Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 986 - Many years have passed

In the divine realm, Xixiu and Qing Zhixun could not feel the changes in the surrounding environment. Day after day, it had been many years since they entered this place.

Over the years, the two people's faces have not changed at all, although due to the development of various technologies in the Alliance, their appearance will not change much before they are 400 years old.

However, differences between each age group can still be found.

However, time seems to have stood still.

Their current ages are over fifty, but their appearance seems to have stayed at the moment of the explosion.

Krell and the others have no explanation for this. This is also their first time interacting with outsiders.

In fact, they don't know the living conditions of other creatures here.

Because they have no such thing as appearance, they don't pay attention to it.

Every day, the two people recorded the dusk in the forest and obtained the time data since arriving here.

The two of them don't know the real passage of time, and Krell and the others don't know whether the time in God's Realm is consistent with the time outside.

In the Alliance, the passage of time is different in each galaxy, so Xixiu guessed that there must be some differences between the divine realm and the outside.

In the fifth year of their lives in the Divine Realm, Xixiu gave birth to their first child.

Judging from the time it takes to conceive a child, the passage of time in the Divine Realm seems to be no different.

The two of them didn't think anything more about it.

The birth of the cub made the energy bodies extremely happy. They didn't expect that human cubs could be so cute!

They are pink and tender little dumplings, soft and have very beautiful eyes. Even if they cry, they feel full of life.

Si Xi was so happy that she couldn't help but look after her baby every day.

Qing Zhixun couldn't get involved at all.

Even Xixiu, the mother, doesn't need to worry too much.

Claire and the others took turns taking care of the baby.

For convenience, the energy bodies made their own mechanical bodies, which were rotated several times a day.

A schedule was also made for this purpose.

The business of raising children is a slippery slope.

When Krel and the others were making a mechanical body, Xixiu asked them to make one for Li Fengfeng.

The energy bodies also helped wake up Li Xianfeng, and Marshal Li looked confused when he woke up.

He thought he had returned to his hometown.

The result is just a dense forest.

I don’t know how far away I am from my second hometown.

However, the arrival of the cubs eased everyone's anxiety.

In the seventh year, the second cub is born.

By the end of their fifteenth year here, the two had given birth to a total of five children.

Three men and two women.

Although Si Xi's preparations were complete, she was not qualified to apply for the equipment to breed cubs, so Xixiu could only adopt the most primitive method of gestation.

Very hard.

But when she saw the cute faces of the children, she felt it was all worth it.

After the fifth child was born, Xixiu decided not to have any more children, and Qing Zhixun would never have another child no matter how hard he tried.

I just listened to his nonsense, saying that to make up for the two in the previous life, there will be three more in this life, so five children are just right. It doesn't matter if there are a few more, he can afford them!

After listening to what he said, she didn't know how she had managed to agree!

Fortunately, Sixi prepared all kinds of materials and tools, and this robot really did its job to the extreme.

She actually prepared supplies needed by ten children, including various baby equipment, toys, and learning materials, and nothing was left behind.

Qing Zhixun also prepared a lot of things secretly. She really didn't know what time these two used to prepare things behind her back.

However, their "foresight" saved her a lot of pain.

Giving birth was not as difficult as she had imagined, perhaps because she was in good physical condition and recovered quickly.

If they were in the alliance, they could choose another method of gestation, and it would be easier for them to survive.

However, Xixiu felt that nothing could replace the joy of a child growing in her body, and she had fulfilled her idea of ​​her previous life.

After the energy body Krel and the others became pregnant, they even started studying biomedicine.

Their previous medicine was only for their species, and humans were a completely new life for them.

So these smart guys started from scratch, using the data stored in their terminals to draw inferences from one instance, various theories, and experiments, and everything was foolproof when Xixiu first produced it.

However, there won't be any big problems with Xixiu's physical fitness.

Wei Lanshan gave her a lot of first-aid medicine. Like Si Xi, she also thought very carefully, making Xi Xiu feel that she was the only one who was unprepared for the cub.

With the company of children, the days in God's Domain become fulfilling and happy.

