StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 733 Trembling in Deep Space

Augustus felt that Zeratul was older than the last time they met. His horny and raised skin was as wrinkled as a piece of crumpled paper, and his silk robe was full of traces of wind and frost, burned and burned by the fire. Scorch marks left by acid attack are all over it.

Every time I saw Zeratul, he was always tired and dusty, and he was never well-dressed.

"Augustus, my everlasting friend and brother, may Aten bless you."

The projected holographic image outlined Zeratul's sarong-faced face in front of Augustus. His eyes were still burning like fire, shining brighter than green stars.

Several Ihanli warriors stood with their heads held high behind Zeratul. They wore blue-black armor made of semi-organic deformable meteorites, and held spears made of sharpened void crystals. The dark blue Xel'Naga symbol was painted on the back. The cloak rustled in the crackling green lightning.

An elder of the Ehanli Council, dressed in blue robes and a high helmet with a ribbon on his head, looked cautiously at Augustus behind the screen with a scrutinizing gaze. He was wearing a huge, cleverly woven cloak. It was heavier than Augustus's one made of countless gold wires, but it could float lightly in the air. If the material itself is not extremely light, it is held up by some mysterious spiritual power.

This Elder Ihanli was taller than most of the protoss Augustus had seen. His gray skin was smooth and moist, and the facial curves from the jawline to the forehead were angular, straight and cold, like It has an extremely sharp edge, and the entire face looks like a stone statue cut with a knife and an axe. Just by looking at these, you can feel that this ethnic group of the protoss branch is not easy to mess with.

But despite these differences, they are still protoss. The nobility and bravery of the Ihanri protoss are no less than those of any of their kind, and they must be equally arrogant and stubborn.

"Adon bless you, Zeratul." Augustus greeted him like an old friend, as he always did.

Along with the swarm came the Ihanri fleet. Their number of warships was once very large, but by this era there were not many left. Even so, the Ihanri Protoss Empire still possesses impressive power.

The warships of the Ihanri Protoss are very powerful, and are as extraordinary, elegant and beautiful as their Aiur cousins. The exquisite and classically beautiful semi-organic meteorite hull is dotted with complex Xel'Naga-style spiral symbols, and those faces like The grotesque faces of vipers are their gods. No matter which battleship it is, it can be called a beautiful work of art, and their terrifying destructive power is not inferior in the slightest.

Zeratul's vehicle was originally an ancient Xel'Naga ship, but now he rides on the magnificent Ihanri mothership.

Augustus was seeing this mothership driven by the void crystal array. It instantly melted several huge brood lords with terrifying void energy. The triangular rotor supported by the magnificent pillars projected a dome of scorching energy. In a short time, the large group of insects that rushed towards him were evaporated. Under the shadow of the mothership, the spectacular aircraft carrier interceptor group moved forward in a tight formation, and the path forward was filled with insect corpses scorched by the plasma beam.

If the warships of the Protoss Empire are gorgeous and shining, the Nerazim Protoss are dim and mysterious, and the Tal'darin Protoss are scarlet and ferocious, then the fleet of the Ihanri Protoss is more like a shocking large meteorite.

At this moment, Augustus was glad that the Ihanli star spirit was on their side instead of joining the battlefield as an enemy.

Arcturus had warned Augustus that if Amon hadn't launched a massive invasion at this time, and these Ihanri stars would have attacked humans when they woke up and found that they had huge military power and nowhere to use it.

This concern is not without reason.

"Those Ihanri Protoss" Tychus looked at them carefully with his blue eyes, trying hard to find some dirty words to describe these protoss.

From the bottom of his heart, Tychus felt that these protoss were weird and unusual, and he couldn't have any good impressions of them.

"They look pretty cool." Raynor said, "Zelatu, it's good to see you, old friend."

"Where have you been some time ago? I can't even see you."

"When I found the Ihanri fleet, they were fighting against the Sutur swarm, preparing to destroy the human empire planet Bronte IV, which had been reduced to a home world." Zeratul looked at Augustus, Notice the complex expressions.

