StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 690 You have to pick out F2 to become stronger

"If it was Eamon who left those Kedarin crystals in Aiur - that would be appalling."

Artanis' eyes shining with blue flames suddenly enlarged, and spots appeared on the skin under the white robe. This is an expression of extreme horror in the hearts of the stars, so much so that they even get goosebumps.

The civilization of the protoss is based on the understanding and use of Kedarin crystals. In terms of their understanding of Kedarin crystals, how can they compare to the Xel'Naga who left these crystals behind.

If the Xel'Naga who once promoted the protoss was Amon, then he must know better than the protoss how to use these Kedarin crystals.

In this era, the influence of the Kedarin Crystal has spread across all aspects of the protoss civilization. The buildings, machinery, and a considerable number of spaceships of the protoss also rely on the energy drive provided by the psychic matrix, and the psychic matrix is ​​based on the Kedarin Crystal. .

But the Kedarin crystal was not created by the protoss.

"Kara—" The executive Selendis beside Artanis seemed to let out a scream. The scream was so weird that it seemed to her that it didn't come from him.

The significance of the Kedarin Crystal to the Protoss Empire goes deep into the social structure level, and is by no means the cornerstone of technology.

Speaking of Kedarin crystal, we have to mention the birth of Kara.

The meaning of Kedarin crystal in the protoss Kalani language is spiritual amplification, because this magical crystal can strengthen psychic energy, awaken and amplify the innate spiritual connection of the protoss.

It was with the help of the Kedarin Crystal that Kass created what is now Kara - a great connection that connects the emotions and thoughts of all the protoss, ending the era of endless catastrophes between tribes and tribes, and also the world of the protoss empire. The beginning of an era.

Kara is the one who unites all the stars, so that there are no more differences, conflicts and wars between them, because they are each other.




Without Kara, there would be no Protoss Empire that prospered later.

The protoss in the protoss empire can never imagine a life without Kara, because since their birth, they have been accompanied by the blending and collision of countless emotional currents in the spiritual network. This comes from direct communication of ideas, far more than poor expression in words or body movements.

Losing Kara meant eternal loneliness, and loneliness was intolerable to them.

"History tells us that it was the great Kas who discovered and named the Kedarin crystals, and then used them to create Kara." Artanis admitted, even after reading the voice of revelation in the Second Hall of Revelation over and over again, Without Augustus's reminder, it would be difficult, or in other words, unwilling for him to think about the possible hidden dangers in Kara.

Both the Protoss' splendid civilization and Kara itself seem to be built on dangerous walls.

But Kara is pure and spotless, sacred and cannot be profaned. How could something go wrong with it? How could something go wrong with it? It absolutely cannot go wrong!

The ancestors of the Dark Templar were brutally suppressed and purged as heretics and apostates simply because they were unwilling to join the Kara, which shows Kara's status in the Protoss Empire. It is precisely because the Supreme Council believes that losing Kara will definitely lead to another split among the protoss.

Artanis did not notice that there was a dryness in his spiritual language at this time: "Even in the most critical moment of the Protoss Empire, Kara has never abandoned our people."

In other words, if even Kara betrayed the Firstborn Son of God, what else would they have?

This information is so explosive.

If Augustus had bluntly stated that Kara had huge hidden dangers before opening this hall of revelation but could not provide any substantive evidence, the friendship that has been established for many years may not be able to withstand the test.

This would be seen as an insult - joking about Kara would be seen as disrespectful to the protoss, or at the very least, disrespectful.

Among the protoss present, not only Artanis and Selendis were extremely shocked, but even Zeratul was speechless for a moment. The Dark Templar refused to join Kara only because they were worried about losing themselves, not because they found there was something wrong with Kara.

"You're too naive! Artanis!" Unexpectedly, the first person to speak out was not Augustus or Zeratul, but a brainworm who was only a teenager in the strict sense: "Since Eamon used the Lord The hive mind and telepathic link controlled the primal zerg, why couldn't he use something similar to control the protoss?"

Augustus praised the brainworm in his heart: "Even a brainworm understands this truth."

"." Brainworm opened his mouth, and when he saw Augustus glaring at him, he could only hold back the words "You look down on me."

