The mighty march suddenly stopped like a snake stepping on its throat. There were roars of insects and roars of guns everywhere. The screams of the moment were drowned by the explosions in the blink of an eye.

A squadron of low-flying Banshee bombers were preparing to provide fire support when a fleet of Protoss Phoenix fighters descended from the clouds.

The Viking fighter planes that were escorting the bombers had disappeared at this moment, and the Banshees had completely become Phoenix's living targets. The Phoenix fighter was much faster than the Banshee, and easily put these bombers within the range of the ion cannon.

A Banshee was hit, and a large plume of black smoke was seen emitting from its longitudinal balance wing. Then the right wing lost balance and fell uncontrollably and spinning from a thousand feet in the air. It fluttered to the ground like a big bird with broken wings, landing not far from Ister.

What really caught the Empire off guard was that these protoss, who were once loyal allies of the Tyranid Empire, were now used by Amon to deal with the surviving protoss and the humans of the Koprulu sector.

Easter still had a little time to figure out what was going on. The train traveling from west to east along the track has come to a complete stop. It is not clear what kind of force can stop such a behemoth.

They got off the train on the right side. A group of zerg emerged from the Nydus Worms and were rushing towards them from the north. There were quite a few of them. The collision of carapace and low roar were very dense. Maybe There are hundreds of them, and there will be more soon.

Wormholes usually signal the beginning of a larger attack.

The experience of escaping from death several times on the battlefield has kept Istel calm. There is a train between them and the zerg. Although it is not as strong as a strong bunker, it is enough to provide a buffer and cover.

Easter and his soldiers are not alone. They are in the middle of the march of the 3rd Brigade of the 7th Marine Infantry Division. Next to them is the siege tank column of the 143rd Armored Brigade, a powerful armored force. Able to quickly break through the encirclement and come to support.

Companies and platoons in other carriages of the train also broke open the unruly doors and windows and came out. They were all wearing CMC-400 powered armor. The Marauder's armor was heavier and stronger. Even if the train capsized, it would not cause any serious damage. hinder.

When Ister gathered his warriors, the familiar rustling of the insect swarm as it moved was getting closer and closer, like the souls urging death.

The soldiers who got off the train on the other side opened fire, and the sounds of electromagnetic rifles, grenade guns and various weapons rang out one after another. The troopers were poorly timed and poorly positioned to disembark, right between the protoss and zerg attack paths. They were soon overwhelmed by swarms of zerg, and their terrifying screams were terrifying.

"They're coming!"

A springtail with a pair of sails growing on its back jumped onto the roof of the train. Its dark purple carapace shone like a metal in the sun, and its long and thin wings flapped gently, making a rustling sound. The sound was like a rattlesnake in the desert.

This was a signal to attack. With heavy crashing sounds, springtails jumped onto the roof of the car one after another, their long knife-like claws piercing deeply into the steel, as easily as It's just a piece of tofu.

The fangs and claws of the zerg are as good as the hardest materials in nature, and even the largest springtails in the swarm can easily disembowel them.

Since the first contact between humans and Zerg, not only human military technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, but the Zerg swarm has also been absorbing the genes of advanced species, strengthening usable traits, discarding useless traits, and constantly evolving.

Nowadays, the genes of springtails, hydralisks and thunder beasts that make up the huge insect group have also undergone earth-shaking changes. They have acquired sharper claws, stronger carapace and bone shield, and even more efficient muscles and organs. Even the appearance is very different from the past.

There is a big difference between the modern insect swarm and the insect swarm faced by Emperor Augustus in his time. This is why the empire obviously has better battleships, better powered armor and weapons, and it is still at an absolute disadvantage today. downwind.

The most effective way to deal with zerg is fire. In addition, the Tyran Empire also possesses a deterrent weapon that can turn the tide of the war, and that is the Xel'Naga artifact.

But even though they were undoubtedly heading towards failure, the Empire still had no plans to use the artifact, and no one knew why. If the artifact could still be used normally, Korhal would definitely use it on the frontal battlefield to reduce the pressure on the Imperial army.