Bronte IV. The people of this planet have resisted the tyranny imposed on them by Tarsonis with indomitable tenacity since the days of the Federation. By the time of the Empire's rule, although the Brontë IV had gained considerable autonomy, they still rebelled against the imperial power from Korhal.

Even though Augustus ordered troops to suppress it, rebellions still continued one after another.

Eventually, Korhal agreed to compromise and withdrew all his troops, demanding only that they recognize the imperial power of House Mengsk. The Bronte IV got almost everything they wanted and was effectively independent.

But when the Sutur swarm suddenly appeared, the people on the Bronte IV realized that they had driven the empire's fleet too far. When the news came that Amon had awakened, the Imperial fleet had to abandon the planet, not even having time to burn it to the ground.

Bronte IV ushered in a tragic ending. The terrifying insect swarm infection wiped out all life on the planet in a very short period of time, and all remaining humans turned into aberrations.

"Later, the elders in the Ehanli Council and I noticed that an unusually powerful psychic power suddenly appeared in the Collingwood system near Bront IV. I only know of creatures that can possess such powerful power. One." Zeratul continued: "If you want to kill the devil with your own hands, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"Master." Tychus spat out the word through clenched teeth: "If we can kill it once, there will be a second time."

"This master is much more timid than the previous one." Raynor immediately realized how brave and fearless Zeratul and the Ihanri Protoss were: "Intelligence showed that there were at least four super-large insects around it. Nest Guard.”

"If that's what the intelligence says, then it must actually be more. If possible, the Overmind would bring the entire swarm with it."

"One battle after another," Zeratul described the war in a calm tone: "We launched an attack, and then pursued the victory and forced them to retreat."

"Until the Lord opens a wormhole space leading to Aier under the command of Amon." Augustus said.

"As long as you put your posture up, even if you just blow a few breaths, it will immediately run away." Tychus said sarcastically.

Perhaps because he was beaten violently by Augustus and his men when he was just born, the leader of this generation is famously cautious, so much so that he sometimes forgets how powerful he is. As long as a fleet appears next to the Lord, it will think that it will be surrounded immediately.

You can run after the Overmind - as long as you don't get destroyed by the crazy Hive Guards.

"That is to say, all the zerg have now come to Aiur." Raynor said: "Zeratu, I hope you have brought other good news."

"I'm afraid there is no more good news." Zeratul could understand Raynor's joyful sense of humor: "I must remind you that since the Overlord can open a wormhole space leading to El, he can also reach the Al will open a path to the golden fleet in the future."

"This method of space travel is faster than all current methods."

"If that's the case." Renault quickly realized the problem and said with an ugly face: "It won't be long before this place becomes even more lively."

"There's enough trouble already," Tychus said.

"The good news is, there's a lot of bad news," Augustus said.

Augustus did not take this into consideration. Destroying Aiur's psychic matrix and the Xel'Naga portal was only to temporarily delay the return of the golden fleet to Aiur.

But after all, the Golden Fleet will be able to return to Ayr in time, that's for sure.

"We can't deal with so many protoss." Renault said: "Maybe before we can destroy the evil god's body, the imperial fleet will be defeated."

The current Imperial fleet is much larger than that in the original timeline, but so is the Golden Fleet.

"I brought the Xel'Naga artifact." Augustus said.

"This kind of thing can only deal with humans and zerg." Tychus said.

"Now we can also deal with the protoss." Augustus replied: "If everything goes well, the golden fleet will be able to stand on our side again."

"If this thing can really control Kara, there is still hope." Renault said.

"It sounds very evil." Tychus said, "If it is true, I have a bolder idea."

Although Tychus was very tight-lipped, he had always been responsible for handing Augustus the knife to stab people, and there was no need to know so much.

"It's not that powerful, but it can temporarily cut off the connection between Eamon and Carla. That's enough." Augustus said.

