Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 100 - The new captain with eyes on the top of his head

The new group was sent to their terminals on the seventh day after they returned to school.

The members of the embroidery group remained unchanged, with the addition of two classmates, the girl Kuang Biru and the boy Min Yuandeng.

Along with the group information, teammate details are also sent.

Xixiu, Ah Xian, and Enwit were checking the information of their future teammates at 626 when they received an access control message requesting entry. Xixiu looked at the other party's nameplate and found that they were teammates in the same group, so he clicked to agree to the transmission.

Kuang Biru and Min Yuandeng were teleported directly to 626's living room. Xixiu and the three of them greeted their new teammates. After sitting down, the five of them planned to have a good chat about team formation.

Su Jinbao also rushed over at this time.

"Let's read each other's information first, and then discuss it." Xixiu spoke first.


The six people browsed the information in silence. Kuang Biru and Min Yuandeng had a certain understanding of Group 626 before. After all, they were the top scorers in this field training.

After reading each other's information, Kuang Biru asked first: "Who will be the captain?"

Ah Xian raised his eyebrows. Xi Xiu had no intention of continuing to be the captain, so he suggested, "Everyone recommend themselves."

"In this case, I recommend myself. My physical fitness is 5A, my mental strength has just exceeded 3S, and I plan to study in the command system in the future. My martial arts skills are on par with Yokila's, and I am a descendant of the Kuang family." Kuang Biru said very clearly. Confident and somewhat aggressive.

She has read the team members' information, and her mental strength is still at 2S. Apart from Wu Jingxian, who is from Anweil, she has the highest mental strength. She will shoulder the responsibility of the entire team.

Enwit and Su Jinbao originally wanted to object, but Classmate Hong did not speak up, which meant that Classmate Hong also agreed to Kuang Biru being the captain.

"No objection." Xixiu and Ah Xian quietly looked at each other and gave the reply.

In the previous field courses, Xixiu only made a temporary decision to direct the team forward. Sister Axian was indifferent, and the same was true for Enwit. Su Jinbao was too adventurous, and she was the only one with a calm temper. This time, since someone volunteered, she was happy to be free.

"In that case, I will post the team's weekly training schedule in the team's chat group. Everyone can think of a name for the team." Kuang Biru began to suggest.

"Why is it so troublesome? We used 626 before. It's so easy to remember." Su Jinbao didn't agree with the new captain. Although his strength sounded strong, it turned out to be adaptable on the battlefield.

"Does anyone have a better name?" Kuang Biru felt a little unhappy when he saw that the others were silent.

"If Captain Kuang has a good name, just use it. We won't have any objections." It's just a code name. There's so much wrangling.

"Let's use Jingtian 909 as the name." 909 is her and Min Yuandeng's dormitory number, but Xixiu doesn't care about this. She doesn't have such a competitive mentality, as long as she can survive in the future.

Ah Xian's first impression of Kuang Biru was not very good, so she ignored everything she said.

This girl hasn't seen Xixiu and her training videos? Who gave her the confidence and mental strength that an orthodox Anweilian like her can't compete with? Does she think that she is just a 3S?

His attitude is so unpleasant, and he doesn't even know how to be humble. If the ancestors of the Kuang family knew that there was such a descendant, they would probably be so angry that they would find all the ashes from the depths of the star sea, and then come back to teach the descendants.

After deciding on the captain, Kuang Biru and Min Yuandeng left. "Classmate Kuang, you shouldn't have been too full and a little aggressive when you spoke just now." Min Yuandeng expressed his opinion.

"Otherwise?" With her strength there, does she have to succumb to a group of 2S? What a joke, Kuang Biru has never been so inferior to others since she was a child.

When Min Yuandeng heard his roommate say this, he stopped expressing his opinion. Some people always have to go through it before they realize their shallowness, which is commonly known as a slap in the face.

Min Yuandeng kept it in mind, not to mention the strength of the Anweil ​​people, the strength of classmate Hong was somewhat unpredictable, and Kuang Biru was too confident in his own strength.

He watched the battle between Classmate Hong and Yukila, and Classmate Hong obviously still had some strength left.

Both Su Jinbao and Enwit admired her very much. Kuang Biru, the captain, would not be able to subdue these two so easily. Their team would probably be a little disunited.

After Kuang Biru and Min Yuandeng left, Su Jinbao asked Xixiu unconvinced: "Classmate Hong, you are obviously so good, why don't you strive to be the captain? That student Kuang, I don't accept."

"It's better to do less than to do more. From now on, just listen to the captain's command and work together to complete the task. It's important to get credits. It doesn't matter whoever is the captain." Xixiu said this very calmly.

Ah Xian knew her nature well and didn't say anything. As long as the captain didn't take the lives of her teammates seriously, she wouldn't say anything. Xi Xiu didn't want to be too conspicuous, so she wouldn't do anything if the captain didn't do it.

"What do you think, Enwit?" Enwit glanced at his roommate. Student Hong obviously didn't want to be the object of others' attention. All her actions showed that she wanted to keep a low profile. "We will do it according to Student Hong's wishes. All we need is It doesn’t matter who is the captain if you get high credits and contribution points.”

Su Jinbao was completely speechless, okay, let's see what the new captain is capable of.

In the afternoon when they received their grouping, Xixiu and the others received instructions from Kuang Biru for cooperative training.

But this time is so intriguing...

Xixiu, Enwit Axian, and Su Jinbao are all in the same class. Their courses are the same, but Kuang Biru singled them out for training in the mechanical class tomorrow morning.

"Captain Kuang, our mechanical class tomorrow morning will not be able to participate in the training. I'm sorry to have to ask for leave." Xixiu replied directly in the group. She didn't believe that Kuang Biru didn't know the course schedule of their class.

After all, Xixiu's class's mechanical class is followed by Kuang Biru's class, and their mechanical class teacher is Kuang Xunli.

Su Jinbao complained directly to Enwit: "Can Captain Kuang lead us to get high scores and reach the top of the same grade again? Can he? Can he?"

"Don't make enemies for Classmate Hong. Just be safe. As long as you don't ask for too much, just follow Captain Kuang and nothing will happen to us." Enwit actually had a lot of objections to Kuang Biru in his heart.

But the roommate did not compete for the position of captain. As Hong's best partner, he should put the roommate's wishes first!

"Okay, okay~" Su Jinbao stopped complaining and instead asked Enwit to go to the virtual network. Enwit promised to pass on the guidance given to him by classmate Hong, so Su Jinbao couldn't sit still.

The two had a good battle in the virtual battle room. After Su Jinbao finished the competition with Enwit, he sighed with Enwit, "Classmate Hong is really secretive."

Her martial arts inheritance may also come from Shang Yuexing, classmate Hong's mentor, who is probably a hidden power even more powerful than Gu Jinyan.

Because Enwit pointed out several of his shortcomings, and Enwit's martial arts skills improved, Su Jinbao felt the most obvious.

I have to say that Hong’s method worked very well. After Su Jinbao went offline in Enwit, he went to the battle room alone to practice for a long time.

He decided to change his impatient temper, slow down his moves, and practice with concentration according to the method shared by classmate Hong.

It wasn't until Su Jinbao practiced his martial arts skills hundreds of times that he finally found his shortcomings and corrected them.

Let your martial arts become more restrained, no longer ostentatious, and no longer visible to others.

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