StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 79 We stepped into the death zone

The Iron Justice is a Behemoth-class battlecruiser of the Tyranid Federation. This 1,500-foot-long steel giant has more than twenty sets of cannons, laser pulse cannons, and laser points accelerated by magnetic coils. The array defense turret is powered by a huge Colossus reactor that powers the entire battleship's life support and weapons systems.

These warships armed with thick steel armor and heavy cannons are like mobile fortresses made of steel. In wartime, the Tyranid Federation fleet is the commander's general command center, and in peacetime, it is an extension of the federal government's force. .

Augustus wore a black and gray power armor and walked in the corridor of the Iron Justice from the crew cabin to the launch bay, followed by the first class of Heavenly Demons. The clicking sound of power boots made the lines cold and hard. The simple and practical shape echoes on the corridor walls.

"When we capture Meinhof, Kemerian will be close to surrender. It's October now, and there are still two months left. We can go back home by Christmas."

Jim Raynor said something completely unrelated to the landing mission on the first shift's communication channel: "I really want to see my parents. I hope our heifer is not pregnant yet. Billy's husband Cows are always up to no good.”

"Jim, don't you know that reality often doesn't go your way?" Tychus said cursingly.

"We all know that Lady Luck is a bitch and she only opens her crotch to her enemies."

"I have read the mission briefing carefully. Meinhof is not undefended." Lundstein said on the communication channel: "And our commander is obviously only deploying troops based on outdated information provided by spies. The battle situation Things are changing so fast, who knows if we might just fall in between tens of thousands of heavily armed Kaimorian Rippers."

"The generals are accustomed to launching wars strictly according to their plans. I only hope that their battle plans are formulated after careful consideration and repeated revisions, if it were me."

"You are just a soldier, Alan. Let's wait until you become a general." Josephine said: "Even I can see that the superiors are not very interested in this 'broken stone in the universe'. They want It's resources. We are robbers, we steal things and run away."

"Has anyone seen my peanut butter, little Amy?" Hanak asked quietly on the channel.

"You always throw things everywhere. The last time I saw it, it was in your stinky socks." Amy Brandon complained: "I'm not your mother. Sometimes I really doubt you." Will you be unable to live without me?"

"I really can't live without peanut butter." Harnak's voice sounded like he was about to die.

Amidst the complaints and chatter of his subordinates, Augustus turned into another more open corridor and entered the launch cabin full of ozone and engine oil smell. Ground crews in orange uniforms ran around the transport aircraft and landing craft parked on the berthing platform. Technicians surrounded the damaged Avenger fighter jets, the light of their welding guns flashing continuously.

A battalion of Marines was lining up to board four landing craft with round bellies. Ground crews wearing bright orange nylon hats were busy removing the cables that fixed the ships.

The Demon of Heaven has its own transport ship, which is a newly completed APOD-46 transport ship built by the Bennett Shipyard in Tarsonis. Augustus and his men spent more than a week repainting the transport ship, painting the hooded skull and crimson cross of the Demon of Heaven on its black and gray hull.

More than forty demons from Heaven wanted to give the ship a unique name, but they debated for a weekend and couldn't reach an agreement, so Augustus decided to call it the Imp. Harnack's Red Devil plan was ruthlessly rejected. He doubted that if the Demon of Heaven had a larger battleship, Augustus would call it the Great Demon.

Augustus's troops did not wait long before boarding their own transport ship, driven by a pilot named Jack. In the past, he used to drive supply barges between the space station and the ground for a private airline. Fick, the armor technician of the Demon of Heaven, did not follow them, but stayed on the spine deck of the battleship to repair the damaged cables with other workers.

The little devil was quickly sent into deep space by the electromagnetic launcher of the launch module. This spacecraft built at the end of the Battle of Kailian had more functions than the old one. There is a data cable on each seat that plugs into the power armor, and the HUD display on the Marine's visor can be directly connected to the spacecraft's detector.

There are six different image intervals on Augustus's HUD display. He can not only get the pilot's perspective, but also see the orange tail flame at the tail of the spacecraft. Under the cover of Avengers and Wraith fighter planes, hundreds of transport ships and landing craft crashed into Meinhof's atmosphere, which is much thinner than that of other colonial planets.

As it passed through the atmosphere, the little devil's outer shell was covered with a layer of flames, and the plasma flames of the thrusters became even more brilliant. From Augustus's perspective, the spacecraft seemed to have turned into a beast falling to the earth, bathed in flames. Phoenix.

More and more phoenixes were falling from the dark blue dome of Meinhof behind Augustus.

As the Imps descended to an altitude of eight thousand feet, Augustus could see the swarms of Kemerian Cerberus rushing toward them like angry wasps. Initially there were only a few dozen, but this number has doubled over time.

Fighters from both sides opened fire at the same time.

In the corner of Augustus's eye, a laser beam rubbed the Imp's tail and hit an APOD-33 transport ship behind it, which immediately turned into a ball of flame. A large transport ship carrying a company of soldiers collided head-on with another Cerberus, leaving everyone on board with no chance of survival.

During the long period of time when the spacecraft was getting closer and closer to the ground, what Augustus saw alone was that more than twenty landing ships were destroyed by suicide attacks from cannons, missiles and even Camorian fighter planes. But the little devil is lucky enough that the enemy has not targeted it yet.

When he was on the battlefield, Augustus had the feeling more than once that his life and death were never under his own control and depended entirely on whether enemy bullets and cannonballs would suddenly fall on his head.

Augustus couldn't do anything at this time. He missed the feeling of his feet standing firmly on the ground.

Just when Augustus could already see the dark brown mountains of Meinhof and the Caymorian town with black spiers in the distance, a Caymorian Cerberus followed them. Its missiles had long been exhausted. He was using two sets of air-to-air laser cannons on the nose of the machine to shoot at the little devil.

The pilot, Jack, deviated from his planned route in order to escape pursuit and flew towards the mountains instead of the city of Kemorion. On Augustus's HUD display, the constantly beating numbers showed that they were getting farther and farther away from the planned landing site, the New Apollon Mine.

Half a pigeon…

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