StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 732 You can always trust Zeratul

Among humans, protoss and zerg, countless warships were firing at the same time, and countless warriors were dying at the same time.

The firelight outside the Empire's flagship White Star shone brightly, and the frightening red light reflected the majestic golden wolf statues on the bridge, highlighting their giant eyes inlaid with vermilion gems. These giant eyes shine with bright red light, staring at everyone present, as if they can penetrate the heart.

Emperor Augustus stood in front of a row of portholes, his expression still so resolute and strong, as if he was wearing a bronze mask. Behind it, holographic icons composed of parabolas, straight lines and numbers clearly depict a war of unprecedented scale.

His flagship was passing between two swarm Leviathans. The laser cannons on both sides kept rotating and firing, smashing hundreds of alien dragons into pieces. In an instant, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and countless Broken limbs, insect eyes and dragon-like membrane wings are scattered in the cold space.

There were probably a hundred times more zerg here than there were on Char, so many that they could drown out the lights of thousands of friendly ships. The layers of flying zerg creatures were like a vast ocean, overwhelming them. Only the plasma beam focused by the Yamato cannon suddenly appeared among the vast ocean of insects.

Amon allowed his rage to drive the swarm.

When the White Star fought its way through the sea of ​​insects, a large number of protoss battleships and fighter planes rushed toward her aggressively, and their crazy and fearless attitude was no less than that of the insect swarms.

Earlier, the shield force field raised by the White Star was crawling with bloodthirsty and ferocious zerg. Now it is overwhelmed by the attacks of these protoss ships. The violent tremors caused by the ion beam bombardment of the ship's hull are on the bridge. It can be easily felt on the ship, and Augustus does not need to hold on to the bridge gangway to remain motionless.

Following Augustus' gaze across these protoss ships and looking forward, you can see two Ark ships facing each other, the Spear of Adun and the Pride of Otalis.

No one can ignore these two unparalleled giant ships, because they both occupy the entire starry sky outside the window with their undisputed majesty. For these two super ships, which are dozens of miles long, the distance between them is actually not that far away, and they are still approaching each other at an alarming speed, like two blue giant stars about to collide.

These two star spirit arks are equally gorgeous, equally elegant, and contrary to common sense, combine the lightness of feathers with the grandeur of a palace, and are full of beauty. In the eyes of the protoss of Aiur, just as sunlight and gold are inseparable, elegance and war go hand in hand.

However, at the moment, the two Ark ships are bombarding each other with Star Destroyer cannons that can destroy cities and roll mountains and seas in an instant, solar ray guns, giant rail guns, purification beams, and static force fields. They are among the battleships. The giants, the battle between the giants was shattering.

They are the only two Ark ships left in the Protoss Empire. Now one is controlled by Amon the Fallen, and the other is the flagship of Artanis, the high-ranking executive of Duram. They are ordered to prevent this dark Ark from breaking into the Protoss. Massacres rampant among the allied forces with the Empire.

This is a war between two arks, and such a magnificent scene may never be seen again in the future.

It is ironic to say that the Protoss Empire built the Ark Ship in order to preserve the fire of the Protoss and not to let future generations use it to launch wars and fratricide.

The Pride of Ark Otalis is just as majestic as her sister ship the Spear of Adun, except that the huge hull is covered with sharp ice formed by the condensation of void energy, and the spear-like hull is shining with dazzling light. , like blue fire ablation. And even the protoss battleships and fighter planes following the Pride of Otalis were shrouded in gorgeous blue flames, so the Phoenix fighter among them truly became a fire phoenix bathed in flames.

The Pride of Altaris and those protoss ships were all loyal to the Conclave, the former rulers of the Protoss Empire, and had parted ways with the Dalam protoss led by Tassadar many years ago.

This schism began with a civil war that broke out in the Protoss Empire after the Zerg invasion of Aiur, between the Templar class led by Executor Tassadar and the Arbiter class represented by the Conclave.

The former eventually went to Sagulath to unite with the Nerazim protos there and evolved into the Dalam protoss, while the latter left Aiur forever and escaped into deep space, with its whereabouts unknown.

