the power armor servo system, Augustus really felt tired. Fortunately, during the years when Augustgrad was in power, he did not indulge in sensuality and relax his demands on himself.

Guided by glory and fury, Artanis's Dalam protoss almost wiped out most of the enemies on the way forward, and the remaining remaining troops were not enough to pose a threat to the elite Royal Guards.

But twice, the enemy came close to breaking through the Royal Guard's defenses, once by a huge hybrid, and once by a powerful Tal'darim Ascendant, both of whom brought some to Augustus' guards. Casualties, but still killed by determined Imperial soldiers.

The situation at that time was quite critical. When multiple Goliath armed robots standing behind Augustus opened fire at the incoming enemy, the shells almost rumbled over his head.

The original zerg and Cerberus zerg also proved their combat effectiveness and obedience, which was almost unimaginable before. This should be attributed to the patient "training" of Queen Kerrigan.

By the time Augustus saw the triangular spire of the second Hall of Revelation, the Dallam Protoss had already exchanged fire with the Tal'darin Protoss army that met in a narrow road. But by the time the human and Purifier armies arrived, the Tal'darin protoss had basically been wiped out, and the arrival of reinforcements only accelerated their defeat.

This makes sense, after all, Artanis leads the Protoss Empire warriors from the Golden Age on the Spear of Adun. All of them are Templars among Templars, one in a million. .

As for this Tal'darin protoss force, it looks more like a weak brigade selected because "I want to eliminate the weakest group of warriors under my command." The most powerful Tal'darin have gathered in the Slane Death Fleet, preparing to bring destruction in the name of the Dark God.

No matter what, whether Amon wants to destroy the Hall of Revelation before Augustus and others learn the truth, or to occupy Urna, he may not be able to do so.

In the third hour after entering the Temple of Unity, the road leading to the second Hall of Revelation was completely cleared. Under this magnificent pyramid-shaped monolithic building was filled with the remains of Tal'darim and Duram war machinery.

As Augustus passed through the huge square in front of the Hall of Revelation, the Purifiers and Royal Guards were still clearing away the remaining hybrids and Tal'darim.

In front of him was a heavily damaged Tal'darin Vanguard mecha. Its walking legs had been completely destroyed and the cockpit had been penetrated. The mangled pilot's body was still lingering.

The Vanguard Mecha is the Tal'darin Protoss version of the Immortal Mecha, but unlike the latter, the pilots of the Tal'darin Vanguard are not glorious warriors, but sinners who have experienced failure and humiliation. Also at the bottom of the chain.

"The Death Fleet will destroy you!" The Tal'darin protoss in the vanguard mecha cursed, and the hoarse and harsh mental language sounded as if it was coming from a throat that was coughing up blood: "Marash! Witness my Redemption!"

As he wished, a Royal Guard soldier holding a CPO-7 Salamander flamethrower purified him with flames without expression, and the nutrient solution in the cockpit turned into a ball of blue steam.

"Eamon should really send some decent characters here, otherwise I will defeat its slaves here." Royal Cerebrate Alpha laughed twice, and several springtails with neon lights on their heads were eliminated three times and five times. The ground tore apart a thrown Tal'darin Death Apostle.

"It seems like you didn't do much at all." Tychus looked at the brain worm above Dehaka's head, thinking about when these two worms became so good.

"Fart, my efforts are definitely worthy of the food in the palace." Brainworm said a lot of swear words.

"You have trained these zerg very well." As the commander, Renault has been paying attention to the battle situation, and only then did he have the energy to say a few words to this brain worm.

With the first domesticated Cerebrate, the Tyranid Empire can use it to reclaim ownerless insect nests that are in a wild state, which is a hugely profitable business.

Now, this brain worm has become a powerful primitive brain worm. It can evolve in time without genetic modification. It can not only control huge swarms of insects, but also strengthen itself by absorbing the essence. It can be regarded as a mini version of the primitive blade. Queen.

Compared to other brainworms, even though it is still weak, its body cannot be called fragile.