"Augustus, this news is too shocking for us, and it is difficult to calm down." Artanis felt a painful emotional turbulence in Kara, and none of the Templars who witnessed it were willing to accept it. This fact even seems to be an error in interpretation.

At this moment, the dazed Artanis couldn't help but think that if only Tassadar were here, he would know what to do.

Maybe Kara was not Eamon's tool to control the eldest son of God, but since the Kedarin crystal was left by Eamon, even if he had acted as a tamper, it was still obvious to the protoss that they didn't even notice it. ?

Until now, this remains just speculation.

Kara's vast spiritual ocean is still pure and flawless, and even the supreme protector Rohana has not noticed anything strange. But no one dares to say that they understand every detail in Kara. It contains too many thoughts of the stars, and those who are not determined will even get lost in it.

As powerful as Aemon, he might be able to twist Kara just as he twisted the void.

Do they really know Kara well enough?

But it is absolutely impossible to abandon Kara just because of this.

There is usually only one way to permanently sever the connection between Kara and Kara, and that is to cut off the hair-like bundles of nerves at the back of the head like the Dark Templars of the Nerazim Protoss.

But leaving aside whether Artanis and others can accept this deviant approach, the nerve bundle is an innate organ for the protoss, just like the human nose and ears. To put it more seriously, the nerve bundle is an innate organ. , that is no less than cutting off one's own foot.

"If you want to put aside Kara and talk about your clan, it is simply boiling water and making ice." Zeratul whispered: "Now it seems that this may be both a blessing and a curse."

Zeratul hasn't made it clear yet. He actually wants to say that our clan is just too dependent on Kara. In fact, even without Kara, you can still touch and feel each other.

But considering his status as a Dark Templar, that's hard to say.

Within the Durham Protoss, perhaps the Templars would naturally and objectively talk about Kara with the Dark Templar, but they would never allow the other party to "insult" it.

"It seems that your Creator still owes us many answers." Augustus did not expect that this alone would allow people like Artanis to personally cut off the connection with Kara, but at least it gave them a reminder and left them Be mentally prepared.

At this time, there was no need for Augustus to persuade Artanis to cut off his connection with Kara, because even then the possibility of success was low.

Even if Artanis was willing to believe Augustus, his men would not accept it.

If the Supreme Council were still there, this would be a full-blown heresy and would be sent to see Arden.

"The last Hall of Revelation is waiting for us. After that, maybe we can see the Xel'Naga."

It is precisely because Kara connects the thoughts and emotions of all the protoss that once something goes wrong, it will definitely be an unprecedented disaster. This is also a complete collapse of faith, and the blow to the Protoss clan may be even greater than the fall of El.

In other words, even if you just suspect that Kara may have a flaw, you must not make it public, otherwise it will definitely bring unprecedented panic.

Unless Amon really shows the ability to control Kara, the protoss would rather die than give up on Kara.

"Okay." Artanis had a lot on his mind and had nothing to say. He could lie to himself and say that this was just unfounded worries, but his heart still felt numb.

"No problem." Kororarion also immediately expressed his position, saying that we listen to you.

At the moment, Augustus is also taking on the responsibility of a leader, to twist these people together. Durham and the Purifier Star Spirits are inseparable in appearance and wary of each other. Only his words are what they are willing to listen to.

Immediately, Artanis once again led the Dallam protoss to take the lead towards the last hall of revelation, while the Tyranid Empire and the Purifier army still followed behind.

At this time, the mentality of the three parties has undergone certain changes. Artanis is eager to find the truth, while Augustus is always on guard against them being controlled by Eamon.

If Artanis discovers that there is a problem with Kara, Aamon may take control of Kara in advance.

As for the Purifier Protoss, perhaps no one except Augustus knows what they are thinking. Artanis's Dallam protoss may still want to have a good relationship with the Purifiers, but they will basically only get a bad rap.

Although everyone has their own thoughts, the speed of advancement has not slowed down.

As we go deeper and deeper, there are more and more magnificent and gorgeous buildings in the Guiyi Temple. Beautiful swirling patterns are all over the giant stone pillars like towering trees, as natural and beautiful as the veins on the leaves. Sometimes they have to cross the majestic stone bridge spanning the two lost cities of Xel'Naga. Under the stone bridge is the abyss.

Huge giant-like statues stood on both sides of the road, and giant spear-like crystals of various colors were inserted diagonally on both sides of the road, as if they were spears of light falling from the sky.

