StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 97 Invitation Letter from the Creation Family

The headquarters of the Keha Revolutionary Army in Stillling, on the morning of December 28.

The headquarters of the Revolutionary Army is under an under-construction skyscraper with a silver frame and bronze-colored glass. This skyscraper is about to be completed and belongs to the Mengsk Group. This more than 200-story high-rise building has smooth rounded corners and elegant curves, standing among the rows of silver spiers and geometric buildings of different styles.

Augustus is currently in this underground network building about five hundred feet deep called the Mengsk Interstellar Trade Building. His headquarters is a square cubicle with metallic floors, walls, ceilings and Duct fans.

As early as six years ago, construction companies under the Mengsk Group began to build this trade building and secretly constructed its complex underground parts to serve as a shelter in the event of a series of doomsday crises such as nuclear war. Today, Augustus temporarily decided to use this place as the headquarters of Korhal's revolutionary army.

There are about two hundred Revolutionary Army soldiers who have been certified and stamped by the Umoyan Shadow Guards and have checked the loyalty column to work as civilians, staff officers, and guards in the underground headquarters. Of course, the reason why they were able to enter the headquarters was because Augustus believed that they had absolute faith in the victory of the revolution and extremely high ideological and political consciousness.

Since the Korhal Revolutionary Army was far from being a qualified army before, Augustus still had a lot of work to do, including establishing an effective management system and strict military regulations, appointing officers, dividing War zones were even used to design uniforms and symbols of the Revolutionary Army.

This was of course impossible for Augustus to accomplish, but fortunately, after Christmas, the Umoyan Protectorate Army dispatched a group of about 20,000 middle- and low-level officers and military advisors to support the Keha Revolutionary Army and help the Keha Revolutionary Army. Ha IV builds an army in the shortest possible time.

Through unremitting efforts, Angus also received a promise from the Umoyan democratically elected parliament: once Korhal IV declares war on the Tyranid Federation, Umoyan and its colonial world will send a volunteer army to help the Korhal Revolutionary Army and the Terran Federation. Federal troops fight.

The foundries and starship ports of Umoyan and its core world will provide Korhal IV with access to six-hundred-foot-class cruisers and all following frigates, destroyers, system supply ships, and all military starports of the Protectorate.

This is almost sparing no effort to assist, just short of directly declaring war with the Tyranid Federation.

Because the old but still not dim-witted members of the Umoyan democratically elected parliament understand that if they cannot weaken the power of the Terran Federation through another war, then they will definitely be annexed by the powerful Federation and lose all sovereignty. .

With the help of Eumoyan officers and military advisors, Augustus became much more relaxed. Therefore, Augustus focused his attention today on designing logos and badges for the revolutionary army. This was originally a job for professionals, but Augustus insisted on doing it himself.

In the end, Augustus rejected all plans and chose the pattern he proposed and asked the designer to draw - a strong arm with a red background surrounding a slender whip, holding a whip ring.

This was the emblem of the future Sons of Korhal, the famous Federation resistance group.

After finalizing the draft, Augustus sent the logo to the Propaganda Department, and sat at his desk to review the training progress reports of each recruit training base.

Although Augustus lacked confidence in these Umoyan officers who had never had actual combat experience, he was quite satisfied with the efficiency of these military academy graduates in grasping military discipline and training.

At nearly noon, Lisa Kesidi brought lunch and red wine to Augustus. When he arrived, he was wearing a gray Korhal Revolutionary Army trial uniform.

Just as Augustus was preparing to eat, the holographic projector on his desk lit up. This is his personal habit. When he is cooking, he likes to watch some shows that are good for dinner.

The UNN Universe News Network Hologram TV reported that Mrs. Angus Mengsk, the leader of the Korhal IV Mengsk family, and her youngest daughter, Miss Dorothy, were taking a galaxy shuttle to Terrador IX for vacation.

This scene only lasted less than three seconds, and then the TV host began to spend a lot of time and words telling the story of Mrs. Mengsk's work for Korhal IV child welfare and the war at the level of a choir. contribution to the refugee problem.

However, the real Mrs. Mengsk and Dorothy Mengsk had already flown to Umoyan on Christmas Day in Umoyan's stealth fighter. By this day, Augustus had already obtained the secret from Aline Pasteur. News that mother and daughter arrived safely.

Before setting off, Augustus confiscated all of Dorothy's little dresses and ordered her not to play with her young nephew Valerian, but there was nothing he could do about his mother.

Poor Valerian had never met his grandmother and aunt in his life, but Augustus changed history.

It doesn't matter, the Mengsk family's tradition must still be inherited.

