StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 745 Artanis, take action!

Artanis was the first to respond.

This glorious Akili Templar suddenly turned into a surging brilliant blue psychic lightning, which flashed to Tassadar and Alarak in a breath, joining the battle between the two.

For a moment, Augustus couldn't distinguish their figures. He could only see many dense spiritual light blades cutting through elegant arcs, each arc filled with murderous intent. The movements of these protoss were incredibly fast, as if they could swing their swords more than a dozen times in one second.

In comparison, Tychus was as slow as a donkey cart.

The next moment, the purifier protoss Talandar also joined the battle. His charging posture was like a steel centaur weighing dozens of tons or a derailed train.

When the Talandar Memory Primarch Fenix ​​was still mortal, he could smash dense enemy formations to pieces alone. Now Augustus is only grateful that his old friend who has been corrupted and controlled by Amon is not here at the moment, otherwise he would have been They've had it.

But even with one against three, Tassadar still did not fall behind. On the contrary, a psychic shock wave he casually launched could make Artanis retreat continuously, shaking the huge Talandar to death.

Staying with them is even more of a terrifying adventure. The annihilation wave released by the high lord Alarak alone is enough to destroy the world.

"If you think of them as a couple of fighting kittens, there's nothing to be alarmed about."

Tychus said to Augustus, and the multi-barreled machine gun Persuader in his hand fired a long string of dense bullets. The terrifying torrent of bullets was like a fiery red whip, and in an instant, it passed through the temple passage. Sweep from one end to the other. Most of the bullets failed to land on the enemy, but the remaining bullets still caused a few springtails that suddenly sprang out to rip open their skin and flesh, and let out blood-curdling screams.

Equipped with Kaimorian armor-breaking rounds, a Honey Whisper Persuader can reduce a car to scrap with one round of firepower, and at the same time take out a huge Hydra Hydralisk, leaving it full of teeth. The firepower is no less than that. On a 30mm caliber pop-up cannon tower.

At the same time, their feet were shaking violently, and they could clearly feel the earthquake as if they were in a terrifying magnitude eight earthquake. This made it not easy to just stand still.

The golden fleet is still bombarding the surface of Aiur, cleaning the scorched earth that has long been vitrified.

Only the temple area has not been bombed, but every inch of the land is crowded with Amon's army. The hybrids, protoss and zerg on the ground are like moving gray clouds, and the sky is also blocked by flying creatures and Covered by aircraft.

The scene would be unforgettable. Many protoss battleships stretched across the sky, and the huge mothership cast a dazzling beam of light like a new star. These warships are both elegant, beautiful and magnificent. The vast hulls are covered with a layer of red energy shield, like sails blown by strong winds.

Eamon was obviously determined to recapture the Xel'Naga artifact, and even the probes and worker bees were sent to the battlefield.

"If they were kittens and Tychus compared to them, I would have thought you counted as a tiger." Augustus was almost roaring as he spoke.

At the moment, dozens of gauss weapons, howitzers, high-energy particle guns, and wall-mounted plasma cannons are firing at the same time. The firepower on the opposite side is only a lot more. Protoss, phase weapons, neutron cannons, and repulsion weapons are like erupting light. At the end of the scene, the roar caused by the explosion was like dense thunder points exploding in the ears, constantly causing terrible destruction and death.

Fire storms and death rays swept through the entire passage, and the incredible power crushed humans, protoss, and bugs to pieces, leaving shocking marks on the ground and walls.

Through the flash of explosion and thick smoke, rockets whizzed past Augustus' head, and several Immortals on the opposite side also fired back. Every phase interference cannon that landed between them would cause terrible casualties, enough to penetrate the shoulder shields equipped by the Marines. It would not only make a hole, but would also be too much for the heavily armored marauders.

All the protoss' mastery in the art of war was put to perfect use in these horrific weapons of war, to vent their ancestral memory's thirst for war and destruction.

The warning action of Augustus's armor sensors, and even so several times enemy fire fell at his feet, but the personal shield saved his life.

"Guess what, luckily I'm just a coward." Tychus said and fired another round of bullets, and the honey-whispering persuader's ammunition was almost exhausted.

Although the protoss leaders were drawing knives in the middle of the passage, this did not prevent them from shooting at each other from a distance of several hundred yards. If not for the unusual materials used to build the Protoss Temple, it would have collapsed long before the first hail rocket exploded.

