Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 987 - Information from afar

Xixiu is surrounded by children every day and teaches them various skills without any slack.

The children were obedient.

Martial arts training and mental strength training can be carried out at the same time without any tiredness.

Even the smallest one puffed out his cheeks and gestured seriously.

Although Sixi lost her previous data, she felt that Xixiu must have worked hard like this when she was a child.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t be as good as we are today.

"They are very similar to you." The robot also became emotional for a moment.

Ebony has recovered and is playing with the children and training with them.

After the children's training, Ebony made them various toys out of vines.

They also built small houses for them to sleep in. For the smaller ones, they made a cradle and automatically rocked them to sleep.

The youngest one is already past the age of toddler, and has learned martial arts well.

After finishing his busy day, Qing Zhixun walked to Xixiu and took her into his arms.

"They are very lively." This is a side he has never seen since he was a child, whether in his previous life or now.

There was a smile on Xixiu's lips: "Well, they don't lack the innocence of children." Carelessness is unique to this age.

This is the life she gave birth to.

This process is very special.

never forget.

"Thank you for your hard work." Qing Zhixun held her hand. He knew how tiring it was to raise a baby.

Xixiu glanced sideways at Qing Zhixun: "Fortunately, with Sixi and Krel, I can somewhat breathe."

There was no complaint in his tone.

Qing Zhixun stroked her forehead tenderly, "When we return to the alliance, leave the children to Wu Jingxian or grandpa. Then we will go out for a walk, just the two of us."

Xixiu didn't nod, she actually had further ideas.

"You are already sure." It was an affirmative tone.

Qing Zhixun showed his face: "It's almost here."

He vaguely sensed the location of the Star Gate and had been preparing for it in the past few days.

"Then I'll pack my things first tomorrow." Xixiu felt very calm.

"Yeah." Qing Zhixun returned.

Krell and the others really didn't want to believe it, but they had recalculated all the data ten times, and there was no mistake.

Therefore, the location of the Star Gate was really found, and they also found a way to leave.

One thing Qing Zhixun didn't tell Krell was that he sensed that some of the spiritual power of the Anweil ​​clan belonged to his mother Jingxi.

He guessed that his mother entered the Star Gate in search of them.

As for why she entered the Star Gate to look for them, she probably got a tip.

However, Li Xianfeng knew that Qing Zhixun was able to lock the location because Anweil ​​gave him the information.

That is the unique connection between blood and family that is engraved in their bones.

It will not disappear due to the barrier of time and space.

As a mother, Jingxi must know whether her child is dead. If not, where would he be at this moment?

If you search day after day, year after year, you will always find something useful.

Claire and the others looked at the three people packing their things, feeling very complicated.

These people have found the location of the Star Gate and are about to leave. What should they do?

Continue to repeat the previous days?

I want to leave but there is no way.

The lost energy bodies gathered at the bottom of the lake, very quiet, and did not go out, so there was no light in this forest.

There was only artificial light they used for lighting. The children were puzzled, but they knew to some extent that Krel and the others were probably unhappy.

The eldest child asked Xixiu: "Mom, can't Claire and the others go home with us?"

Xixiu patiently explained to the children how special they were, and then comforted them: "Don't worry, your father is thinking of ways to see if there is a chance to take them out of here."

She had raised this issue with Qing Zhixun before, so they would not leave tomorrow.

Tomorrow is just the time when the Honorable Lord will bring Krell and the others into the Star Domain Gate for testing.

After the children went to bed, Xixiu and Qing Zhixun went to the lake and sent messages to Krel and asked them to come out and chat.

Krel and the others came out dejectedly, without using their mechanical bodies, and Xixiu could feel the deep loss in their hearts.

Looking at the energy bodies scattered everywhere with no intention of gathering together, Xixiu said softly: "Are you willing to give it a try?"

Claire suddenly asked: "What to try?"

Xixiu: "Try to enter the star domain gate."

Claire didn't respond for a long time.

They had tried to pass through the Star Realm Gate with the help of the Hu Jing Beast's body before, but they had never succeeded.

Qing Zhixun and the others did not have the material to build the Hu Jing Beast, and besides, they themselves had a narrow escape from death when they entered the Star Gate.

Krell's voice was a little heavy: "You won't be able to protect yourself even if you enter there."

Xixiu: "At least give it a try."

Although she has been giving birth to cubs in recent years, she has not been idle.

She thoroughly studied the equipment design, principles and other books given to her by Wei Lanshan and Xue Fanhui. Although she was not as good as their skills, she could still tinker with a few things.

Inspired by the Hu Jing Beast, she felt that Krel and the others might not have used the correct carrier.

Although the Hu Jing Beast is also a life form, it is a mechanical life form and is too powerful in itself.

Coupled with the energy bodies' own strength, how can the rules restricting the Star Realm Gate allow them to pass smoothly?

Perhaps, the Star Domain Gate cannot accommodate them. If the energy is too great, the Star Domain Gate may collapse.

Starting from here, Xixiu, Qing Zhixun and Li Xianfeng discussed many times, maybe they could disperse their power.

In this case, the Star Gate might allow them to pass through.

Ebony can be divided into many small individuals, and the energy body can also be separated. This is Xixiu's guess.

Hearing Xixiu's idea, Krel was a little eager to give it a try, "Hey, we just wanted everyone to leave together, so we created the Hu Jing Beast. We didn't think about spreading our forces and then reuniting."

Have you really taken a detour over the years?

They are a whole, so there is never any thought of any individual leaving on their own.

Otherwise they would have gone out long ago.

However, they are still a little worried in their hearts, worried that their energy will go outside and cause harm to the outside world.

The emergence of Hu Jing Beast is an example.

After they first discovered the harm caused by the Hu Jing Beast, they stopped making any more Hu Jing Beasts.

However, each sleeping individual is different. When another group wakes up, their yearning for the outside world will not be cut off.

They will repeat the same path as before.

This is also the reason why the Hu Jing Beast only appears once in a long time.

After entering the Star Realm Gate, the Hu Jing Beast is no longer under their control.

Because they will be ejected from the star field gate.

There is no way to bring the Hu Jing Beast back and destroy it, but fortunately the Anvil people are brave.

Otherwise, Hu Jing Beast might really destroy the world.

The number of Hu Jing Beasts they create each time is actually not too many, but when the Hu Jing Beasts go to the outside world, they do not go straight to the Alliance.

They are intelligent.

Over time, Hu Jingshou learned to create new individuals in the Star Gate.

They split and hid in the Star Realm Gate. Krell and the others had no way to kill these mechanical life forms.

Because they simply can't get in there.

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