StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 746 Seamless switch to nova impact mode

The Xel'Naga artifact released a spherical shock wave shining with blue arc light. The latter's speed increased every second. It just passed through the wall of the temple, and then swept across the world, reaching the earth-moon space and the exosolar asteroid belt.

The red light like flowing fireflies was peeled off from the nerve bundles of thousands of star spirits, and the endless pain caused by it made them wail and cry. It was as if what was extracted by the artifact was not Eamon's consciousness, but a bloody face. of spine.

Augustus felt firsthand the pain of Tassadar and his templars, and he had goosebumps all over his body.

The heart-rending mental roar of the protoss almost drove the Emperor of the Tyranid Empire out of his body. In comparison, a dozen croaking screaming chickens were as quiet as pigs that had died in their sleep.

While the protoss were wailing in pain, the Imperial soldiers were free to deal with the zerg in the passage.

There are a lot of zerg here, but when the artifact is activated, they are also in chaos like the protoss, and they just follow their instincts to attack each other.

Amon's will has been briefly bound to the Xel'Naga artifact, so he disappeared from Kara and the master's brood mind at the same time. Apparently even the brainworms and motherworms can't figure out what time it is now. What's happening.

"My mother!" All the wrinkles on Tychus's face were squeezed together, and his expression was distorted as if he had a hemorrhoid attack: "Next time you have a party, remember not to let those damn stars sing."

"You're right. He's a fucking soul singer." Augustus felt that his temples were already bulging.

To be honest, Augustus has seen too many things like this. When dealing with the protoss, he has to endure the torture of their overly powerful psychic and spiritual powers.

It's useless to turn off the power armor's sound collector or plug your ears. You can feel the anger of the protoss in their war cry, and you can also understand the infinite sadness in a spiritual sob. This is an emotional expression that surpasses speech and words.

Only Kara can accommodate such powerful emotions of the El Protoss, and can even be called a collection of "souls" of a race, but such a thing may never exist again in the future.

The protoss soon calmed down, and Tassadar was the first to wake up.

As soon as Augustus saw Tassadar's dazzling eyes, burning with psychic fire, turn from red to blue, he walked towards him.

Tassadar still stood there, the armor all over his body seemed to be made of equal weight of gold, the velvet blue robe hung down to the greaves of his legs, and the crown-like ceremonial mask was shrouded in a shining stream of light. . Augustus saw a huge psychic amplifier rising behind Tassadar, like a radiant corona.

Augustus originally expected to see a haggard face, but Tassadar's condition was much better than he thought.

Despite this, Tassadar still looks much older than his actual age, with many wrinkle-like folds on his face. As far as the protoss is concerned, he is less than four hundred years old.

"Tassadar, my brother," said Augustus, "you have been tortured!"

"Tassadar, cut off your connection with Kara." Artanis was much more anxious than Augustus, and he cared about Tassadar more than anyone else, but time was running out and no one knew about the Xel'Naga artifact. How long can Eamonn be trapped?

"Templars, you must cut off the nerve bundles and get rid of Eamon's control!" He looked around again and emphasized: "Otherwise, it will be too late."

Artanis said exactly what Augustus was about to say.

"Artanis is right. The artifact can only temporarily bind Amon's will. My engineers don't know how long the artifact will take effect. It may be a few minutes, or it may be just a few seconds. In short, you have to make a decision as soon as possible. ." Augustus said to Tassadar: "Before Aemon retakes Kara and enslaves the firstborn son of the god again."

But just as Artanis was forced to sever the nerve bundle, the Templars hesitated. As mentioned before, nerve bundles are the innate organs of the protoss. Cutting off nerve bundles is equivalent to cutting off ears and noses. The most important thing is that this will permanently eliminate oneself from Kara.

El Protoss who accidentally lose their nerve bundles always die of depression, just like people who suffer from depression and self-mutilate. Star spirits who have lived in Kara since birth cannot bear loneliness.

The Firstborn Sons of God say that after death their souls will be reunited in Kara, thus Kara is also equated with the real paradise.