The Conclave and their followers refused to join the ranks of the Dark Templar who had turned their backs on Kara, and refused to even stand on the same soil as them. To preserve Kara's purity, the Arbiters are willing to execute any Dark Templar they see.

It is conceivable that when the dark god Amon corrupted the entire Kara, and when the overwhelming anger and hatred filled the sea of ​​​​spirits, the Supreme Council had no room for resistance.

Augustus once stood on Tassadar's side and participated in the war with the Supreme Council. Since the benevolent Tassadar was unwilling to order the extermination of the Supreme Council, he knew that the war between the two factions of the divided Protoss Empire had resumed. It's a matter of time.

Although Augustus didn't know how many of these star spirits in front of him still had reason, he thought that if they survived, their consistent beliefs would probably collapse, and then the ruling foundation of the Supreme Council would only be the former stars. The ancient tradition of the Arbitrator class taking power in the Spirit Empire, and this is probably not as useful as before.

But can any of them survive this war and live to the end?

Kara brought unity to the strife-torn protoss and ushered in a golden age of prosperity, but would also destroy them.

"Damn, I've never seen so many protoss, bugs, and humans in one day."

The one who spoke was Tychus Finley behind Augustus. He was six and a half feet tall. He was even more of a giant when he wore special red power armor, taller than everyone else. People say that Tychus only thinks about himself and is the most notorious of the many villains in the Empire. Regardless, he has been following the Emperor for fifteen years.

There were many in the Empire who deeply loathed Tychus Finlay, but even these never questioned his loyalty to the Emperor.

"If we don't get rid of Eamonn, we're going to see more," Raynor said. He was also wearing power armor, and the armor glowed with the dark gray color of winter and mist of the Heavenly Demon.

Jim Raynor was by no means a strict disciplinarian, but he was always loyal to his duties and possessed a rare sense of justice. No one could have imagined that someone like him would become friends with the criminal thief Tychus, just as no one could have imagined that this farm boy from Shiloh was now the Marshal of the Empire. It is said that Emperor Augustus was more powerful than anyone else. All in all, trust Renault.

As they said this, the White Star continued to accelerate forward. Hundreds of battlecruisers followed the flagship as they sailed away from the dense swarm of insects. The endless zerg chased them like smoke trails thousands of miles long.

Behind are tens of billions of ferocious-looking zerg, bent on drilling through human warships and chewing up the flesh and blood inside. In front are two protoss fleets fighting each other. Warriors loyal to Artanis and parliamentary guards of the Supreme Council are standing there. Star Space drew its sword and faced each other.

The fleet of the Supreme Council lies in front of the imperial fleet. There are only a few more warships. Each warship has a history longer than the humans of the Koprulu sector. It is as majestic and magnificent as a palace, resplendent and magnificent. The huge Kedarin The crystal is carefully carved with the sail logo of the Olga tribe, and the patterns and symbols engraved on it are all gorgeous styles from the Protoss Empire era.

Even among their own kind, the Olga Celestials are too arrogant. Origa's ancestors built the first ships of the Protoss. Their fleet first conquered the sea where El storms gathered, and later included the far reaches of the Milky Way into the territory of the Protoss Empire.

During the civil war in the Protoss Empire, the Origa tribe and most of their fleet sided with the Supreme Council, and by the end of the war they were almost completely lost. And so far, Olga has never betrayed the oath of allegiance they swore.

Today, half of Origa's fleet remains loyal to the Conclave, while the other half is under the command of Tassadar, the leader of Dallam.

At the moment, the two Origa fleets belonging to the Supreme Council and Durham are clearly fighting each other. Those protoss fighter planes with graceful curves took off from the gorgeous battleship as if they were dancing elegant steps. They were linked together and rushed towards each other riding on the brilliant blue plasma flames like the long tail of a comet. Their bodies are light and graceful, the bright metal on their surfaces shines, and the light they release when they catch fire and explode is extremely brilliant.

El's protoss fights openly and honestly at all times, even in civil wars.

Of course, they are now coming directly to the White Star openly. At this moment, the fleets of all parties are almost in close contact, and the situation is extremely chaotic. I am afraid that no matter how many conspiracies and tricks are used, they will be of little use.