While enjoying the steak and red wine, Augustus thought about how the writers of the newspapers, who were keen to criticize the extravagant style and corruption of the nobles, commented on the extravagance of the Mengsk family, but often such articles only appeared in Tyron. The Federation's largest social networking and news website, "Federation Battle Flag," only appeared online for less than ten seconds before being permanently blocked.

A considerable number of these people who dare to "tell the truth" may side with Augustus, because they always like to pursue the hidden truth.

Unknowingly, Augustus has made overthrowing the Tyranid Federation and protecting his family his biggest goal in life.

Next, the news channel broadcast some news about the interior of each federal territory.

Large-scale harassment broke out again in Andathal, the capital of Antiga Prime, and the conflict resulted in several deaths.

This city with decades of "resistance" tradition was once suppressed by the Marine Corps. It is conservatively estimated that the number of dead reached several thousand people. However, no one mentioned this incident in the retrospective reports, except for Augustus. Only then did the leaders of the revolutionary army obtain the true records of the year.

Then came inconsequential news, such as the earthquake in Terrador III and the lack of water for irrigation on Mar Sara's crops, resulting in massive crop losses, followed by a commercial for child star Kyla Vilas.

Augustus knew that there were so many riots and riots in many places in the Koprulu Sector that UNN could not broadcast them all, but they all seemed to ignore such hard-won big news.

When Augustus was thinking about how to sneak into the UNN headquarters building and broadcast to the entire universe some truth about the massacre that could weaken the prestige of the federal government and a scandal that could shame the founding family of Tarsonis, his personal terminal vibrated.

It was an email asking him to return to Meinhof on the first Saturday of next month. While serving as leader of Korhal's Revolutionary Army, Augustus remained a second lieutenant in the Confederate Marines, a war hero who defended the Terran Confederacy.

Augustus was silently thinking about the danger of returning to the military camp. Currently, only a small number of senior leaders of the Revolutionary Army know his identity. These people have only been able to enter the core of the Revolutionary Army after rigorous review and testing.

In the end, Umoyan's shadow guards also proved that although some of them were suspected of seeking power and benefits through revolutionary speculation, at least no one betrayed them. At this point, the possibility of the Federation knowing his true identity is extremely low.

A few minutes later, another email was sent to Augustus' personal mailbox, which contained two invitations. One invited him to give a lecture at the Noble Military Academy of Tarsonis as a battle hero, and the other invited him to give a speech at the Noble Military Academy in Tarsonis. He was invited to attend the 140th birthday celebration of Andrea Tagore, the mistress of the Tagore family of the Tarsonis creation family, as the commander of the Heavenly Demon and the heir of the Mengsk family.

Judging from the elegant but condescending tone of the letter, it seems that Augustus' participation in this celebration was an obligation he should fulfill.

This invitation must be based on absolutely rational political considerations. Kohal's enthusiasm for independence is sweeping the entire planet and has already affected other worlds in the Federation.

At this time, Augustus appears in Tarsonis as Mengsk's heir and battle hero. Then the federal government can use this to promote the situation to create the illusion that the Mengsk family has not deviated from the founding family class, weaken Angus's prestige, and minimize the impact of the Korhal riots.

There may be more complex political considerations. For example, the Creation Family may test Augustus's attitude towards his father - after all, they already know that their father and son are at odds, and Augustus joins the Federation regardless of his father's position. The Marine Corps is the best evidence.

If they can break up with his father, then Augustus will become a pawn in their control of the Mengsk family and Korhal.

Then Augustus will get a sword called Frostmourne and inherit his father's sword.

Going to Tarsonis is of course very dangerous, but Augustus must deal with these mysterious creation families in advance. He desperately wanted to know which of the Creation families were likely to side with Korhal, which ones were likely to remain neutral, and which ones were hopeless and must be wiped out.

The bell of the new year has arrived, and Keha IV in January 2489 is still as warm as ever. There are long springs in many latitudes of this planet, and Steelling is like spring all year round. This is a garden world that is extremely suitable for human habitation.

This month, the political situation within the Tyranid Federation is different from before. Most of the people on the main star world are immersed in the joy of victory, while the Tyranids in the war zones and marginal colonies are still starving and freezing.

The revolutionaries of Angus have strongholds of various sizes on various planets. In the marginal areas far away from the federal government, the revolutionaries have greater control. So they knew the war was not over unless the federal government allocated funds to provide relief to the refugees and help them rebuild their homes.

However, the federal government has been slow to respond and is still focusing on signing a peace treaty with the Kaimorian Federation and stepping up its efforts to plunder its land and rich resources.

The revolutionary army often appears as a savior, which makes their influence in many edge worlds far greater than other worlds. Both Angus and Augustus believed that their focus should be on gaining support from planets far away from the core worlds.