On the other hand, considering the almost substantial amount of energy flowing between Artanis, Tassadar, and Alarak, it would be difficult for ordinary weapons to harm them at this time.

The psychic experts of Augustus believe that the power Tassadar now possesses has brought him infinitely closer to a pure psychic creature, whether that power is something he originally possessed or was given by the God of Darkness. .

Perhaps Tassadar has transcended this world and become a god in flesh.

Even if a tactical nuclear bomb is detonated in front of Tassadar, it may not be able to kill him, just like the powerlessness the imperial army felt when facing the Dark Archon Orega.

"They are coming, prepare EMP weapons." Augustus shouted into the communication channel.

Augustus had almost never had such a feeling, as if the Protoss Templars were endless and could not be killed no matter how hard they were killed.

After all, they are the real El bug swarm.

There may be five hundred, perhaps a thousand, fanatics here, and together they are worth thousands of troops.

There are a steady stream of enemies coming from behind, and soon this narrow passage will be crowded with hybrids and elite bugs.

There will be more high-ranking Templars here than there are Imperial Marines.

Rows of fanatics holding solar battle axes or psychic blades rushed over under a hail of bullets. The ground was covered with scraps of steel and flesh, and they felt as if they were stepping on wet mud.

They all wore golden battle armor as gorgeous as the sun, and golden masks engraved with mysterious symbols. The top of the mask represented the emblems of the Akili and Sagas tribes, shining with dazzling light, with unswerving and unstoppable strength. Move forward with momentum. The golden light is shining, spectacular and brilliant, as if reversing time, coming from the tomb of time, from the warriors who came from a thousand years ago.

It is conceivable that in the distant past, in an era that was far older than the Tyranids, these Templars charged into battle for the Protoss Empire in this manner, and were neither unstoppable nor invincible.

Now, just like Tassadar, the blue psychic light that originally symbolized purity on their bodies has been replaced by a dangerous red, just like the Tal'darim Protoss.

They are the last followers of Kara and the most devout pilgrims.

The warriors of Augustus had no choice but to open fire on these brave and fearless protoss warriors, even though the humans were even more convinced than their opponents that they did not deserve to die in such a way on such a battlefield.

This was a terrifying scene. If it were slowed down many times, Augustus could even see the ripples on the plasma shield caused by armor-piercing projectiles and rocket-propelled grenades. It was like a scene where dense rain fell on the glass window and then splashed out. No matter how fast the rain fell, it would be useless.

But the EMP weapons came in handy later, and Augustus saw the shields on the Templars being peeled off like foam blown up by a gust of wind, followed by hot raindrops and explosions.

A series of dazzling tongues of fire swallowed up the first few fanatics, and then they were pushed out by the powerful impact, rolling and turning into a red light, melting like ice cubes in the sun.

Even so, these zealots absorbed a considerable portion of the firepower, and the protoss warriors behind them were able to catch up with their shields temporarily disabled. Their energy charge is extremely fast, and they can close the distance between themselves and the enemy in just a few thoughts, killing them without mercy.

When Augustus realized that the distance between the two sides was rapidly decreasing, he could even see the light flowing on their nerve bundles.

Any force composed of Zealots is formidable and is the unquestionable backbone of the protoss army, just as where there are marines, there is the military deterrence of the Tyranid Empire.

Even the most daring Imperial soldiers dare not let these fearsome warriors come within two steps of themselves, which in any case means their death.

The psychic blade can cut through matter of any density as effortlessly as light passing through transparent glass. Human power armor was not designed to withstand such weapons and was as fragile as paper.

But this is a one-way passage, and they have almost no retreat. In such terrain, two fanatics can easily take care of half a platoon of Imperial Marines.

Groups of moving black shadows appeared at this moment, and the Dark Templar warriors waved their curved light warblade to stop the Zealot's blade. For a moment, this turned into a hand-to-hand battle, and the scene quickly became chaotic.

These protoss may have gone crazy, but they will definitely remember how to kill people clearly, and they don't look like they are confused.

A zealot killed a Marine by getting in close with the whizzing bullets, disemboweling him with the first blow, driving the second through the top of his helmet, then turned and killed the next man, ten After a few seconds there was no one alive around him.