At this moment, ominous blood-red lightning penetrated the walled courtyard, and Eamon's voice sounded again, as if coming from the infinite sky:


This sound seemed to be able to penetrate the soul, once again making the protoss wail.

"My will is irresistible!"

"You reminded me, Amon, and lies never come true!" Perhaps after hearing what Augustus said, Tassadar finally woke up from a long, long nightmare, but when he really When he woke up, the wise and wise Executor of the past returned: "My fellow citizens, Templars, I call you in the Kara, and you also have my soul."

This is an old saying.

Amon only left Kara temporarily, but Kara still existed at this moment, and the fleet channel of the Golden Fleet was also unobstructed, so all the protoss could hear what Tassadar said at this moment.

Tassadar knew he didn't have time to make a lengthy speech, which would play into Eamonn's hands. But anyone who has been enslaved by Amon like him knows that the once pure and sacred Kara is no longer the harbor for their souls.

During the days when the God of Darkness ruled Kara, endless anger and hatred tore through their souls like whirlpools in the spiritual sea, and every second was more difficult than a hundred years.

There was no need for Tassadar to go to great lengths to clarify the interests, and they also clearly understood what it meant to stay in Kara.

Just like cutting off the tail to survive, or a strong man cutting off the wrist, it is impossible for their family to disappear from the Kara unless the nerve bundle is cut off.

"The Firstborn Son of God!" Tassadar said: "Cut the nerve bundle immediately and cut off the connection with Kara! Even if Kara is lost, we are not nothing. Without Kara, we still have each other."

"For Arden! For Al!"

Augustus then saw Tassadar reaching for the back of his head, grasping the bundle of nerves with one hand, igniting the psychic blade with the other hand, and cutting it cleanly.

During this time, Augustus did not hear Tassadar's wailing, not even a gasp or a groan. Obviously, Tassadar has already realized this.

In an instant, all the El Protoss realized that Tassadar had suddenly disappeared from the Kara, like a star in the night sky suddenly falling into the deep darkness.

Tassadar held great prestige among both the Khalai and the Templar class, and today the poetry of the Dallam Protoss tells of him: Tassadar the great and noble, Tassadar the hero, the Tower of glory. Sardar. He is revered as the savior of the Templars, the Twilight Messiah, the Resurrection of Adon, and a living legend.

This was a signal. The templar warriors around Tassadar clenched their nerve bundles sadly, cutting them off with shrill wails, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

The look of despair reminded Augustus of the soldiers in the medical station who were told that they had to choose between keeping their legs or their lives. They usually didn't have too long to make a decision.

At this time, there were still several Templars around who were hesitant and had not started to remove the nerve bundle. To them, Kara is something more precious than life.

"Kara connects our thoughts and loyalty." A templar wearing golden armor said: "Abandoning Kara means abandoning honor and faith."

"Adun and the gods know that we would rather die with courage."

Augustus recognized him as Leredar, one of Urland's subordinates, who was as noble as his Olga brethren.

So Augustus said to him: "I think it takes more courage to live with shame than to die."

"My soldiers who died in Aiur wanted to live more than anyone else. They wanted to live until they were twenty, forty, one hundred years old. For them, life was over just after it began."

"If you let Eamonn control you again," he finally said, "we'll kill you."

The templar named Lerida felt the sadness in Augustus's heart and suddenly felt ashamed. The Firstborn of God respected Augustus as much as they respected Tassadar, and only Augustus could hold this honor among humans.

If even Tassadar can admit that he has learned far more from a human than what he has given to the other person, what right do they have to be arrogant and arrogant, looking higher than the sky?

"You have to save your life to kill the enemy for us, otherwise you will be a coward without eggs." Tychus followed Augustus and said: "The blood of the Tyranids is about to drain out, Camerion So are the people and the Umoyans.”

"Eamonn, he's the biggest widowmaker in the world."

"Do you want me to help you with even such a small matter? Templar." High Lord Alarak came from the other side and announced. He gracefully raised the Blade of Betrayal in his hand, looking like The victorious rooster.

