StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 734 Target, Northrend!

The battlefield has turned into a sea of ​​fire, and countless human and protoss warship wreckage and huge giant insect corpses are scattered around the White Star. In this unprecedented war, no one can stay away, and even this great imperial flagship is crumbling.

The White Star is located between the earth and moon space of Aiur, sandwiched between millions of ferocious Tiamat bugs and thousands of Supreme Council warships. Surrounded by only the Empire's Second Fleet, Yumo Yang Protector's First Fleet and half of the severely damaged Seventh Fleet.

About an astronomical unit away, there is an executive fleet of the Duram Protoss and several motherships of Gilana, the first ascendant of Tal'darin, but they are also locked in a bitter battle.

As for the farther place, the Spear of Adun and the Pride of Otalis are still fighting. Even at this distance, they are two extraordinary warships.

The Empire has a repaired Xel'Naga World Ship in its hands. Only such a warship can be compared with the Protoss' Ark. The creators of the world initially only used these huge spaceships to spread the seeds of life in the still desolate new universe. They had no intention of starting a war. They still possessed terrifying weapons that could destroy civilization.

But before the World Ship could go into action, Amon returned. But when Augustus counterattacks the void, this world ship will definitely still be useful.

By the twentieth hour after the battle began, the Imperial Fleet had lost about 400 battlecruisers, and ten hours later it lost another 400 battlecruisers. At the fiftieth hour, this number doubled, exceeding the total number of warships lost in the empire's previous wars.

Even with the current production capacity of the Dalarian, Ursa, Theros and Apollo shipyards, these warships will take five years to complete.

The battle was particularly brutal, and those warships that could still fight were generally in poor condition and in urgent need of repairs and supplies, and Eamon's army would not give them such time.

The arrival of Zeratul and the Ihanri protoss can be described as a timely help, but they are also the last force Augustus thought of to come to support.

As you can imagine, no one else will come.

There was another loud noise and a vibration that made teeth chatter. A large swarm of bile worms flashing green light faced the White Star's roaring gun crew and directly hit the already overwhelmed armored belt. The alarm started. Screaming at all costs, the ship integrity percentage on the screen continues to drop. In a way, it's the Zerg's version of a living missile.

Many dazzling and short-lived stars are reflected on the bridge portholes of the White Star. Each one represents a battleship. Each battleship is firing. The terrifying beam cuts flesh and blood like a sharp long knife. The dazzling fire light is bright. Than the stars. Space is filled with countless kinds of deadly and terrifying particles, and countless ship fragments and huge flesh and blood tissues are drifting and colliding with each other like floating objects on the sea.

On the sensor, the tracks left by the protoss storm battleships when they fired were as dazzling as light penetrating the darkness, and the particle heat flow left by the kinetic energy overload was extremely eye-catching.

A huge black shadow suddenly flashed past Augustus' eyes. He was sure that it was the torn remains of a swarm guardian. This damn beast was smashed into pieces by the missiles of the Viking fighter planes, like a A watermelon smashed to pieces with a hammer.

Within a few seconds, another huge piece of shipwreck flashed past. It came from the hull of a destroyed scientific ship. Its twisted and molten surface was cast with many tangled zerg and miserable dead bodies. There are more horrific corpses floating around the human beings. They all died due to the terrible high-energy particle beam radiation and the high temperature generated in an instant by the fusion reaction.

"These bugs are really endless." Tychus stood behind Augustus: "Damn it, there are just as many protoss here today as they are."

"It wasn't much different before," Augustus said.

At this moment, amidst the harsh noises, the El bug swarms were gnawing away at the White Star's thick armor in groups, as if tearing out the bones to extract flesh.

A large number of zerg, mutalisks, blasters, devourers, broods. They opened their eyes glowing with blood, grinned their jagged fangs, and tore off the flesh and blood of their prey like they were alive. The battleship's outer shell is made of stainless steel and titanium.

In the outer cabin of the White Star, Imperial Navy soldiers have been fighting against the zerg that have invaded the hull. They use hot ion ray guns to burn the enemies in the cabin to ashes, or use gravity accelerators to reverse a hundred times gravity and crush them into pieces. minced meat.