He quickly zeroed in on his next target, but was knocked to the ground by one of the Royal Guards' fortress guards.

Two Hellbat mechas captured a dragon rider with only three legs left, stepped forward and set it between napalm injectors, roasting it into a bubbling pot of hot blue soup.

If the Templars could also let out heart-rending screams, then Augustus might have heard it, but he couldn't tell whether it came from the psychic level or from the communication channel. .

It's better not to distinguish clearly.

The battle happened just a short distance away. Human soldiers did not have to think that these enemies were once their allies. They would kill them even with their teeth. The protoss must be eager to grow sharp teeth.

A high-ranking Templar was sniped by a Ghost agent as soon as he showed up, but before he died, he used his amazing psychic intuition to fight back and used chain feedback to detonate the Imperial Ghost's psychic energy, causing him to die. The backlash of one's own power.

Of all the ways to die humanly possible, few are more tragic.

There are enemies everywhere, but so far there are just as many people trying to protect the emperor as there are people trying to kill him.

Soon, Augustus was surrounded by corpses of his own people and his enemies.

Augustus didn't have time to think about it. I'm afraid that after this battle, it would be difficult for the human and protoss warriors who had fought here today to stand together and talk calmly, even if they knew in their hearts that none of them belonged to the other party. wrong.

Even if the empire claimed that the protoss was corrupted and attacked its former allies, the civilians whose homes had been razed to the ground by the protoss would not believe it.

Just like many Korhal Revolutionary Army soldiers who participated in the Protoss Civil War are still unable to get over the shadows of the past. They can distinguish between good and bad, but they still hate the Protoss.

At this time, zealots continued to try to get closer to Augustus, but failed to get past the royal guards beside him. Tychus roared like a bull and kept firing. It was almost as if his bullets were conjured out of thin air.

Nova shot and killed a zealot who was wounded by a grenade, then she drew two blue monomolecular light blades and slashed at another zealot. That posture is completely that of a top swordsman, which requires both skill and strength to rival it.

You wouldn't want to accost a female ghost like that.

Augustus used the corner of his eyes to look at the center of the battlefield where the fighting was still raging. I saw that Artanis and Alarak actually dealt with Tassadar together, and in a very short period of time, their unfamiliar cooperation became in harmony, as if they had been fighting side by side with each other for hundreds of years.

But compared with Tassadar, who was at ease, they also looked embarrassed.

With a bang, Talandar flew out like a whipped top, knocking over several fanatics along the way. Alarak was also knocked to the ground by the powerful void energy, unable to move. Only Artanis was in slightly better condition, but he did not get any benefit from Tassadar.

As if in the blink of an eye, Artanis was lifted up by Tassadar's chin.

Tassadar could kill Artanis instantly if he exerted his strength.

Augustus's heartbeat also stopped for half a beat, but Tassadar did not do that. In an instant, some admirable power allowed him to temporarily get rid of Eamon's control, and his blood-red eyes returned to clear blue. color.

How amazing, what an admirable tenacity this great protoss hero has. He faced the wrath of the Dark God and fought against it.

Tassadar was still able to control himself temporarily, or at least he could barely resist Amon's will.

"Atanis." Tassadar put down Artanis, his voice sounded painful, but none of that pain was reserved for himself:

"Do it!"

"I can't!" Artanis sometimes seemed to lack confidence, but at this moment he was convinced that he was right.

Tassadar should not have fallen before dawn.

The one who reacted fastest was Alarak, who had no intention of stopping.

Even though in his heart, Alarak recognized Tassadar's strength, but even if they had friendship, he would not show mercy.

But the next moment, Tassadar's eyes rekindled the bloody flames, and this time he slapped Alarak against the wall, pressing him into the wall a few feet deep.

Obviously, the God of Darkness is looking here.

"Why ignore the truth." Eamon felt that the overall situation was under control and taunted him. But whenever he wanted to control Tassadar's body, he felt a strong will fighting against him, which surprised him, and even made him a little uneasy.

"The demise of the universe has long been determined, and you are going against the general trend."

Suddenly, not only Tassadar, but all the Templars began to wail, and waves of red psychic energy were drawn out from the ends of their nerve bundles by some invisible force and converged towards the center of the temple.

"That damn artifact finally worked." Tychus was overjoyed. (End of chapter)

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