There was no misunderstanding between her and Qing Zhixun. In their previous life, neither of them was brave enough. She also knew that Qing Zhixun secretly gave a lot of help when she was working at the Li family.

However, she always thought that the arrogant person would do this just because he didn't want to owe her anything.

Nothing to do with love.

What's more, he acted really cold and indifferent until she revealed his identity and when they were alone in the divine realm, Qing Zhixun revealed all his past feelings.

Since there is still joy, there is no betrayal, and there is no bloodshed, it is fate that we can meet again in this bright sea of ​​stars in this life.

Let’s continue the relationship.

She completely let go of the past that was still somewhat entangled, and her life was brilliant and beautiful.

They have enough time to go on adventures, see the wider sea of ​​​​stars with their children, go on adventures, and enrich their knowledge and experience.

All of this is beautiful.

In a blink of an eye, the children can already enjoy playing in this world.

All of them have pink makeup and jade.

And in this forest, crisp laughter echoes every day.

There is a flower blooming on Sixi's face every day. Oh my, Xixiu's cubs are all cute and beautiful.

Girls look like Qing Zhixun, boys look more like Xixiu.

Not to mention the strength.

Probably after returning to the league, he can surprise many people.

It took Li Yufeng more than a year to recover his mental power after regaining his body, and Krell and the others helped.

Li Xianfeng's consciousness had been very unstable for a while. Krel and the others were experienced and used their own methods to modify Li Xianfeng's mechanical brain to accommodate more powerful mental power.

After recovering, Marshal Li began his exploration in the divine realm.

After learning the true situation here, he and Qing Zhixun took time to let Krell take them to many places.

It has been tried everywhere in heaven and on earth.

Quite a huge amount of data was obtained.

Krell and the others were discussing this in private, which was a useless effort.

After all, they have been here for so long and haven't found any loopholes.

Guangdianyi said: "Is it possible that our way of thinking is different from theirs, so they can see things that we can't?"

Krell pondered for a while. They considered themselves to be the most powerful force in this star field, so there was no problem that they could not solve.

However, just because of this, will it blind them? Maybe there is really something they have overlooked?

However, Krell did not say these words, but became more serious when he accompanied the two of them to survey the terrain later.

After searching the sky and the earth, Krell and the others also discovered many places that they seemed to have never set foot on.

Such as the bottom of the lake.

After they reached the limit of their mental power, they did not explore further.

A total of 606,429 of these forests have been surveyed in their records.

How much is left? They are not in the mood to explore it. Everyone has long been hit and lost confidence.

However, in order to go home, Li Xianfeng and Qing Zhixun walked through the forest that Krel and the others had never walked through.

Finally, a huge base data was obtained.

There are a total of 990,000 forests here, and nearly half of them are exactly the same.

Moreover, Qing Zhixun found that their distribution was regular.

The three people in Xixiu spent time dividing their labor and working together to create a model of the God's Domain.

As for what is surrounding the God's Domain, they are still unable to draw a conclusion.

Judging from the arrangement of the forests, these forests are next to each other. Each one looks similar, but is completely different.

After three different forests are separated, the first forest will appear repeatedly in the fourth position.

So they have walked through so many forests over the years and found many similar places.

Li Xianfeng had an independent calculation system. He listed the locations of these forests in the form of an array, intending to find the differences.

This time the data processing almost caused his processing system to collapse. Seeing this, Krell changed him to another material.

It allows him to process data intensively without crashing.

After learning that he had torn apart their most prized masterpiece, the Hu Jing Beast, from the inside, they were even more impressed by Li Xianfeng.

They knew that this mechanical body had its consciousness artificially stripped away, and then used other means to load its consciousness into the mechanical brain, so it could only survive in this way.

Although they are cut off from the outside world, Krel and the others have an innate skill that allows them to sense all creatures in this star field.

Therefore, they have already heard about Xixiu and Qingzhixun.

But he is not very familiar with Li Xianfeng.

Because those energy bodies familiar with Li Xianfeng's era just fell into a deep sleep.

It will take a long time to wake up.

Seeing the three of them busy, Krel and the others spent the rest of their time on data processing besides walking the baby.

Deep down, they also want to leave here and see the beautiful planets of the Alliance.

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