StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 725 Scorched Earth

The train moved forward all the way, and outside the window was a peaceful and tranquil scenery. On the grass outside the New Richmond train station, there were large tracts of wild wolfberry flowers, which were blooming profusely and lovely.

Ahead was a vast, square-shaped field, and Istel could imagine how those plump wheat ears would eventually be dyed golden by autumn, bending the stalks. The best time of the year is always golden.

When it's time to harvest, the huge empty warehouses in New Richmond will be filled to the brim. The empire's agricultural subsidy policy is implemented very well and is very effective on planets like Heliok.

The long-lasting famine at the end of the old Federation era is still fresh in people's memories. The only memories of that era are endless wars, hunger and death.

On so many planets, so many farmers and private ranchers are on the verge of bankruptcy, far more people have died of starvation than have died in wars, and to this day there is still as much wasteland as could fit in I don’t know how many water oases there are.

Ister thought that of course the zerg and protoss could not understand why Emperor Augustus called on his people to diversify their lands, nor could they understand their love for their homeland.

New Richmond is left behind in the blink of an eye, and when the maglev train rolls over a section of the viaduct, a vast and beautiful water oasis becomes visible. This is exactly what they yearn for, a quiet and peaceful life.

Multiple roads criss-crossed below, and endless siege tanks, armored personnel carriers, and Hellfire chariots gathered into a long iron-gray dragon. Heavy trucks carrying Wolf Warrior walking mechas roared one after another. And passed.

Highly mobile mechanized troops can exert their greatest advantages in flat terrain. They can quickly break through and divide and surround the enemy, or provide strong support for infantry.

When the new recruits in Easter's platoon saw this scene, they would feel that they were invincible and seemed to be in high spirits. This is a good thing, and it is better than hiding in a corner and sobbing like a litter of unweaned kittens before going to the battlefield.

On the battlefield, only fear always accompanies you.

As the train moved faster and faster, the city of New Richmond was completely out of sight. This oasis is unusually vast and even has a grassland landscape that is home to large ten-foot-tall waterbirds and three-eyed predators.

These magical animals are obviously not ignorant of the coming disaster. They are galloping in groups on the grassland and even crash into moving armored vehicles in panic. Normally, only a terrible fire would create such a scene.

No matter what, the insect swarm is a living natural disaster, they are endless and eternal. For a long time, humans in the Koprulu sector have been facing threats from the insect swarm.

Those planets that could not protect themselves eventually perished without any suspense. The survivors migrated like a flock of migratory birds escaping from the harsh winter, no different from the animals in the water colonies.

At this time, the imperial soldiers in this carriage seemed very calm, either wiping and maintaining their electromagnetic rifles, or squinting their eyes and falling asleep. The veterans were much more calm about what was about to happen. They had also participated in the most tragic battle in the Koprulu sector.

In the communication channel, Sergeant Rhodes was still telling the recruits about their war in the Empire's storage world Brocas Hel. Seven fleets and more than two million soldiers participated in that battle. The enemy suddenly came through the wormhole. Sutur Hive launched a surprise attack.

Although the Empire was ultimately victorious and drove the invaders from Brochus Hel, the price they paid was enormous, even greater than that of the Swarm.

Hive Sutur's tactics are not very clever, but they are very effective. When the local defenders were unable to respond in time, the Sutur swarm broke through Brocas Hull's orbital defense system and occupied all military facilities and supply warehouses.

When the Imperial fleet arrived at Brocas Hel after hearing the news, Sutur's fleet in orbit chose to retreat immediately. By the time the fleet's commander, General Gustav, hurriedly dispatched his marines to prepare to retake this planet vital to the Empire, disaster struck.

The zerg did not use any jamming methods to disrupt the Imperial army's command communications, but the surviving Brochus defenders sent the wrong message to the fleet in orbit. They completely misjudged the number of zerg forces on the ground. Because the lurkers, cockroaches and poisonous baneling units that infiltrated underground did not attack.

This ruined the first batch of imperial troops that landed. One hundred thousand people were killed and wounded in less than an hour, with only a few thousand left. Another hundred thousand people were on the way, and they were all killed later.

