Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 985 -Finding the way home

For the next several days, the two men surveyed the terrain.

As I looked at it, I noticed something was wrong.

They have been flying in multiple similar environments.

There is no way to get out of the boundary of this forest. Even if you get out, you will reach another area where there is also a combination of forests and lakes.

Not much different from where they originally landed.

After a week of continuous investigation, the two decided not to put in the effort.

These spots of light obviously don't want them to get out, there must be some connection between these woods and the forest.

Xixiu had a hunch that as long as they found a way out of the forest, they would be able to find the way to the Star Gate.

Counting the time, this is already the fourth month since they came to this place.

The light spots would occasionally come out to check on them, but other times they seemed to be avoiding them on purpose.

Xixiu thinks these guys have a guilty conscience.

Qing Zhixun thought that these guys might be busy creating obstacles for them to leave here.

Every forest you walk through repeatedly has a trace.

It is very similar to the fluctuations that occur after the energy of the light points explodes.

In order to confirm this matter, Qing Zhixun pulled Xixiu onto the aircraft after taking breakfast nutrition this morning.

"When we reach the border, use your mental power to test these guys." Qing Zhixun quietly gestured to Xixiu, which translated to this meaning.

Xixiu raised her eyebrows and immediately understood what he was thinking, and nodded without saying anything.

Sixi is very quiet today.

She felt there was a long way to go.

The role of the nanny robot has not been fully utilized, so I am a little unhappy.

It doesn't matter what these two gestures are about.

She really wanted to hold her cute cubs and sing them a lullaby...

Xixiu knew that Sixi had been too obsessed with her recently, so she ignored her.

After arriving at the border, Xixiu spread out his mental power, but encountered an obstacle when his mental power was about to extend out of the forest.

There is an invisible layer of transparent material covering the entire forest.

Her mental power cannot penetrate this layer of matter and cannot detect the world behind the matter.

Xixiu told Qing Zhixun the information he had obtained, and the two of them returned the same way.

In the resting camp, the two people began to communicate in their original language so that the light spots could not understand.

This is a skill that the two of them acquired after practicing for many days.

The two of them had difficulty speaking the language in the past, but they were able to communicate at least.

The lights squatting in the dark became a little anxious when they realized that they could not understand the meaning of the two people's communication.

"These two must have discovered something." Guangdian made a judgment.

Spotlight 2: "I'm more concerned about which galaxy's language they speak. Why can't I understand them?"

Point 3: "They have decided on their own way of communication. Didn't they spend many days perfecting the communication language?"

Light point four: "You have missed the point. They have tested the boundaries of the forest and found that the problem is certain."

The protective shield at the edge of the forest sent back a signal of mental invasion, and they knew it immediately.

I also knew that I couldn't hide this for long.

Krell finally made a decision: "Tell them the situation. Whether they can find a way to leave depends on their own luck."

In fact, the idea of ​​leaving the divine realm existed deep in each of their hearts.

However, year after year.

They tried every means and could not leave.

It's not that they don't want to leave.

But since their internal separation, the road to the outside world has been blocked.

The Hu Jing Beast was created out of boredom, just to find a way to get out of here.

Theoretically, they should be able to leave with the help of the Hu Jing Beast's body.

However, for some unknown reason, there seems to be a rule in this area that restricts them from leaving.

The light spots guessed that their own strength was too strong, so the rules of space restricted them from going out.

Although they have no intention of doing bad things, even if they are already at the top of their strength, there are still higher rules that restrict them, just like their existence can ensure the normal operation of this star field.

However, those who stayed in the God's Domain before the Star Realm Gate to the outside world lost the ability to sense this passage.

They wanted to use the Hu Jing Beast's mechanical body to reach the Star Realm Gate, so they created mechanical life.

Energy life forms must use other life forms as carriers to enter the star realm gate.

However, when they created the Hu Jing Beast and planned to use the Hu Jing Beast's mechanical body to enter the Star Realm Gate, they were always bounced back by the Star Realm Gate at the most critical moment.

After returning to the ground, Claire took the initiative to show up and had a conversation with Xixiu.

After listening, Xixiu and Xiu actually sympathized with these energy bodies.

Anyone who stays in the same space for tens of millions or even billions of years will get bored.

These guys are considered good if they are not crazy. They have probably learned how to pass this long period of loneliness.

"If you can't get out, we can leave through the Star Gate. However, what you will encounter in the Star Gate and whether you can reach the other side safely depends on your luck, right." Xixiu concluded in the end.

Krell nodded: "We don't know what is in the Star Gate. We only know that it is a life form different from yours."

This is a reminder given to them after the Star Gate was born.

Those beings are at the peak of their strength. Although they are energy bodies and have no end of life, they can still be injured.

Moreover, the recovery period after an injury is extremely long, and you may not be able to return to your previous strength after recovery.

Qing Zhixun was more concerned about the protective barrier they set up at the border of the forest, "That barrier is difficult to cross. We thought it was set up by you before, but it wasn't, right?"

Krell looked at Qing Zhixun with admiration: "It's true that we didn't set it up, we just reinforced it."

Every forest has boundaries that you can pass through, but after passing through, you will find that it is no different from here.

Later, they chose this forest to settle, and occasionally went to other forests to see if any objects fell in.

In such a long time, only these two have fallen in. I wonder if it is a coincidence?

The two originally thought that passing through the barrier at the forest boundary would be a new world, but they didn't expect that it would still be the same environment as here.

Claire looked at the faces of the two people: "If you don't believe it, we can go through and take a look now."

In the end, the two decided that they had to actually take a trip and couldn't wait here to die.

It takes some time to find the way home.

The two of them followed Krel to several borders and found that the forest behind the border was still the same as here.


With Krel taking him along, there was nothing strange at all when passing through the barrier.

However, both people can feel the existence of that layer of obstruction.

But with Krell's strength, that layer of obstacles automatically gave way.

If they try to cross over, it may cost a lot.

Returning to their temporary residence again, Qing Zhixun analyzed the various data collected several times and could not find a way to leave here.

Claire and the others just watched the two of them busy, repeating this every day.


They have been here since the birth of this star field, and they have tried every means not to leave. It is not easy for them to find a way in such a short period of time.

Xixiu and the others felt that this was not the solution, so they began to learn the knowledge of Krell and his family.

Professor Krell taught them all the knowledge and technology accumulated since the birth of their clan. How much they can remember and how much they can use depends on their abilities.

They don't have much use in keeping these anyway, they just make gadgets to kill time when they are bored.

Such days have passed for a long time.

The notebooks used by Xixiu and others to mark time are already full.

Time seems to have no meaning here. Except in the evening, they can't feel the passage of any time.

The time on the terminal stopped at the moment they fell here.

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