StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 94 Preparations before the Uprising

On December 24, just one day before Christmas, Augustus was still working at his temporary Korhal Revolutionary Army headquarters on the 62nd floor of the Mengsk Sky Tower.

A loose revolutionary organization was becoming a real army under the documents issued by Augustus. The revolutionary army will organize various departments, establish a database of soldiers, integrate military sources, and form platoon, company, battalion, brigade and division-level units according to the soldiers' place of birth.

What Augustus was writing was a document requesting his father to fund the establishment of the Mengsk Military Academy. This is what he has been doing these past few days, asking for people, money, everything.

Now that Augustus has great power, he is forming a new Korhal Revolutionary Army, and the Mengsk family's financial resources and resources are also tilted towards the Revolutionary Army. Angus still understands that he must have a strong army, but he lacks talents in this area and action men who can put it into practice.

After all, Angus is just a politician. He always hopes to use political means to fight for the rights of the people, but he is not ruthless and determined enough.

In Augustus's estimation, each of the Confederate cities in the south and the cities in the north could pull out three reorganized divisions of 25,000 men. Industrial cities, mining cities, as well as farms, ranches and towns could form more troops. , and the port cities near the two main seas of Korhal must provide fleet soldiers for the future fleet.

These initial armies were composed of true revolutionaries, and they would be the best and most loyal troops in Augustus' hands.

Augustus had a lot of work to do, and he realized that his father had completely underestimated the power of the Federation army and the ruthlessness of the Federation Council of Tarsonis. They had to deal with much more than the Federation garrison on Korhal IV, which was dilapidated due to neglect of training and growing corruption problems.

The Federation fleet might not even send a landing force to try to retake Korhal, but just burn the planet to the ground. Korhal was the first planet to rebel, and destruction to ashes was their only fate.

At this time, Augustus's headquarters only had a few financial officers and staff temporarily transferred from the family business and the Korhal Revolutionary Army. Lisa Kesidi, one of the members of the Demon of Heaven, was making noises. Arranging documents next to his automatic typewriter, rocket soldier Conor Ward temporarily served as the leader of Augustus's personal guard because of his taciturn and practical work.

As for Harnack and Zander, Augustus sent them to serve as instructors in the Stillling Guards Regiment being formed in Stillling City.

The Mengsk family has purchased a large number of desert islands and abandoned star ports at sea as training grounds for new recruits. The Tyranid federal government will soon discover something is wrong, but at this time they are busy negotiating with the defeated Kemerian Federation to transfer the fleet to Used to plunder colonial resources and intimidate.

When the negotiations are almost complete, Korhal IV will also declare independence.

It is worth mentioning that Harnack and Zander had completely different ways of training their subordinates. Harnack was keen on using corporal punishment, swearing and stricter discipline to establish authority.

Zander is relatively more easy-going, but he is also very strict with his subordinates. He also cherishes the opportunity given to him by Augustus and realizes that this is a turning point that changes his destiny.

Augustus's desk was filled with papers and lists of plans that had just been given to him by his father Angus.

The top plan is "Instigating uprisings in Antiga, Joe Sara, Mar Sara and other places" and "A plan to unite various planets to form a pan-Tylan alliance". The following is "Creating an independent newspaper for Korhal" and the media", "Infiltrating the Founding Family of Tarsonis", "Controlling members of the Federation Parliament through bribery and coercion" and a series of other ideas.

The first plan Augustus wanted to implement was to seize Korhal by force, and then to defend it at all costs, using all means to delay or prevent the Federation from nuking Pinkhal in 2491. To deal with the worst-case scenario, Augustus also had an alternative plan of gradually transferring Korhal's civilians to Umoyan and outlying territories.

Of course, the premise of all this is that they can withstand the Tyranid Federation fleet. In Augustus' view, this was almost a revolution destined to fail, and the strengths of the two sides were not proportional at all.

Augustus knew that Angus's thinking was still too simple. His father was a politically astute politician and a determined reformer. But he had never been on a battlefield, and he overestimated the federal government's bottom line.

Angus knew that there would be a war, but he did not expect that the Tarsonis Council would pass a proposal to order the fleet to use nuclear bombs to destroy the planet in high-altitude orbit after Korhal IV was completely out of its control.

Korhal IV is still the jewel among the thirteen main star worlds of the Tyranid Federation. Even if the federal government's dominance on this planet is declining, high-ranking officials and congressmen can still make a lot of money.

But after the Battle of Kailian, the Tyranid Federation will obtain almost all of the colonies and mining guilds in Kaimorian, which makes them no longer value Korhal's taxes as much as they did in the past.

Compared with the brutal war after independence, clearing out the federal troops on Korhal was easy because there were not many troops stationed there.

In the early days of the Terran Federation's establishment, Tarsonis' government had certain limits on the number of troops it could send to each Confederate planet. Although the Federation Council was trying to remove this restriction by changing the law, the war with the Kaimorian Consortium forced them to devote more troops and resources to the protracted war.

Angus even used his own lobbying and speeches to veto several times Senator Korhal IV's proposal to ask Tarsonis to station more troops to protect "people's property."

The leader of this founding family despises the aristocratic system that gave him power and wealth, and stands firmly on the side of the people. He wanted to establish a democratic republic, which would undoubtedly make the aristocrats jump.

This is obviously contrary to the wishes of those in power who gained power through the support of the federal government and the vested interests in this system. They hate Angus and are afraid that he will take away their rights, wealth and status.

Judging from paper data, the Tyranid Federation only has two army groups stationed on Korhal IV with about 80,000 people, scattered among various military camps and outposts. They still use the old-fashioned CMC-200 power weapons and E-type electromagnetic guns. Most of them are new recruits who have not experienced actual combat, and a considerable number of them are veterans who are approaching retirement but have never fought in a war.

On a Federation core planet like Korhal IV, which is quite far away from the Camorian home planet of Moria, the Federation troops on it are mostly responsible for dealing with riots and exterminating rebels in local areas. Compared to the frontline troops who spilled their blood in the brutal Battle of Kailian and had to worry about their lives at all times, stationing on a planet far away from the war was as easy a job as a vacation.

It was only a common thing for officers to accept gifts and mansions to provide protection for the rich and nobles. Some of them had been stationed on Korhal IV for more than ten years, and it was just a common thing for them to visit nobles' balls and high-end places.

Once Angus declares Korhal independent, Augustus's army will immediately occupy the planet.

Thanks for the tip from I Just Miss You, and the tip from Blue Spot Fish!

Thank you, I just miss you, Cang, Ming, fleet idol Naka-chan, coughing to death, Nemo, book friend 20210223120119122, the wind blew my face full of sand, blue-spotted fish, northern wolf, fear comes from fantasy, Qing Di Qiong Ye, you are not there, book friend 161121213935249’s monthly ticket!

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