Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 98 - Master Gu said this is just the beginning

Gu Jinyan spoke slowly, "In the past seven days, some of you completed the task in five days, and some of you didn't complete it until the last moment."

"What I want to say is that from now on, this kind of training will be conducted twice every semester, and each time will be more difficult than the last."

No matter how good the students are, some of them couldn't bear it when they heard this, and some started to whisper.

They all know that this field training is more than three times more difficult than the previous ones. No freshmen will rush to such a battlefield as soon as they enter school.

Starry sky beasts do not appear often. They only appear on some desolate stars or unknown stars. Most of them fell into the time and space tunnel and were swept into the desolate star by the torrent of time and space.

These star beasts on Moon are obviously placed artificially. Before they finished their discussion, they heard Gu Jinyan's voice again, "This killing is just the beginning, because the battlefield you will go to in the future will be a hundred times more cruel than this killing."

What Gu Jinyan said was extremely heavy and powerful. He used his mental power to disperse the words and hit the mental power of everyone present.

Xi Xiu was also shocked. She quickly looked at A Xian and Hai Su Miao, whom she had just met, and was pondering in her heart, that is, the alliance encountered an unprecedented crisis.

Gu Jinyan looked at the students who were already dumbfounded. No matter how much she couldn't bear it, she had to finish her words, "Deep in the starry sky, the alliance's first line of defense has shown signs of loosening. We cannot fill it for the time being. Starry Sky Beast will become a Common species in the alliance. I think everyone has experienced their strength and lethality in the past seven days.”

The students exploded instantly, and some boldly asked their own questions directly, "Master Gu, do you mean that these starry sky beasts should be killed by us who have just entered school?"

"Yes. All students below the fourth grade will join this killing team, with six people in each group. The team list will be released after the return trip."

Student A: "Once every three months, how long does it take? Are there credits?"

Gu Jinyan: "Yes, once every three months, it lasts for ten days. Wherever the starry sky beast appears, you can go there. There are credits, and there are contribution points for killing the starry sky beast."

Student B: “Where are the weapons?”

Gu Jinyan: "Before each battle, you can go to the school's equipment department to apply for weapons. You can bring enough at one time without any extra supplies."

Gu Jinyan looked at the student team again, "Any more questions?"

Student C: “What about our safety issues?”

Gu Jinyan: "The teacher leading the team will follow. If you are in danger, you can send a signal for help. If the nearby teams see it, they will also go to the rescue."

After Gu Jinyan finished speaking, the students fell silent instantly.

There has never been such a precedent in the history of the First Military Academy. No wonder their martial arts teachers and equipment teachers are all the best in the league, and even great masters like Gu Jinyan have emerged.

"Detailed arrangements and precautions will be sent to you through the terminal later. I hope that everyone will work hard to improve their combat effectiveness, skills, and strength after returning."

Gu Jinyan signaled for disbandment, and Xixiu and his team boarded the school's starship together with 828, "Sister Axian, how did the Starry Sky Beast come to the Jingsu Alliance?"

The gate to the star field guarded by Anweil ​​has not been loosened.

"We'll talk about it when we get back. I'll have to ask my family before I know." A Xian wasn't too sure either.

"The starry sky beasts appeared suddenly. The alliance checked and found no damage to the starry gate. And these starry beasts don't look like the creatures on the other side of the starry gate. At least they are different from the historical records." Hai Sumiao seemed to Know better.

After finding the location, the Xixiu quartet sat down quietly. Enwit connected to the star network and sent a message to his old man:

You already knew about the Starry Sky Beast, so why did you kidnap me to the First Military Academy?

The other side responded quickly:

Yes, this is an order issued by the commander-in-chief. One of the star systems with military forces in the alliance must go to the First Military Academy.

Enwit disconnected the star network, put on a blindfold and planned to rest and think about this incident.

Ah Xian was also busy contacting Wu Jingxu. When he saw the reply, he almost wanted to pick out the chip on his wrist and throw it away...

"What's wrong with Sister A-Xian? It's not good to be angry." Xixiu's tone was very sure. Sister A-Xian still couldn't keep her anger hidden.

"I was tricked by Wu Jingxu, so let me tell you, it was so easy to get me out of Anvil. It turns out that I will come to Gaia to study regardless of whether you are with me or not."

Xixiu judged from between the lines of A Xian's words that this was the tacit consent of all the galaxies in the alliance. Sister A Xian was successfully transferred because of the sudden appearance of the starry sky beasts, and the alliance needed fresh blood to deal with these species.

The troops on the front line cannot be used easily, so the only ones that can be used are them-reserves.

And the heirs of the leaders of major families or galaxies will also be asked to go to the battlefield. If the alliance is in trouble, every species is responsible.

Xi Xiu sighed inwardly, was she not born in a peaceful era? But this world is so wonderful!

Ah Xian was only depressed for a while, but soon became happy again and left a message to Wu Jingxu:

No matter what, I have to be in the same group as Xixiu, otherwise, no need to talk! In addition, tell Wu Jingshuo that he needs more pocket money! ! !

Wu Jingxu: Yes.

After receiving Wu Jingxu's accurate reply, A Xian put on the eye mask and rested comfortably.

She had been exhausted these past seven days, her nerves were so tense that she didn't dare to relax for a moment. Wow, she was really still a baby!

Before falling asleep, she didn't forget to practice the formula Xixiu gave her. Is it easy for her! When I get back to school, I must cry to Wu Jingshuang, she wants a lot of pocket money! ! !

Gu Jinyan's words caused a huge stir among the students. Sitting in their seats, many people began to discuss what Gu Jinyan said regardless of their fatigue.

Student A: Haven’t you heard from other galaxies on the star network that a large number of star beasts have been found?

Student B: There is not a large amount but a small amount. I thought it happened by chance and no one paid attention to it. I have seen other people’s gossip on the Star Network.

Student C: Why do these star beasts suddenly appear?

Student Ding: What are the Anweil ​​people doing?

Student E: You can’t blame the Anweil ​​people for this. These star beasts did not come from the Star Gate. You are too ignorant. The things that came out of the Star Gate, gathered the strength of twenty people like us, They may not even be able to kill one.

The other students all looked at Student E, "What do you say?"

Student E analyzed some of the things he knew to his partners and future teammates.

"Open the Star Network and check the Star Domain Gate and Strange Beasts. Then you will know how wrong what you just said is wrong." After saying this, Student E fell silent.

Everyone went to the Star Network and searched according to the entries. They found that there was only one picture of the creature coming out of the Star Gate, but the terrifying appearance and the strength of the creature described in the text were indeed not what they are now. It can be dealt with in combat.

Everyone stopped talking, and those who had high consciousness decided to exercise more when they went back. Some of those who had not yet come to their senses were just glad that it was okay, okay!

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