At the same time, Sutur's Hive Fleet appeared again and struck back, leaving the Imperial fleet exhausted and unable to escape.

There was chaos in the imperial command channel, and the imperial soldiers on the ground were massacred, but General Gustav made a completely different judgment on the situation. He believed that there was still room for saving the battle on Brokas, and the landing troops Just being surrounded, there was still hope of rescue. Obviously, he couldn't bear to ignore the pleas for help on the ground and the screams filling the entire channel.

So, the remaining 300,000 people also set off in the airdrop pod.

In contrast, the Sutur swarm only paid a very small price. This was a horrific massacre.

Soldiers and officers who participated in that battle all admitted that the battle was fought very cowardly. They used to think that the swarm would be more inclined to win through numbers, but this was not the case.

After the battle, General Gustav was really to blame. The pain and regret made his spirit deteriorate, and soon there was news that he was seriously ill.

The reputation of this general, who had been loyal to Emperor Augustus since the days of the Revolutionary Army, was discredited. Rumors abounded in the army. Among them, the most popular was that Gustav was infected by zerg parasites and invaded his brain due to his personal style. Welcome, it is said that the personal doctor sent by the emperor later detected gonorrhea in his body.

Sergeant Rhodes, who was on this side, was already frothing and excited as he talked about it. He thought about several big dramas in his mind, and also talked about the conflict between several generals in the navy.

In fact, this statement is untenable. If Gustav has been controlled by the zerg, he can bring the fleet into the swarm.

Easter's platoon also participated in the battle of Brocas. They were lucky enough to not be among the 500,000 people who landed at the beginning, but they saw 500,000 corpses on the landing site.

The failure of this battle had a series of extremely serious consequences for the empire, which indirectly led to the retreat to Helioke.

Brokas Hel is also the Empire's largest logistics supply center in the star field. It stores a large amount of materials expected to be sent to the front line, including ammunition, gas fuel and food. The losses are so large that the Imperial army in the star field is unbearable. , the front-line troops were forced to fight under more unfavorable conditions.

Even the best army cannot continue fighting without supplies.

"I like it here, and I hope the water source will not be lost." Alexis comes from a place with little water. He is a native of the Shirok people. Most of his homeland is covered by barren land like the Sahara Desert. cover. There is no oasis like water source there.

"If we cannot defend here, then their next attack targets will be Ynoth and Venus, followed by Vadona and Velidia, who will eventually reach Korhal." Private Lin said : "We will fail miserably."

North is Lin's hometown, an ocean water world with a tropical style, beautiful and charming, with dotted islands located on the vast waters. That planet once belonged to the Protoss Empire in its heyday and was regarded as a holy land.

But when Lin's ancestors arrived in Noth, they found only seven castles and their ruins, inscribed with the prophecies of the Protoss Mad Prophet Khyar.

By the time the protoss of Daraam reiterated their territorial claims to the planet, the Terran humans had already colonized it. At that time, the Tyranid Empire and Daraaam were in their honeymoon period, and Noth was already far away from Saguras. Very far away, the matter was later resolved through diplomatic means.

This is mainly because the current rulers of the Durham Protoss are the Templar class. If they were the Arbitrator class, a holy war would be indispensable.

"It looks like this." Under the full-coverage helmet of the Marauder that shone like obsidian, William said absently:

"Humanity is going to perish, do whatever you want. Merciful God, we are going to be finished, who cares about human beings."

The Marauder armor is much stronger and taller than ordinary power armor, so William can only sit in the "privilege seat".

"We must fight to the last bullet. Even at the last moment, we must fight with bayonets, just like the Char Legion did in Xion." Rurik has participated in several battles, but he still looks like a passionate young man. So full of enthusiasm.

Rurik, who was born in Tarsonis and grew up in Umoyan, has a great sense of honor. Everyone in the Ister Platoon feels that he is an excellent candidate for the Royal Guard. Of course, this is not all praise.

"Boy, this won't be of much use. One person's courage cannot change the fate of all mankind." William said.

"With the courage of all mankind, we can defeat even God." Easter said.

