Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 99 - Finally got off the starship alive

The students returned to school safely. The injured were treated on the starship, and they all recovered when they got off the starship.

Yokila's injuries were completely healed, and she returned to the dormitory, with Zhang Jixing joining her. Her roommate is Zhang Jixing. Both of them are disciples of Master Gu and can look after each other.

"Yochila, I'm sorry about what happened this time." The situation was critical and Zhang Jixing had no time to turn around to support her. Yokiela understood this.

"It's okay. It's because I'm not strong enough, and I was careless. I didn't consider people's hearts." Yokila had learned a lesson.

"This is Cheng Yixue. I checked her information. Her reputation in Ning Kui Star is not very good, and her score in the travel course before she was sixteen was very low. A staff member from the Children's Management Office even gave her a negative score. The reason is that she diverted the plane for no reason, leaving the office's star shuttle stranded in the star port, causing quite a commotion. "

This is all information that can be found, "Also, she had a problem with classmate Hong from Group 626. She provoked classmate Hong twice and was beaten twice by her."

Yokila didn't say anything. Anyway, she had decided that when she saw Cheng Yixue in the future, she would stay far away and would not come even half a step closer.

After Gu Jinyan returned to school, she called Yuqi La and Zhang Jixing: "You guys take a look at this field course and the battle videos of other groups to learn from their experience."

The video is from the 828th Hai Su Miao Team. After watching it, Yokila admired Hai Su Miao's combat prowess. Not only his martial arts and body skills were perfect, but he also judged the weaknesses of the Starry Sky Beast very accurately.

The second video is from Group 626, which is the group of Xixiu and A-Xian. After seeing the battle between A-Xian and Xixiu, Yoqi La was surprised, "Master, how could classmate Hong's martial arts have improved so much... "

Gu Jinyan was also confused when watching the video, "I haven't thought about this question clearly. I thought it was the Anweil ​​people who gave her some advice before, but it didn't look like it. The two people's martial arts methods are completely different."

Hong Xixiu's attack was so clean and neat, without a trace of hesitation, and his control of mental power was far beyond that of his peers.

Zhang Jixing and Yokila pursed their lips tightly, "She hides her talent?"

Gu Jinyan shook her head, "There will be no problems with the test." There has been no problem in history, so Gu Jinyan still believes in the results from the testing center, and with Hong Xixiu's background, it is impossible for her to contact Got too many secret skills.

"What did you learn?"

"Speed, technique, angle, movement, everything is perfect, classmate Hong. How did she do it at such an age." Yokila raised her own question.

"Sweat." After Gu Jinyan came back, she asked Anyue to retrieve all Hong Xixiu's study records.

When he was in the nursery, he was an overly diligent child. There will be four hours of training every day, and two hours of virtual battles on the Star Network, a total of six hours of study time.

However, Gu Jinyan had already figured out the origin of her martial arts, so she paid attention to Hong Xixiu.

"Her hard work, coupled with her understanding of martial arts, maybe the Anweil ​​people taught her how to control her mental power, so she has such strength." Gu Jinyan still doesn't believe that a human can control mental power like this. method of control.

"Master, we will work harder." Yokila and Zhang Jixing were shocked. Hong Xixiu was so self-disciplined. Yokila felt that he would lose to her last time, so it is not surprising at all. , but I still felt a little uncomfortable.

Xixiu returned to the dormitory, put the ebony away and let it sit quietly. This time it went out and it had a good meal of starry sky radiation. A Xian said that it would be upgraded in a while.

Xixiu had a vague expectation, and after she separated a ray of mental power and covered Wumu's body, Xixiu lay back on the bed.

They have two days off after the field course, which is mainly for the students to adjust their mentality and for the school to determine new groups based on this training.

Xue Fanhui arrived at Xixiu's dormitory in the evening, and the two of them went to Ah Xian's 629, "Xixiu. Is this training cruel?"

"Yes. Unprecedented." Xixiu's expression was extremely serious. "And in the future, your grades will also join. Master Gu said that everyone below the fourth grade will participate."

The news has now spread. Xue Fanhui heard the news on the way here, but it was not too detailed.

Xixiu repeated Gu Jinyan's words to Xue Fanhui, "In other words, this kind of training will be the norm in the future."

"Yes. Once every three months, go wherever the starry sky beast appears." Before Xixiu could ask Axian about the type and strength of the starry sky beast, while Xue Fanhui was there, Xixiu asked all his questions.

A Xian directly opened the light screen and explained to Xi Xiu and Xue Fan Hui the types and strengths of the starry sky beasts, which were kindly given by Wu Jingxu.

The starry sky beast they fought this time was only the lowest level. There are ten known levels of starry sky beasts. Some species are very cunning, can attack with mental power, and are extremely difficult to deal with.

"Why did they come to the Jingsu Alliance? Haven't they found this yet?" Xixiu was puzzled.

"Wu Jingxu said it's top secret, and there's nothing I can do about it." Ah Xian spread his hands.

"Fan Hui, Xi Xiu, there will be another kill in three months, so you all have to train harder in these three months." A Xian said with a rare seriousness, "This is not a trivial matter. If we are not careful, we may... die."

"Don't worry, sister A-Xian, we all know that, and Fan Hui and I are both life-loving people." Xixiu replied seriously to A-Xian.

Xue Fanhui was thinking about the progress of her martial arts. After she came to school, the martial arts teacher of her grade taught her a complete set of body skills. She has learned 80% of them so far, and she must break through 100% in three months.

There was also weapon making. Xue Fanhui came up with several ideas based on the characteristics of the star beast explained by A Xian. She hurried back to the dormitory and planned to draw the ideas.

Xixiu and Axian connected to the Star Network and booked a room in the virtual battle room. "Xixiu, I hope you will do your best in our competition this time."

"Okay. Sister A Xian, don't show mercy." Today they decided to have a good battle to find each other's shortcomings.

This is the first real battle between Xixiu and Wu Jingxian. Before they teamed up to go to the mecha competition arena, the two of them watched each other fight, but never had a real fight.

Xixiu was quick to move, and so was A-Xian.

After a few bounces, Xixiu arrived in front of A-Xian. The first move grazed A-Xian's shoulder and missed. A-Xian twisted around, trying to catch him off guard. As a result, Xixiu seemed to have eyes on his back. He dexterously Dodged.

Ah Xian had never been so serious before, and she had never been so nervous when competing with Wu Jingya. Xi Xiu is really a formidable opponent.

The two of them were going back and forth in the virtual battle room. This time, Xixiu had no scruples at all. She used 100% of her strength to fight against A-Xian.

A-Xian is a very good opponent. Her moves are always unpredictable and weird, and she is super strong. Xixiu doesn't dare to fight her head-on, so she can only use clever strength.

After more than three hundred moves, Xixiu and Ah Xian were tied. The two of them were exhausted and panting. They fell to the ground without caring about their appearance, breathing heavily.

"Xixiu, you are so difficult to deal with..."

"Sister A-Xian is the are so strong, I don't even dare to attack you forcefully."

"If, if I added mental strength, today, today I would lose." Ah Xian sighed out of breath...

After calming down, the two of them exited the virtual network.

Xixiu summarized his shortcomings again, and A-Xian did the same, and then agreed to go to the virtual network to play a game every weekend, and Xixiu went back to the dormitory.

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