Alarak has been secretly observing since he dug himself out of the wall.

Alarak's words were the straw that broke the camel's back. Lerida and the other templars roared angrily, cutting off the nerve bundles one after another. Not only here, the same thing is happening in other places in El and in the Golden Fleet.

In a short period of time, so many protoss left Kara, and the shock caused by this was just like the shock their ancestors had when they left the void and joined Kara.

Perhaps history is a cycle.

At this moment, Amon is gradually breaking free from the shackles of the Xel'Naga artifact, and his power in the real world is quickly returning, but as long as the protoss all cut off the nerve bundles, they will no longer be controlled by it.

"No! This body!" He roared again:

"All the stars! They belong to me!"

"We won't compete with you," Tychus joked.

"Well, Augustus, I have a question."

Then, Tychus made an indecent gesture of cutting his balls: "How should those protoss in Dragon Knight cut off their own nerve bundles?"

"Good question." Augustus was stunned for a moment and could only answer: "I'm afraid they have to climb out of the nutrition cabin on their own."

When all the dust settled, Augustus saw that, like a drop of water falling into the water, causing ripples, all the Templars knelt down on one knee and renewed their allegiance to Tassadar, including Attar. Nice and Tarandale.

The Templars all chanted Tassadar's name, and even Augustus felt his blood boil.

"They chanted my name, as if I was the one who saved them." When Tassadar approached Augustus, he was still holding the severed nerve bundle in his hand, the nerve bundle that had been cut off by its roots. The ends are decorated with shining crystal ornaments, and the cut surfaces are as neat and smooth as mirror surfaces, shining like molten gold.

"They should have chanted your names." Tassadar looked at Augustus, Artanis, and even Alarak next to him.

Alarak always maintained the demeanor of a high-ranking lord and just nodded in greeting.

Now he has nothing to be dissatisfied with Tassadar. He is a genuine Ta'darin. Naturally, he believes that the weak should be enslaved by the strong, and they are also given the qualification to defeat the superior by the chain of promotion.

The winner is king, the strong is respected, this is the law, and even the soft-hearted Tal'darin will not survive long.

Tassadar looked at Augustus for the last time: "You saved us again."

"It's better to choose one day than another. Now it's your turn to save us." Augustus chuckled, but everyone could see that he was not happy.

"Almost all of our people are dead, and there are not many fleets left." He said: "Humanity has sacrificed almost everything."

This place looks like a slaughterhouse, every inch of wall tiles seems to have been washed by blood, and the smell of blood is blowing towards your face.

"The war is not over yet." Tassadar stared into Augustus's eyes, letting him know that he was just as sad as he was.

"The eldest son of God has gained freedom, but the Lord is still taking orders from Aemon." He said: "I am worried that the God of Darkness will not be willing to admit defeat and let the swarm withdraw from the war."

"I'm afraid that's the case." Augustus received a report from the imperial fleet: "The swarm obviously does not intend to evacuate Aiur, they are still launching an attack here."

But Augustus knew that the situation had now completely reversed.

Now that the Durham protoss have separated from Kara, there is certainly enough time for the protoss in the Supreme Council fleet to cut off their own nerve bundles.

Augustus believed that even the most pedantic and insane law enforcers recognized the true nature of the gods, otherwise they would be the most ridiculous clowns in the galaxy.

If everything goes as he expected, the Dark Ark, the Pride of Altaris, will also fall to them, so that the protoss and human coalition will have two arks.

Then, their next enemy will only be the insect swarm.

"I have an idea." Augustus turned to Tychus and ordered: "Tell Egon Stetman that I want him to switch the Xel'Naga artifact to Nova Impact mode now."

"If the energy of the temple is still not enough, the high-ranking lord Alarak will pay for it. He is both a conqueror and a tyrant. He is an army alone." Augustus did not hesitate to put Alarak on the fire. Roast, this is somewhat personal.

"Really?" Tychus sang along: "I don't think this will work."

"." Alarak didn't know what to say for the first time. (End of chapter)

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