"Of course." The brainworm showed an expression that even if you praise me, I won't be proud, and summoned a huge devourer springtail.

"Show him your hands."

"Turn around!"

"sit down!"


Somehow, the springtail actually did as he was told, acting loyal and obedient.

"You really treat a springtail like a dog. Hey, let go, you bedbug!" Tychus chuckled and waved to the happy springtail. He was bitten hard on his butt. A large piece of his armor was deflated.

"Go to the second Hall of Revelation, Artanis is waiting for us to open it." Augustus waved his hand, and Tychus and the Cerebrate had to obey.

The second Hall of Revelation is identical to the first, with its majestic temple towering beneath huge suspended columns carved with vivid cartouches and frescoes. When it was turned on, a brilliant scene appeared before Augustus' eyes, as if stars were shining and flowers were blooming.

But Augustus still couldn't understand the picture shown in the Hall of Revelation.

"What did you see?" Augustus noticed that the blazing blue psychic flames in Artanis's eyes suddenly surged at this moment, which was a manifestation of the violent fluctuations in the emotions of the protoss.

Of course, this was what Augustus expected.

"It was here, in Urna, that the Xel'Naga began to sow life into this universe. They created us, just as they brought life to countless other universes. Each time, they would observe and select A race with potential in future generations. But never interfere." Artanis read the above revelation:

"In the endless reincarnation, two races will appear every time. One has a pure essence-that is, an unyielding spirit that can adapt to changes. The other has a pure form-can carry huge spiritual energy, enough to Contains the essence of the Xel'Naga."

At this point, the truth has been revealed. Perhaps only two races with pure essence and pure form came to Urna at the same time to open the Hall of Revelation, which should have been directed to the zerg and protoss.

In a sense, humans and protoss can be regarded as pure forms, that is, races with powerful psychic abilities, but the former has very few powerful psychic individuals. The pure essence should point to the zerg, referring to the unyielding spirit that can adapt to change.

"Aden is on top!" It was extremely rare that Zeratul on the other side also showed violent mood swings.

"Old friend." Augustus knew why Zeratul was so excited: "This is different from what you said before."

Although Zeratul had mentioned before that the Xel'Naga would select two races as his successors, his words made it clear that the Xel'Naga would go on to guide and transform the races they selected.

But in fact, the Xel'Naga would not do that at all.

So, what was the Xel'Naga that came to El and Zerus in the first place?

"Since the Xel'Naga never interfere." Zeratul muttered to himself.

"Then Amon must have evolved our people." Artanis took over Zeratul's words and said, "We always thought it was the Xel'Naga, but everything was a lie."


Poor Artanis.

Along the way, Artanis has suffered heavy blows one after another. Now that his faith has collapsed, he is almost doubting his life.

"The eldest son of a god? How ironic." Tychus smacked his lips.

"Ha-ha-" The brainworm was stunned for a moment, and then the terrifying giant mouth grinned to the back of its non-existent neck.

"You two, stop gloating about others' misfortunes." Renault scolded Lezi and Lezichong in a low voice: "Stop saying a few words!"

"If the Xel'Naga has always been Eamon, that means the Kedarin Crystal was also left behind by him." Augustus knew that if he wanted to do Artanis' good, he should add more fire at this time.

He meant to remind Artanis not to forget what your current civilization is built on.

Kedarin Crystal, Psychic Matrix, Kara.

The energy source used by the cities and battleships of the Protoss Empire is Kedarin Crystal, and the solar energy fragments they developed themselves have long been eliminated because they are not as stable as the former.

The most important thing is that the Great Kass also created the spiritual network - Kara based on a piece of Kedarin crystal to connect the emotions and thoughts of all the protoss.

The protoss created the cornerstone of this universal empire, but it was left behind by the god of darkness, Amon.

Do you dare to use it?

The reason I didn't update in the past two days is because I had trouble sleeping again and basically didn't sleep much. It's not a plot problem.

Mainly because something happened at that time and my mood fluctuated greatly, but now I feel fine.

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