"This is enough time for the Templars to cut off their connection with Kara." Zeratul said: "For their kind, this requires great courage."

"They never lacked courage," Leno said.

"Gods have mercy, Zeratul, I knew you were safe and sound." Artanis's image suddenly appeared on the other side of the screen: "Thank you for your timely support, we just need you and the Ihanri Protoss. strength."

"Let us fight side by side. Glory belongs to all brave warriors."

The high-ranking executive of Durham ordered the last fleet of the Protoss Empire on the Spear of Adun. Behind him was the magnificent bridge corridor and countless Templars and Dark Templars who were waiting solemnly.

For the Protoss race, the fate is always bad. Before this moment comes, too many warriors and tribesmen have sacrificed.

"For the glory of Aiur," Zeratul said to Artanis.

"It came too slowly. I almost thought you were going to run away." Alarak, the high-ranking lord of Tal'darin, said this coldly and left the channel, as if he was too lazy to say another word.

"This is the time, Dark Master, to join us. The final moment has arrived." Coralion, the executive officer of the Purifier Protoss, also said.

"The fires of strife burn brightly," Zeratul said. "Hail to the Purifier and the ancient glory."

At this point, all the forces determined to stop Amon from burning the world to ashes have come to Aiur.

All the Templars who could still fight now gathered under the command of Artanis, whose prestige was rising, to regain the glory of the Protoss. Even though she was weakening, the Nerazim grandmother Rashagar still had the strength to summon her Dark Templar. The Purifier protoss have returned from their long slumber. They are pure and noble, vowing to purify everything with fire.

As for the Tal'darim Protoss, ever since their new high lord defeated his predecessor Malash in the Rak'shir Ritual to gain promotion, they have insisted that Amon's promised promotion was nothing but a lie and that the Dark God had betrayed his loyal followers. In Tal'darin's bloody and cruel world view, if you are humiliated and betrayed, you can only pay sword for sword and blood for blood.

On the human side, the Kaimorian Federation sent a huge army, and this army was selected and provided by the empire in terms of personnel, training, and equipment. Since its establishment, it was the first time that the Umoyan Protectorate had fought so far away from home, and despite his reluctance, the Protector General promised to temporarily hand over command to the Imperial High Command.

Although there have been differences, conflicts and even wars between them, even now they cannot be called working together, but this is the first time they have reached an agreement on the same thing.

Beat up Eamonn.

Humans and protoss share a common enemy, at least on this point, and they are at odds with each other. Now, a more powerful enemy - the God of Darkness - stands against all races, forcing them to unite like never before.

But in any case, the friendship between the two races is just an extension of the deep friendship between the leaders, and humans are far less flexible than the stars.

"Welcome back, Zeratul," Augustus said at last.

Outside the porthole, the battle in this star space has become increasingly fierce. The Overlord brought an army, and the insect swarm army poured out of the wormhole space, like a vast ocean pouring into a trembling pool. Tiamat, Jormungandr, Sutur, Grund, and Berog are not only these already notorious insect nests. There are hundreds of small and medium-sized insect nests that were born before and after the Brood War. , this is an extremely terrifying number.

As soon as these newly emerged zerg appeared, they launched a storm-like offensive against the Imperial fleet. Hundreds of Imperial battlecruisers guarded the flagship White Star. Rows of laser cannons on both sides of the ship fired continuously, destroying anyone who dared to do so. Close enemies reach fragments. However, the number of zerg swarms is really huge, and they will never collapse due to excessive losses. From time to time, battleships are severely damaged or even dismembered by swarms of zerg, turning into a huge and dazzling fireball.

By this time in the battle, not counting the frigates and fighter planes attached to the fleet, the number of capital ships that had been destroyed or severely damaged and silenced had exceeded 400, and the number was still increasing. There was almost no chance of abandoning the ship and escaping on the Ayr battlefield. All the crew fought until the last moment and sank together with the battleship.

Thanks to the Archbishop for the reward...

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