StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 93 Keha Revolutionary Army

On Christmas Eve, Augustus did not stay with his family. Instead, he hurriedly summoned the cadres and members of the revolutionary army. Every Confederate city, free trade city, industrial city and star port ring city sent out Two to three representatives. The location is in the warehouse of an IAA holographic projection screen factory owned by the Mengsk Group.

Although this huge organization has more than 100,000 people and is scattered in cities across Korhal IV, in order to avoid being hunted by the police and agents, they still use the secret method of underground organizations to communicate. Not so much an army as an underground party linked by passion, faith and a desire for freedom.

The Keha Revolutionary Army is a relatively loose revolutionary organization. The members of the Revolutionary Army in each city are organized and managed by a revolutionary committee. Each committee member is responsible for several urban communities or factories and villages.

The supreme leader of the revolutionary army is called "Supreme Marshal", "First Leader", and "Pioneer", but no one knows his real name because it is just a vague symbol.

Angus Mengsk was the founder of this revolutionary army, but he was not a "marshal". This position should have belonged to his eldest son Arcturus Mengsk, but the latter was busy mining.

On the afternoon of December 23, Augustus saw nearly one hundred and thirty members of the revolutionary army in the factory warehouse where the doors and windows were blackened with a special black coating. Some of them were organizers of the Stillling demonstrations, others were responsible for propaganda and recruiting new members, and the rest were initiators of "terrorist attacks." Funding for their activities is mainly provided by the Mengsk family.

In the warehouse illuminated by blue lights, Augustus stood in front of the attendees wearing a black square-necked long-sleeved coat.

Members of the Revolutionary Army, dressed in work clothes, suits, casual clothes, high school student uniforms and even bartender uniforms, whispered about Augustus' identity. Augustus's codename was Second Lieutenant, which doesn't sound like much, but in the revolutionary army, military rank is not a position, but an exclusive title for an important person.

Many people speculate that he is the "first leader" or "marshal", because only he has the right to summon the top leaders of the revolutionary army to come here.

Some people recognized Augustus as the second son of Angus Mengsk, the leader of the Korhal independence movement, and were very surprised that he could appear here. Before Augustus joined the army, because the descendants of the Mengsk family had always kept a low profile, few outsiders could get their photos.

But after Augustus became a war hero and became widely known as the commander of the Demons of Heaven, his fame in Korhal IV naturally increased.

This is completely contrary to the expectations of the federal government and UNN. They originally thought that this would more or less weaken Angus's prestige.

Most Korhal despised the war heroes elected by the Terran Confederacy, but Augustus Mengsk was an exception. Simply because of his last name and his signature cool gray eyes and hair.

There are bronze statues of the first Mengsk erected in many places on Korhal IV, and flowers will be presented on the day of his birth. People regard the Steele Wolf as a spiritual symbol of the Korhal people's perseverance and fearlessness of power. They believe that the Mengsk family has inherited the characteristics and character of the wolf, and that each generation of Mengsk is born with a pack of wolves. leader.

"I am Augustus Mengsk, the supreme leader of the Korhal Revolutionary Army."

"I summoned you all just to understand some of the situation." Augustus looked at the many pairs of watching eyes: "Before that, I want to announce something."

Although this was only their first meeting with Augustus, at this moment, everyone stopped talking and were infected by Augustus' serious face and sonorous voice. They stared at the young but majestic face of Augustus, anticipating every word and word he was about to say.

"Those impassioned speeches, the cry for revolution and freedom, the pursuit of freedom and independence, my father Angus Mengsk has said enough. And there is only one thing I want to say." He said.

"The war has begun!"

"In the past, you had many identities, sons of your parents, fathers, and husbands. But now, I want to call you warriors of the revolution, my soldiers!"

"Fight for Korhal!" Almost at the same time, all the revolutionaries saluted Augustus with a fist salute.

"For the new order!" Augustus clenched his right fist and raised it high.

"Khar above all else!"

The response was uniform and deafening.

"Khar above all else!"

The revolutionary parties who came to attend this meeting all knew that this would be a general mobilization for war, which meant that the Keha Revolutionary Army was about to become a real army.

This relatively small hardware distribution warehouse is filled with enthusiastic young people with high morale. They are between the ages of sixteen and forty and come from various industries. There are losers and winners, from sewer cleaners to factory managers, from failed art students to suspected mental patients. They are all-encompassing and diverse reflections of this society.

Augustus silenced everyone and began to ask them some questions.

"Corporal Newsom, how many people can be mobilized in the Confederate city of Newtland?" Augustus asked.

"Two thousand people."

"If I give you three months, can you increase that number to 20,000."

"I will mobilize all the ambitious people I can, and if I can't, then let my blood be shed on Korhal's soil."


Augustus asked each delegate about the number of local revolutionary troops and the revolutionary will of the masses, and then he said: "Time is running out, fellow citizens, soldiers."

"We must gather like-minded people in the shortest possible time and establish a standing army. This standing army must have at least ten integrated army divisions and two armies formed by them. Remember, this will be a professional army, not a A hastily put together peasant uprising army. The army will be commanded by the revolutionary army headquarters and obey orders."

"The Korhal Revolutionary Army needs to be restrained by strict discipline, with sergeants maintaining discipline, and officers executing the orders issued by the Supreme Headquarters. We need a recruitment department, a logistics department, human resources management, a hospital department, and a supervision department."

"We also need to build Korhal's own fleet from scratch and train qualified fleet soldiers. If we don't have battleships and battlecruisers, then we can convert merchant ships into assault ships, cargo ships into gunboats, and Goliath-class transport ships For the frigate.”

"The new government will allocate funds to build a geosynchronous orbit platform and transform two satellites into fortresses, so we also need a rapid reaction force that can fight in space."

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