Where there is air, the explosions, screams and roars never subside, while in a dark vacuum it is like a tragic mime, with majestic battleships burning and sinking, monsters the size of asteroids In an instant, the body was cut and dismembered by thousands of crisscrossing death rays.

There was no doubt that they were in a hard fight, the decks were littered with dead bodies, and the situation was getting worse.

Augustus was now the only one left with Tychus, who was fully armed and carrying heavy weapons in his hands, ready to fight the enemies who rushed into the bridge at any time.

As early as a few hours ago, the White Star's shield matrix force field completely failed, and no matter how much energy the force field generator squeezed from the fusion reactor, it could not be restarted.

The Imperial fleet had just exchanged fire with the Supreme Council's fleet, and both sides suffered heavy losses, with no benefit at all. Now, they turned around and collided head-on with a large swarm of El bugs.

Even Augustus thought this was crazy. Even though human and protoss landing forces had been sent to the surface on a large scale to seize control of Aiur, there were still countless zerg and hybrids. Flying creatures soared from the surface of the planet and flew across the ecliptic plane to attack their fleet. It's as if these monsters really came from the void, and their numbers are endless.

But those monsters are still flesh and blood, and void creatures cannot reach such deep places in the real universe. But if Amon is reborn in his evil god's body, everything will be difficult to predict.

This battle in space eventually turned into a meat grinder-like battlefield, with all fleets fighting with all their strength and unable to do anything at all.

Both Augustus and Eamon knew that neither of them could count the number of battles in this battle.

But if we have to compare, Augustus, Artanis, Zeratul and others must be more determined to destroy the evil god's body and win than Amon.

Amon's body in the void is still alive, and he only needs to repeat the long waiting process, even for centuries or even longer, until the human empire dies, and even the protoss ceases to exist.

But if the combined forces of humans and protoss lose all their elites in this battle, there will be no hope of recovery.

At this time, another dazzling flash of light flashed by. The Shirahoshi's Yamato cannon fired again, a compressed nuclear blast beam aimed at a giant Leviathan five hundred miles away.

This terrible nuclear explosion immediately ablated a huge hole in its head, with bones visible. A large amount of blood spurted out like a blooming flower, and after a while it solidified like frozen ice.

But even this horrific wound cannot harm it. The Leviathan is the true flagship of the Swarm, a mobile hive and space carrier that can reach several miles in size. As a result, important nerve centers are also buried under countless tons of flesh and blood and a solid carapace like walls, making them extremely difficult to destroy.

This Leviathan may have been born during the Brood War or even earlier. Compared with other Leviathan, it is much larger and more ferocious. Its size is worthy of the title of the Moon of the Swarm.

On the holographic tactical screen on the bridge of the White Star, there was also an extremely huge figure. Leviathan is a ferocious predator, and its prey is astonishingly large. No one knows how much biomass this unparalleled space behemoth has devoured over the years, and Augustus's battleship is now his. prey.

Leviathan moves like a tyrant, destroying all enemies it encounters. Its half-mile-long huge hollow tentacles are strung with blazing battleships like pearl necklaces, and the dazzling firelight casts twisted shadows. One hundred, one thousand, ten thousand cocoons erupted from its huge and swollen vesicle, from which emerged the mutalisks and brood lords. The new swarm immediately made up for the ones that had died. feasting on the enemy's corpse.

The status of Leviathan in the swarm fleet is almost irreplaceable. There were only a few or more than a dozen when they appeared, but there have never been so many as they are today. The number of Leviathans on the White Star probe alone exceeds three hundred, and the General Staff Headquarters estimates that the actual total number should be in the thousands.

Insects as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River drilled in and out of the wormhole space created by the master using spiritual energy, as if there were many terrible holes in the universe. Zerg flying creatures, large and small, walked through the jungle-like laser beams and dense missiles, and the gray sky even blocked the light of the stars.

"Three more Leviathans, the enemy is gathering towards us!" Theodore, the captain of the White Star, shouted loudly.