An aircraft carrier with both sides of its hull covered with brilliant blue crystals headed straight for the White Star, its entire body shining with red light, like a lit calamus.

This battleship is still a classic style after the catastrophe of the ages, shaped like an exploded bulging pod, and even the latest aircraft carrier may have a history of several centuries. No matter what her name is, she must have been associated with "the great" and "the great". The words "glory" and "glorious" are linked together.

What an honor! Now the aircraft carrier has identified the White Star and rammed it head-on.

It is obviously a beautiful, elegant and surprisingly powerful battleship, but Eamon treats her like a mosquito. God knows if he has ever taken a look here.

The White Star would not crash into it stupidly. Even at such speed and distance, it would be difficult for two huge battleships to collide with each other. However, this aircraft carrier still pursued her relentlessly until a few more An Imperial Gorgon-class battlecruiser arrived and fired several shots at it, severely damaging it.

At this moment, the White Star was also scarred. The previous attack from a void glow ship even penetrated the two decks under its strong armor and detonated the apron behind the flight deck.

Another time, a Swarm Devourer penetrated the ship's armor and hit the bridge. Corrosion spores that could easily eat away at the steel were scattered everywhere, corroding equipment and starting a fire that had just been extinguished. . Fortunately, the White Star is large enough and its structure is solid enough to withstand such a test.

Even so, Augustus remained unscathed, as if he really was the man Arcturus had said he was destined to be. In addition, Augustus refused any suggestion that he should hide in the captain's cabin.

"I think this ship is going to fall apart soon," Tychus muttered.

Renault said: "I still miss the Hyperion."

"The situation of the protoss will not be much better than ours." He looked at the Spear of Adun and the Pride of Altaris outside the porthole: "If Amon hadn't used void energy to decorate his battleship, we would have been in trouble. The enemy and I are divided."

"That's it. Even with our military strength, we can't deal with the El Insect Swarm and the Supreme Council's fleet at the same time."

By this time, the battle between the Spear of Adun and the Pride of Altaris had been going on for several hours, and even the shield system, which was also maintained by the core of the sun, was riddled with holes. The wounds caused by both sides to each other were sometimes greater than those of battlecruisers, and it would take even the most outstanding Kalai engineers a long time to repair such wounds.

If this battle continues like this, both arks will surely suffer losses, because the Pride of Altaris, which has been controlled by Eamon, is determined not to stop.

In contrast, Augustus was more concerned about the war above Ayr.

The armies of the Empire and Duram have landed on Aiur, and the Purifier Protoss and Tal'darin have also sent out troops to support, in order to clear the void rift on the planet so that Amon's incarnation of the evil god can be eliminated. Lest he be reborn here.

Augustus has no intention of wresting El from Aemon's grasp, but must prevent his return from the dead.

The white star's tactical display screen depicts fierce battle scenes on the planet, ranging from the sky of Aiur to high-altitude orbit, down to the surface and even to the underground temple deep in the dark tunnel.

This is a real battle, and it will last at least a few more days and nights or longer. Fortunately, they don't have to actually capture the entire Ayr.

Augustus' army and his allies must hold off Aemon's other armies as they rush to aid Aiel before the forces on Aiel can destroy the host of the evil god. For this reason, Augustus would not hesitate even if he lost more warships.

There is no doubt that Amon will do whatever it takes to keep the evil god's body that he returned to the universe, and the golden fleet must be rushing to Aiur non-stop.

But Amon has more than just one good card to play, the Golden Fleet.

Think of it, Augustus said to himself, the Overlord of the Swarm was also a servant of Amon, who created both the Overlord and the Swarm.

As if in response to Augustus's thoughts, a wormhole taking shape suddenly appeared in this space. This wormhole may not be as large or as stable as the one created by the first generation of Overlords when they invaded Aiur many years ago, but it is enough for groups of Behemoths and Leviathan to pass through.

"Fuck you." Tychus cursed.

"Maybe it's not that bad." Renault found some green light from the swarms of insects pouring out of the wormhole. They were battleships made of dim metallic rocks, with sharp edges and beautiful shapes.

"You came at the right time." Augustus smiled.

He knew it was Zeratul coming. (End of chapter)

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