Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 995 - Qin Jian’s data

After confirming Xixiu's identity, the central intelligence brain once told her some things about the home planet, but not much.

At that time it was difficult to speak.

Because a lot of data has been sealed.

After it became conscious, it did not dare to touch these data.

It only knew that Qin Jian had very strong feelings for his home planet, and he wanted to go on a long voyage to find it many times, but all ended in failure.

Their interstellar spacecraft was already in dilapidated condition when it landed here.

The route recording instrument while wandering was damaged, and part of it was lost in the vast sea of ​​stars. I don’t know where it was lost.

Finding the way back is not easy.

Qin Jian gave up this idea after getting lost in the sea of ​​stars several times.

He turned to research on making living things.

Want eternal life.

After Jingsu's technology becomes more advanced, starships, energy sources, etc. can enable longer voyages, and he gains unlimited life, he can plan this matter.

Later, those things that Xixiu knew, Qin Hongjun appeared, Qin Jian was forced to run away, and then there was another war.

Qin Jian was sentenced to death.

He pioneered the creation of human clones and secretly copied his brain as a backup.

The Council of Elders found out many of his dark deeds, and finally, after trial, he and Qin Hongjun were secretly executed.

Xixiu didn't know Qin Jian's mental journey, and whether he had ever regretted that he ended up on such a path of no return.

Thinking of the short, shrewd-looking Qin Jian she had seen at the transit star before, Xixiu guessed that he would not regret it.

The initial dream later turned into a crazy "desire" to control the entire league. He must have forgotten his original intention long ago, and all he thought about was the feeling of standing at the top of the league.

I am the only one.

However, his dream was taken away by his split personality.

I have also been in depression for many years.

Later, the two personalities joined forces, but failed to defeat the alliance's armored warriors.

When Qin Jian left, Zhinao went to see him. Zhinao didn't say anything. He just looked at him silently outside the isolation room and watched him end his life.

Xixiu sighed: "Didn't he have anything to say to you when he left?"

Zhinao was silent, Qin Jian seemed to know that it was outside the room.

So I wrote a sentence on the transparent wall of the isolation room with my finger: Find her and go back.

Zhinao understood what he meant.

But as the brain of the entire alliance, it is impossible to leave.

It has no plans for the time being.

When Xixiu saw it lowering its head and frowning, she knew that this guy was thinking a little bit seriously at the moment, so he didn't reveal it, but thought of his own plan.

However, she wasn't going to tell it just yet.

Then he asked about other things, and Zhinao answered everything he could.

It also saw everything about leaving its home planet from the database. Those were the records it made through instruments before it was conscious.

If you really want to let it tell you why, it can't.

Xixiu decided to wait until she left here and find another opportunity to watch it with Qing Zhixun.

There are not many scenes that Zhi Nao can restore. They are all pictures stored in its database and scenes created after other data recovery, which may not be fresh in the memory.

Some data were lost during the long interstellar journey and can no longer be found.

Furthermore, there was only one interstellar ship that finally reached the star field of Jingsu.

Some of the data was given to it by Xixiu, and some of it was given by Qin Jian later. It used modeling and various simulations to create these scenes of its home planet.

It believes that it is perfect and has no loopholes.

What Xixiu wanted to know most was the reason why they left their home planet.

Zhi Nao does have data on this.

When Qin Jian left, he asked the alliance guards to give it a memory.

There is a lot of data in it.

It should have been made by Qin Jian himself through memory. After each clone dies, the memory about the home planet will be stored.

He is also worried that in the end he will completely forget his hometown and where he came from.

Although it seemed that these memories didn't have much meaning in the end, he still stored them according to habit.

Qin Jian's data disk gave Zhinao a lot of help, so it was finally able to complete this simulation scene.

It can be regarded as a gift to Xixiu and Qing Zhixun.

It's just not very sure whether they will embark on the road to find their hometown.

The coordinates it spied from Min En were probably related to the home planet, which it once told Xixiu.

Whether or not to ask Anweil ​​for this data is a matter for young people.

Zhinao stayed in his territory for a long time and had a great time chatting with Xixiu.

It knew that Xixiu had been very happy these past years. Although the days in the divine realm were boring, she had learned a lot of new knowledge.

This will definitely be helpful for her future life. Finally, Zhinao showed Xixiu a picture, which was a gadget that Qin Jian finally asked the alliance guards to transfer to it.

It's not clear what it is.

Because it is not in the database.

Xixiu took one look and knew that it was Qin Jian's childhood card toy.

It should be a set, maybe Qin Jian only kept one during his interstellar voyage.

This picture is a scenic spot on the home planet with a long history. Xixiu has visited it before.

This should have a profound meaning to Qin Jian, otherwise he wouldn't always be with him.

But, why did he give this to Zhinao?

To impress that guy and help him realize his dream of sailing?

Although the intellectual brain is conscious, its emotional world is extremely indifferent.

It doesn't care about Qin Jian's affairs.

And Zhinao gave it to her?

Xixiu looked at the departing figure. What result had this guy calculated?

Leave it alone.

After exiting the virtual network, Xixiu gave the data packet given by Zhinao to Qing Zhixun.

He also said: "This is a simulation game made after Zhinao recovered the data and based on some memory data provided by Qin Jian."

Qing Zhixun was no longer embarrassed when facing Xixiu, and replied openly: "It must be a simulation of the scene when they left their home planet."

Zhi Nao had vaguely mentioned in the past that it wanted to make a game like this as a way to commemorate its origins, but it didn’t expect that it would take so many years to complete.

Xixiu nodded: "I asked it before why it left its home planet, but it didn't say much."

Qing Zhixun actually asked this question, but did not get a clear answer.

Qing Zhixun thought for a while: "It's just that a big disaster happened and I had to leave."

Xixiu guessed the same, but what kind of disaster it was, Xixiu wanted to find out.

"From what Zhinao said, not everyone left the home planet, but some people stayed there." Xixiu extracted the key information from the fragments Zhinao told her.

Because it said that they were pioneers and set foot on the stars in order to preserve the fire of mankind.

It is the mother planet that sends some people into space to find new hope for the continuation of humankind in the future, and then migrate together after finding it.

However, Qin Jian and the others did not return to their home planet. Zhinao did not say why.

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