StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 98 Augustus’s Wish

Commander Warfield's flagship Iron Justice, in the corridor from the crew compartment to the spine deck, January 10, 2489.

For Augustus, who was worried about the fate of Korhal IV, he had no way to communicate with the Korhal Revolutionary Army light-years away in a battlecruiser where all signals could be intercepted and monitored. .

But fortunately Augustus didn't have to stay in the army much longer. Warfield promised Augustus that within two weeks at the latest, he would be able to get his wish and get out, and bluntly said that this was in line with Arcturus's style of retiring before the victory of the war.

Augustus, Reynold, Harnak and the Heaven Demon's best sniper Rick Kidd were walking towards the ship's bar in brown tweed uniforms. Their uniforms were similar to the black tights worn by the fleet soldiers they encountered during the period. Clothes are very different in terms of material and color.

Neither side gave the other a good look, but due to the stricter soldier regulations on the ship, they would never get into a fight after drinking some wine like before.

Compared with the Marine Corps and the planetary surface army, the proportion of resocialized soldiers in the fleet soldiers is much higher. If before undergoing transformation, these resocialized soldiers were all devil-like criminals, after undergoing internal surgical transformation, they became docile sheep, law-abiding, upright and pure.

The aggressive Harnack found it difficult to provoke these resocialized soldiers, even if they also had expressions including confusion and anger, but their restraint was quite amazing.

The Marine Corps is different from the fleet soldiers who are permanently stationed inside the battleship. They do not stay inside the battleship for too long, and more often take advantage of the spare ships in the fleet to perform combat missions.

During the Battle of Kailian, it happened more than once that a battlecruiser kicked off the temporary marines on board the battleship when performing emergency missions, leaving the fourth-class Marines to stay on a sterile planet or While waiting for the next flight on the asteroid, some unlucky teams were even "forgotten" forever.

After Augustus greeted several smiling resocialized soldiers, they walked into the small and simply decorated bar of the Iron Justice and ordered a few glasses of beer and fried chicken to kill the boring and long time. day.

This was the third day after Augustus returned to Meinhof New Apollowen. A government official from Tarsonis took over the New Apollowen mine with a group of civilian personnel. The Demons of Heaven returned to their fleet in planetary orbit, preparing for their next mission.

This meant that the good days of the Demons of Heaven making extra money by reselling the Adeen crystals in the mines were over. However, when Augustus obtained from Tychus what he had obtained from selling the crystals for a month, When paying for goods, even a quarter of the total amount is nearly 80 million credit coins.

While the rest of the Demons in Heaven got one-half of it, Tychus Finlay got a quarter for his connections and tireless work. Even so, Renault and others have become rich people. They no longer worry about money, but they also remember who gave them all this.

This money was enough for Augustus to become a rich man. If he were an ordinary person, he might choose to spend three to five million to buy a private interstellar yacht and fly to Terrador VIII.

Then, Augustus will spend money to hire a construction team to build a beautiful manor in the warm and charming near-equatorial rainforest above, marry a gentle wife, have a few more children, and form a football team.

But Augustus knew that even if he really did that, such a happy life would not last long in the Koprulu sector where war was about to break out. The Federation, the Zerg, the Protoss, and the UED, who can guarantee that the planet Augustus lives on will not suddenly turn into a burnt silicon crystal or a breeding ground for aliens and monsters.

If he wants to live a stable life, Augustus must eliminate all threats to mankind and establish a unified regime——

As far as Augustus's revolutionary cause is concerned, this is only a small amount of money, which can only arm a small army, and can only be used on the fleet.

Augustus' time in the army was running out, and he still had several places to go on his schedule, including Tarsonis and Renault's hometown of Shiloh. While making arrangements for Renault's family, Augustus also prepared to visit Omo's family because he heard that Omo was the only son in the family.

At this time, Renault's parents were still alive, but by the time the plot of Star Wars I began in 2499, he was already alone. Augustus didn't know what happened to Renault's parents. They were still young, and the truth might be closer to starvation and disease.

For Augustus at this time, since he had the ability to prevent all this from happening, he did not mind spending time and energy to help his friend Renault.

"Now it seems that my parents did not use the money I gave them." Today, Renault sighed as usual, very frustrated.

"The last time I had a video call with my dad, I found that he had become thinner than before. First the bonus, then the money we got from the last batch of arms sold and the crystals sold in New Apollowen, three times in total, They must not have spent a penny.”

"They certainly didn't use that 'unknown' money to at least buy some food," he said.

"Your dad and mom are so weird, Jim. Who cares if the money comes from unknown sources when they're going to starve to death," Harnack said.

"My parents taught me when I was very young that a person should use his hard-earned money to support himself. Gaining something for nothing is ill-gotten wealth." Renault said ruefully: "I should have known better. The excuse of finding money is simply untenable."

"What the hell, how could you listen to this idiot Harnack." Rick Kidd said angrily.

"Jim must have been drunk when he sent the money." Augustus shook his head: "Do you remember what I told you? Someone in Tarsonis is planning to invite me to an old lady's birthday party. Above. I must have received some notification, and I was directly granted a two-week vacation."

"I guess they won't let me retire easily before I go to Tarsonis." Augustus said: "I told Warfield that I would take a class of Heavenly Demons to Tarsonis. , and he agreed.”

"It takes half a sector to travel from Meinhof to Tarsonis. We can spend a day in Shiloh," he said.

"Shiloh is not a good place. They can move to Keha or Umoyan, and I will have someone arrange a job for them."

"No, Kehal can't go." Renault immediately shook his head and rejected it.

"You knew that was going to be the epicenter of the war."

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