Urna is the beginning of life, the starting point of the universe, and everything seems to contain life.

Along the way, Augustus encountered more hybrids than he had ever encountered before. At this time, the intention of Aemon's minions was already obvious, which was to destroy the third Hall of Revelation before Augustus arrived.

Surrounding the huge courtyard and corridor outside the third Hall of Revelation, the battle was particularly fierce. The Tyranid Empire, Purifiers and Durham fleets that occupied the high-altitude orbit of Urna directly penetrated the Guiyi Temple and attacked directly. A large number of reinforcements were sent to this place.

With an absolute disadvantage in both numbers and firepower, the hybrid troops were quickly repelled. The ground was covered with tragic traces of the battle, and puffs of black smoke obscured the sky. Thousands of human beings The Protoss and Protoss armies have taken control of most areas of the Guiyi Temple.

But Artanis noticed that no matter how many troops Dallam sent, the Terran Empire and Purifiers tripled their numbers.

But if humans and Purifiers are preparing to compete with Dallam for control of Urna, Artanis believes that with the character of Augustus and Coralion, they will never do that.

If that were the case, Augustus would not have to tell Durham the coordinates of Urna, the star spirit at all.

"The Third Hall of Revelation." When Augustus arrived in front of this huge altar, both the Tyranid Empire and the Purifiers had deployed at least nine legions with over ten thousand people to the place.

When the third Hall of Revelation opened, Zeratul read the Xel'Naga's revelations on behalf of the depressed Dallam protoss:

"The Xel'Naga are in front of us. In the Palace of Ascension, they will wake up when the two destined races come. And the elders among them will sacrifice their lives to inject their essence into the new ones."

"And the pure essence and pure form will be reborn as Xel'Naga, the guardian of endless reincarnation."

"Essence!" Dehaka couldn't understand the mural on the Hall of Revelation, but he still keenly grasped the key words in Zeratul's words:

"Where is the essence?"

"Perhaps this is how the Xel'Naga continue their race." Augustus looked at Artanis and Zeratul and said, "In other words, there must be two races among us who will inherit the Xel'Naga." power to become the new creator.”

"But after that, what should they do - restart the universe again and enter the next reincarnation?" Renault said: "But what the hell is going on? Don't they let us continue to live our lives?"

"So, we are just a tool for the Xel'Naga to reproduce life." Tychus cursed: "Fuck, is it none of my business whether we live or not?"

"In other words, I will become the new god?" Brainworm Abba Abba said two words, his eyes shining brightly.

"I'm afraid even then, you can't do whatever you want." Augustus looked at the brainworm: "You see, Xel'Naga has many rules to abide by."

"Even if you become the new Xel'Naga, I'm afraid you will also be the second Emon."

The naughty kid has become the Creator, I'm afraid he doesn't want to cause chaos.

And it didn't say that you wanted to become a Xel'naga. Augustus had the final say on this matter, and Aurus wouldn't be of any use.

Neither Augustus nor Tassadar will allow anyone who threatens humans and protoss to become the new Xel'Naga. If possible, it would be best not to even give birth to a new Xel'Naga.

They all know that Xel'Naga is by no means an omniscient and omnipotent god in the true sense, nor is he an omnipotent god, otherwise Amon would not have become so crazy.

"No, I will create a better world!" Cerebrate vowed: "A world where humans, protoss and zerg can all live in harmony!"

This was probably taught by the Queen of the Empire.

"Atanis, did you see it?" Augustus ignored it: "The Palace of Ascension is opening."

Behind the Third Hall of Revelation, an extremely spectacular temple has risen from the abyss, with dazzling light pouring onto the gorgeous high roof that perfectly follows the golden ratio. The space seems to overflow, and the forms of light and shadow become blurred. Sometimes it is brilliant, sometimes it reflects each other, and it is filled with a mysterious, crystal clear and extraordinary beauty.

"Yes." Artanis put away the many questions in his mind and walked towards the broad avenue filled with light that led to the Ascension Palace.

This is an opportunity that the protoss has been waiting for for thousands of years, an opportunity to see the creator Xel'Naga again.

Before the catastrophe of the ages, the gods once walked in Aiur.

Artanis must ask them why they allowed Aamon to do whatever he wanted.

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