"You always like to say nice things." William changed the topic: "Khar's coming is different. Augustus Mengsk can turn defeat into victory every time. I wonder what he has in mind this time."

"Of course he did," Middlebrook said. "Everyone knows that our battles at Grants, Tartarus, Brochus Hel, and here were part of the Imperial war plan."

"I think their plan is to 'implement a more flexible command strategy,' which usually means shooting a few shots and running away," William said.

Even after encountering several major setbacks, the Imperial Army still effectively blocked the advancement of the Golden Fleet and the Insect Swarm on many important battlefields. They deployed heavy troops in the sparsely populated star field to attract the firepower of the golden fleet and keep the protoss away from the hub world. Although the cost was staggering, the goal was finally achieved.

But they still cannot change the fact that they are constantly retreating. UNN reports good news but not bad news, but its defense line is retreating every day.

"Even if he really has a plan, he won't tell us these big-headed soldiers. The zerg will also spy on our intelligence." Easter said.

As I spoke, the train was still rumbling forward, and there were gradually more palm groves, and there were several hills on both sides of the railway track.

Compared with the active volcanoes of Red Rock Star, which are often several miles high, these are just inconspicuous hills. Even so, in the eyes of the locals, these are already remarkable mountains. Children born in New Richmond have never seen the vast ocean, and this colony is just a small island in the vast ocean that is proud of the water.

It's still calm ahead.

The calmer it was, the more uneasy Ister felt.

At this moment, in other areas of Heliok, the battle has already begun. Orbital firepower and airborne troops are clearing large hatcheries and germ clusters on the planet to curb the endless expansion of the insect swarm.

"As long as these bedbugs still live at this time, we will not be safe for a day." As Troy was saying, the moving train shuddered and stopped at a frightening speed.

Easter estimated that several cars were derailed.

"Open the door!"

William roared angrily and pushed open the door of the carriage. The Marines from Easter's platoon immediately rushed out with weapons in hand.

What they saw in front of them was an extremely chaotic scene. Several huge Nydus Worms were emerging from the ground, and many flying insect creatures with purple carapace appeared in the sky.

Zerg, they are extremely terrifying opponents. Since the end of the Battle of Tartarus, Ister's nightmares have never lacked the terrifying face of the Hydra Hydralisk.

The zerg plunder genes to modify themselves, replacing swords, guns, and armor with claws, biochemical weapons, and carapace. Humans will improve their weapons, while the swarm has its own "bioengineers" who replace military engineering upgrades with continuous evolution toward perfection.

To deal with such a monster, Marshal Horace Warfield's teaching manual at Stillling Military Academy gave a standard answer based on experience. Burn it to the ground and leave no survivors.

"Dynadus worms!"

"Hubworm! One o'clock direction!"

"Spores are coming!"


The swarm doesn't play by common sense.


"Damn, they're everywhere!"

It's a mess.

As Ister's troops opened fire, a large number of purple-carapace zerg emerged from the Nydus Worms.

The Jörmungandr insect swarm has always been eliminated in all major invasions of the insect swarm. The torrent of deep purple carapace can be described as a lingering nightmare in the hearts of the Tyranids. They have brought countless blood, corpses and die.

Since records began, the Jörmungandr Swarm has always been one of the largest and most aggressive large insect hives.

The Lord of Jormungandr, Ark, is cruel and cunning. The Dark Templar has launched several assassination attempts against him, but all failed.

At this moment, the Phoenix fighter jets of the Protoss also appeared in the sky. They escaped the human detection system and appeared like ghosts. Easter knew that they must have missed an Arbiter.

"Where is our air force?"

The stars in the sky are bombarding us, and the insects are running around underground. How can we fight this battle?

If the Protoss cannot deal with the Imperial fleet in high altitude orbit, they will send troops to land and destroy the planet's defenses.

Across the train, a group of enthusiasts emerged just a few hundred yards away in Istres.

Those were the attire of the Templars in the Golden Age. They were already slaves of Amon, but the content of the war cry had not changed.

"En Taro Khas! En Taro Adun!"

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