This made people worry whether the artifact had been damaged long ago, but Kohal did not announce it in order to stabilize the morale of the military.

For a moment, these springtails just stood high up, taking in everything with their glowing red eyes. Ister's soldiers opened fire, and the ferocious firepower immediately wiped out these monsters. In the torrent of bullets, they were riddled with holes in an instant and fell from the top of the train like dead grasshoppers.

These were just a few waves in the ocean of insects. Just like in the past, several times or even ten times more springtails soon appeared from behind the corpses of their dead species.

These savage little monsters are basically the same in Ister's eyes. Their genetic code is extremely easy for the insect swarm to copy. One larvae can mutate into two springtails, and a group of springtails can destroy a group of them. The Marines were killed and their armor was thrown away.

The firepower of Easter's platoon quickly focused forward and swept the springtails on the roof of the car to the ground. Some of them successfully jumped to the ground, but the Marauder's Punisher grenade immediately killed these "lucky ones" It was beaten into a pile of debris composed of insect limbs.

Their weapons are equipped with self-charging supercapacitors to shorten reloading time, in other words, more bullets can be fired in the same time.

But there were so many springtails that they kept emerging from the other side of the train, emerging from the open doors, windows and roofs of the trains, and swarmed us.

Their corpses gradually piled up in front of Ister. The number recording the ammunition capacity on the HUD display in front of his eyes was jumping crazily at 110-0. During this period, hundreds of spiked bullets were fired. Killed several springtails.

Several Reapers flew over from the other side to join the battle. While using the P-45 Gauss pistol in their hands to beat the emerging springtails, they dropped the cluster bombs in their hands to create explosions and chaos.

The flames spewed from their jump packs allow them to move nimbly around the battlefield at astonishing speeds.

Easter knew those scouts. They were good players who came out of the Ice Cave Reaper training camp. Although most of them had bad records before joining the army, their performance on the battlefield was never bad.

At this time, amidst the heartbreaking sound of metal tearing, a huge Hydra Hydralisk easily opened the car door with its terrifying sickle-shaped claws. Its powerful snake-like body was covered with dense and hard The armor is reminiscent of the mythical Hydra monster.

A burst of poisonous spines capable of penetrating fine steel hit Ister like a storm, as fast as bullets. One of them almost flew past the side of his mask, with its jagged sharp edges and smooth The arc is comparable to humanity’s deadliest dagger.

"Kill it!"

The Marauder strode forward from Ister's right rear, letting the spines jingle against his heavy armor. A punisher grenade was loaded into the launcher and hit the hydralisk's most vulnerable chest accurately, causing it to scream repeatedly.

Countless bullets were poured on the bloody body of the giant snake at this time, and finally it fell forward to the ground with a threatening roar and stopped moving.

Before Ister's men could cheer and celebrate, several banelings rushed out from the swarm of springtails and hit the carriage in front of Ister. The earth-shattering explosion immediately destroyed the train. The carriage exploded into the sky, and the splash of dark green acid corroded the ground into black holes.

This brought greater chaos, as more and more springtails and Hydra Hydralisks rushed out of the gap.

A dense burst of spines swept away Daniel, Ernest and Aldous. Their life support index immediately dropped below 30% on Ister's helmet display, and a terrifying scream was immediately heard on the channel. scream.

"help me!"

"They're coming towards me!"


Ados's body, which fell on his back, was covered with spines, and he died shortly after falling to the ground.

There was a terrible gap in Daniel's abdomen, and a long spine was completely embedded in the armor. He groaned for a while and soon became silent.

Ernest had two spinal needles inserted into his thighs. He sat sideways on the ground and fired with the Gauss rifle in his hand while shouting and moving back with difficulty.

This scared a bunch of vicious dogs, but not a few tigers. Springtails are like velociraptors on Earth, moving in groups, cunning and cruel.

Swarms of springtails were running toward Ernest, eager to tear him apart.

His two comrades immediately ran over to help him, but there were already seven or eight Hydra Hydralisks crossing the wreckage of the train, and the stormy spines made it impossible for them to move forward.