Augustus temporarily put aside the construction work of the Revolutionary Army and handed it over to Acton Field, the former Mengsk family security captain who he newly appointed as the Revolutionary Army Colonel, and several military advisers sent by Umoyan. At the Stillling Skyport, board the spaceship with Lisa and others to return to the Demon of Heaven's station in Meinhof.

Other tasks, such as receiving aid from Umoyan and stepping up the conversion of civilian ships into warships, are the responsibility of the Mengsk Group, and his father, Angus Mengsk, will personally take over these tasks.

The increasingly busy Angus Mengsk has shown signs of hair loss, which makes his son Augustus very worried about his future image.

It was not until three days later that Augustus arrived at Meinhof. By the time he got there, most of the fleet had already left the planet.

There are only the Behemoth-class battlecruiser Iron Justice and two Leviathan-class battleships, but Meinhof has implemented martial law. Due to the ruthless management of the federal army, riots and riots broke out in many places, but there were no riots in the town of New Apollon where the Demon of Heaven was stationed.

Renault is a talented person. He is very talented in leadership. Even the demons in heaven are willing to obey his command, but he is not good at managing industries.

The people who manage the crystal mines and factories are Rick Kidd and Tychus Finley. The former received an aristocratic elite education and learned how to manage factories, while the latter became shrewd and down-to-earth only because he What he manages is a cornucopia of money making money every day.

Augustus returned to the military camp on January 7. As soon as he left the star port, he immediately contacted his old boss Warfield and learned that his retirement application had not been approved yet, but he was helping Augustus handle the matter. thing.

After all, Warfield was still willing to open the back door for Augustus without violating the bottom line.

Augustus then summoned all the demons from heaven and gathered together everyone who was wandering around and on duty outside. He explained to them his plans to retire and return to Korhal.

Everyone was surprised, but they could more or less guess what Augustus was going to do.

Even with trust, Augustus could not directly say that he wanted to go back to the Federation of Cetelon. Instead, he asked who was willing to follow him to retire to Korhal, a place that was increasingly confusing in news reports. go.

The first class of the Demons of Heaven responded to Augustus immediately. Unlike the other classes that were later assigned to Augustus, except for Tychus Finley, they all had already learned about Augustus. They all went back to rebel.

Zander, Ward, and Harnack had nowhere to go and did not want to stay in the army. As for Amy Brandon and Ilya Kurovsky, they originally wanted to return to their hometown after retirement, but since Augustus still needs them, they will always stay by his side.

Rick Kidd originally wanted to develop in the army for a while, but he soon realized that the Revolutionary Army was the place where he could realize the value of his life.

Josephine was very hesitant. It was not that he was a Korhal noble and was naturally on the opposite side of the revolutionaries. It was just that he happened to have a few children in Korhal, and the children’s mothers happened to be ladies of the great nobles of Korhal, and they were very, very Coincidentally, the children's mothers are not the same person.

If someone hadn't bought Josephine's hands and feet from gangsters all over Stillling, he wouldn't have run away.

After thinking about it, Josephine decided to go back masked.

Rundstein keenly realized that following Augustus now would not only eliminate the need to overthrow his own family, but would also make Rundstein the core family that the new regime would rely on and the upstart in the future. But it was also a big gamble, and in the end he chose to follow Augustus first.

Only Lee Patchen Yang and Tychus Finley did not respond. The former was planning to go home and find a job as an engineer safely, while the latter had saved enough money and was planning to live happily for a year and a half, but he had no money. Come out to make a living again.

Reno was undecided at first because he didn't know how to tell his parents about it. But soon, the words "revolution", "uprising" and "justice" came into play, and he immediately realized that this was what he wanted to do.

Several other squads were more hesitant. Among the thirty-two people, including the second squad leader and the third squad leader, less than ten were willing to leave the army and leave the place that gave them honor.

Still, Augustus was satisfied.

If they are willing to go with Augustus now, they will undoubtedly become the first batch of direct officers under him.

Thanks to Maki for marrying, the perfect mystery AVA, the camouflage wooden man, too lazy to remember the name, Luohuang Liji, book friend 20190829221617416, Misaka Misaka o, the Supreme Lord of Life and Death, Star Ring 1, the unkillable little one Hero, book friend 150922091529656, Rongrong agent, AIUR will be redeemed, Shen Zhixi, cosmic drift, hurricane scars, welcome to the small black room, black silk rice ball, book friend 150815122226329, reminder team Xiaoqiang, the god of cheating, book friend 150105153217605 monthly ticket!

Thanks to book friend 20170522133510157 for the reward!

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