On the tactical display screen, more behemoths suddenly jumped over and headed straight for the White Star. At the same time, the Icebreaker and Sunfury of the Empire's First Fleet were also approaching the White Star, followed closely by the Fortress, Golden Curtain, Ghost in the Mist, Death Come, Apocalypse, Mark of Death, and Glory. The Fury and the Medal of Courage were close enough for Augustus to see the dazzling flames spurting from multiple rows of broadsides.

These are Gorgon-class battlecruisers, super battleships made entirely of steel, majestic and spectacular, with a classic hammerhead bow and a powerful hull, with black muzzles standing like a forest. , silently releasing terrifying orange-red flames. Huge space torpedoes are constantly flying out from battlecruisers, tracking targets locked by radar arrays. Some torpedoes are also equipped with small jump engines, which can quickly approach the destroyed target. Unfortunately, the cost is staggering.

At the same time, a large number of mutalisks flew and dived in the death jungle formed by naval gun fire, dropping fast-growing blade insects like heavy bombers, triggering a series of terrifying explosions on the battleship's armor. At every moment, a large number of alien dragons were hit by the artillery fire, and their flesh and blood immediately flew everywhere. Bright red blood and tissues were scattered in the space, swirling, gathering and scattering like planets orbiting stars. .

But there are always mutalisks that can drop the Blade Worms before the intensive artillery fire smashes them into pieces. Each explosion of the Blade Worms can leave obvious wounds on the hull of the battleship.

Compared with when they just set sail from the empire's territory, these warships also looked much more embarrassed. Many battleships were already riddled with holes and were still dragging their broken hulls to follow the fleet. As for those in slightly better condition, they were also in devastation.

So far in the battle, they have killed thousands of zerg, and there are far more zerg corpses than sunken battleships. But whether it is for humans or protoss, such an exchange is not cost-effective.

Augustus clearly understood that it was impossible to win in the space fleet battle. Not to mention that they could not defeat the main force of the swarm. Once Amon's golden fleet arrived, defeat would be determined.

"Their target is the White Star." Augustus looked at the tactical display screen motionlessly: "To be more precise, it's me."

The White Star is the imperial flagship of the new era, and will always be in a position where all enemy and own warships can see it. She is undoubtedly a bright red flag. At no time would Augustus allow his flagship to hide under the heavy protection of the fleet.

But again, this also puts Augustus's flagship always under the enemy's priority attack.

"Then let the bastards come," Tychus said.

As soon as Tychus finished speaking, seven more Leviathans appeared around the White Star. Each Leviathan was very large and covered with a gray-brown carapace that was harder than steel.

Judging from the good physical condition of these Leviathans, they may have arrived in Aiur through the wormhole in the past few hours.

Augustus speculated that these Leviathans might be under the direct control of the Lord, and behind the Lord was Amon.

Within ten seconds, a dozen more Leviathans appeared, each one larger than the first one.

As soon as these Leviathans appeared, they launched an attack on the Imperial fleet. In addition to the bile worm swarms and biochemical plasmid spurts, there were also numerous blasting mosquito swarms. From Augustus' perspective, those fireflies were just a large group of fireflies a few miles away. They were even quite beautiful, but wherever they passed there were earth-shattering explosions.

"Damn it, there are too many of them," Tychus muttered. Come to think of it, even a Tyrannic Superman like him couldn't kill Leviathan with a sliding shovel.

"We may be able to kill these monsters, but there will definitely be great losses." He said: "More bugs will come to surround us soon."

"Captain, it's time for the White Star to land in low-Earth orbit." Augustus looked at Tychus again and said, "Bring the Xel'Naga artifact with you, and we'll go find Eamon right now."

Following the Emperor's order, the Imperial fleet with the White Star as its flagship quickly approached El. Under Aiur's gravity field, the White Star is entering the atmosphere at a gravity acceleration of five hundred times, and is preparing to switch to anti-gravity engine navigation.

On the surface of Aiur, ten million bile jets and orbital ion cannons bombarded the withered sky like heavy hammers, and the momentum was truly shattering.

Ayr's twilight line and the earth were rapidly approaching the White Star. (End of chapter)

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