Middlebrook rushed forward again, dragging Ernest's arm before he was knocked to the ground after only a few steps.

"Requesting fire support." Ister's helmet display showed that the siege tanks of the 143rd Brigade had been set up and the fire strike group was coming online, so he immediately uploaded the coordinates.

"We can't help him, damn it, stand back!"

As he spoke, another person was knocked down, and Ister's warriors fell one after another. They were retreating, and the swarm was getting closer.

Ernest fell behind. After a few desperate cries, he was knocked down by a swarm of zerg in the blink of an eye and torn into pieces alive. The remains of his limbs were thrown everywhere, leaving Ernest Terre thought of wolves feasting on young deer.

Far more terrifying than that.

Only the most determined and ruthless warriors can be calm here, and that would be too difficult for Ister.

Several more fell, and a dozen or so Zerglings surrounded William the Marauder, quickly dismembering him.

Misfortunes never come singly, the rattling sound of digging claws suddenly sounded, and a large number of cockroaches appeared from their left wing. The two squads of another company were instantly overwhelmed, and now they are heading straight here.

"Use armor-piercing bullets! Sting bullets are useless against them, they are just scratching an itch." Ister immediately mobilized his manpower to resist the cockroaches, but now they were even less able to stop the enemy in front.

Although most of Ister's men were battle-hardened soldiers who knew what to do, others left them stunned and only remembered to shoot mechanically based on instinct.

Artillery support finally arrived, and an explosion exploded not far in front of Ister. Hundreds of hot tungsten shell shrapnel splashed outward from the impact point, emitting a dazzling bright light. Large swaths of springtails and hydralisks were blown to pieces, minced meat and broken carapace continued to fall from the sky, and bright red blood covered the ground, as thick as oil.

Their pressure was suddenly greatly reduced. Ister ordered to concentrate fire on the cockroaches on the left wing, and the medics immediately seized the opportunity to rush to save people.

On the battlefield, medics working with the Marines have high-risk jobs. Experienced Zerg and Protoss units will prioritize them, just like they prioritize Banelings and Mechanical Sentinels.

The fine traditions of the Earth people have been inherited to some extent. Most of the medical soldiers in the Imperial Army are women. This is probably the most correct thing done by the Marine Corps Headquarters.

Ister still had time to confirm the casualties. What made him heartbroken was that they lost one-third of their men in just a few minutes, and most of them were caused by the spines of the hydrali snakes.

They left their hometown and traveled hundreds of light years just to die here.

Even if they can survive to the end, the war will leave an eternal mark on these people. Many retired soldiers still remain alert to fight at any time, and the insect swarm lingers like a nightmare.

When Easter's troops returned to the rear to rest, the men would be replenished and his men would be joined by new faces, many of whom would die as they did today.

again and again.

"Sir, I can continue to fight." Although Lin said this, he was sobbing in pain. His hunched arm may no longer be able to continue fighting. There are frighteningly five or six spines inserted into it, some of which are almost penetrated.

"I think he has to be amputated." A medic who was opening the nano medical kit said to Istel.

"We can find him something better," Easter said immediately. Quietly, Easter liked the girl, but she wasn't buying it.

For Lin, the war is over. He will be sent to Haven or Terrador to receive better treatment and stay away from this nightmare battlefield.

As soon as he finished speaking, a cannonball landed not far away, and the soil surged up and fell like pillars.

"Keep the target in mind, you blind fool!" the medical soldier said while busy with the work at hand.

Medics are sometimes loving mothers, sometimes violent lions, and sometimes somewhere in between.

"Be careful, the tunnel worms are approaching!" Someone suddenly shouted in the channel.

Easter immediately followed the sound and saw a strange insect with a head covered with metal emerging from the ground: "No, it's our tunnel worm."

Wave after wave of cybernetic Cybros zerg appeared and immediately fought against the Jörmungandr swarm. The formations of these insects were very organized in comparison, just like an army in formation.

It was obvious that the Lord of Cerberus was watching.

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