StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 80 Tychus’ View

Camorion's twin-engine jet fighter followed the dark black APOD-46 transport ship Little Devil. The orange laser beam passed by the side. The spacecraft piloted by Jack narrowly escaped after several difficult evasive maneuvers. He narrowly dodged the attack again.

The black-gray spaceship flew close to the same-colored land as Meinhof, passing over rugged rocky beaches and dry canyon river beds, while the Cerberus fighter planes with golden-red stripes followed closely behind and above, as if they were a A falcon hovering just above its prey.

"This is transport ship AP-404, calling the escort formation, requesting support!" Augustus could hear the pilot's voice on the contact channel.

Jack's call for help was quickly answered. A CF/17 Wraith fighter turned from high altitude and locked onto the Cerberus fighter chasing the Little Devil. Two Gemini air-to-air missiles popped out of the missile bay under the wing. , dragging a long plasma flame and a white vapor trail towards the enemy aircraft.

Amidst the cheers of the demons in heaven, the hellhound that followed them like a death-seeking god exploded.

The little devil turned again and flew towards the designated landing point, flying all the way over the dark brown wasteland without any green and the hills piled up with cinders and slag, like patches of termite nests on the African continent of the earth.

Some cranes and smaller trucks that looked like toy models from this height were parked beside these hills. The workers on the ground had long since abandoned their tools and fled, and a signal tower used to point vehicles in the direction of the storm stood alone among the hills.

Across this group of hills, a looming group of deep black buildings suddenly appeared on Augustus's HUD display. The dense spiers and arched windows looked like conchs and glowing shells on the beach in the sunlight.

Different from the grid-like town buildings and domed cubic houses of the Tyranid Federation colonies, the buildings of the Kemorians are more distinctive. They use cut marble and simple but beautiful cubic stone columns to build their castle-like buildings. family residence.

The buildings close together have extremely high domes and many small windows. Brick courtyards separate the large clans. Miles of high walls separate the entire New Apollovin community from the wind, sand and wild beasts of the outside world. Barrier outside. The two black satellite communication spiers are like two tentacles on the horizon, and several Kemorian spacecraft are taking off or landing, looking like black spots rising and falling in the distance.

"Old Jack, drive more slowly, don't be in a hurry." Renault complained on the transport ship's internal channel: "To be honest, I almost vomited."

"How about you come?" Jack said slowly.

"That shouldn't be difficult. I've driven the ship in the holographic projection simulation cabin of the Iron Justice, and my score has always been the highest." Renault was eager to try: "This is what you said, I will be the one to drive the ship next time." Go back. I bet I’m just one earth-shattering maneuver away from getting my pilot’s license!”

"Oh, I'm afraid you'll have to sail back alone, Jim, because no one dares to sit on it." Tychus teased.

"It's about to land, get ready, boys." Jack laughed loudly: "The butt is about to land!"

The Kemorians in the New Apollon town community apparently discovered the approaching transport ship through their radar. The anti-aircraft missiles were already in the air, and the little devil had to find a depression two miles away from this Kemorian residential community. landed in.

Driven by the hydraulic device, the gangway slowly unfolded. Augustus was the first to get off the spacecraft. He held the electromagnetic rifle in his hand and observed the surrounding terrain. The demons of heaven in black and gray power armor came from behind him. File down.

"I think the little devil should be equipped with a stealth module." Augustus said while instructing others to cover the spacecraft with an environmental simulation curtain for camouflage: "In this way, at least today we will never be attacked by that aircraft. Targeted by annoying hellhounds.”

"Do you think fourth-class Marines are still qualified to enjoy this kind of treatment? They don't let us wear crotchless pants to fight, so they deserve taxpayers' money." Tychus poured cold water on Augustus.

After a month of getting along with each other, Tychus Finley gradually gained Augustus's trust and gradually integrated into this special tactical force. The hooded skull tattoo of the Heavenly Demon brought everyone together. connected together.

Of course, that's what other people think. To veteran oilman Tychus, these people were just another group of passers-by in his casual military career, a group of not-so-stupid comrades.

In the past, Tychus wasn't that keen on being part of a group, preferring to be a loner. Tychus had few friends because he could not trust anyone else. Even when "doing business", Tychus will try its best to make money through the most convenient channels with the fewest people.

The more people cooperate, the more money is shared.

The reason why Tychus Finlay is happy to hang out with the demons in heaven and chat occasionally is because their boss, Augustus Mengsk, is a money-maker.

Most importantly, Augustus was extremely generous to his own people. Tychus had never seen a gangster or a smuggler give so much money to his subordinates and only take a small part of it, as if he didn't care about the money at all.

To Tychus, such people are like elegant nobles in the slums and saints in the brothels, who cannot exist in this world.

This kind of person is worthy of Tychus to follow. No "real man" with blood and backbone like him would have trouble with money.

Generally speaking, Tychus always likes to work alone, and only does jobs that pay quickly. If he is asked to carry a bag to work, it is better to let him serve as a maid or serve dishes elegantly in a backless evening dress. cake. Tychus rarely treats everyone with all his heart, but the boss who is loyal enough and willing to put money in his pocket is an exception.

Augustus seemed to understand what Tychus wanted.

Recalling the scene when he first met Augustus, Tychus always felt a little weird. Augustus seemed to see through what kind of person Tychus was at a glance, and he liked him.

Tychus is sure that he has never met Augustus, but the kind of person who can see through the other person with just one glance does not exist in reality. It should only appear in electronic novels or the words described by great people are too exaggerated. in the novel biography.

Tychus knew that successful generals or financial giants would ask writers to write autobiographies in their later years, and he firmly believed that Augustus would not remain unknown throughout his life.

How would the biographers of Augustus, long in the future, describe the legendary first meeting between the great robber Tychus Finlay and him?

"Sooner or later I will find someone to modify it. Our power armor, Mr. Fike, is not good at modifying things other than armor and weapons." Augustus nailed the environment simulation curtain to Main with dozens of inches of thick nails. In the hard soil of Hove.

The Devil in Heaven, who had been following Augustus for a short time, knew that he would never give up until he had completed the task. Harnack lacked patience and persistence in most things, while Augustus was exactly the same. on the contrary.

Thanks to the Holy and Commandment, Agent Rongrong, CommandIICHE, Book Friends 20200205042517217, and the pastoral cat downstairs. of rewards.

Thanks to Luoxue and Jasmine, AIUR will be redeemed, Northern Warrior, XMD01, Clement001, silent and carefree, Xiaomi D, Qi Xingping, Wu Xuan, Elida Lei, Luoxue, Jasmine, Northern Warrior, Rong Agent Rong, XMD01 monthly pass.

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