Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 996 - Making plans for a long trip

Qing Zhixun guessed that they deviated from the planned orbit during the interstellar voyage and did not reach the designated planet.

It is possible that their starship malfunctioned during the voyage.

After losing their direction, they could only wander all the way. After a long time, they exhausted all their energy and landed in the star field of Jingsu.

Zhi Nao has been working on this virtual scene for decades. After Qing Zhixun got the data, he knew that it had been perfected.

Xixiu, who was loading virtual scene data on the terminal, suddenly heard a sentence: "I support whatever you want to do, no matter what."

Qing Zhixun emphasized the last four words, knowing that Xixiu could understand them.

He obtained the meaning of this life probably to make up for the regrets of his previous life.

Therefore, no matter what Xixiu wants to do or where he wants to go, he will support it.


Xixiu didn't expect Qing Zhixun to say such a thing suddenly, and looked at him in surprise: "Why did you say this suddenly?"

Qing Zhixun smiled: "You may be able to hide your thoughts from others, but you can't hide them from me."

What's more, hometown is an obsession that everyone has.

It's not just the thought.

When he was very young, after learning to read star maps, he searched for his hometown in this vast sea of ​​stars.

However, nothing was found.

Later, every time he went out and encountered an unknown planet, he would look it up.

Never gave up.

The same goes for Li Xianfeng.

Although he was almost always on the battlefield, after he returned to Shang Yuexing, he also found a lot of information for comparison.

Just to find my hometown.

Hearing what Qing Zhixun said, Xixiu smiled: "Don't you think I'm willful?"

Leaving the alliance is equivalent to giving up everything here. Qing Zhixun has worked hard for so many years, and it is not easy to give up these things.

Qing Zhixun knocked Xixiu's head: "What are you thinking about? It's too late for me to be happy. Fame and fortune are all external things."

If he still doesn't understand this after living for so many years, his life will be in vain.

Over the years, he felt that he had reached the pinnacle of his life.

It's actually quite good to retreat bravely at this time, leaving a legendary figure for the alliance.

Xixiu probably had the same idea, so he chose to travel.

However, everyone else thought she was going to the Immortal Sun Alliance, or to explore other surrounding star fields.

Only he knew what she was really thinking.

Xixiu was knocked on the head: "Li Qinzhi, it will hurt!"

Qing Zhixun knew that when she called him Li Qinzhi, it was a bit like coquettishness, so he gave her a gentle blow, "Be good, it doesn't hurt."

His breath turned to stone in an instant...

Why is this person getting more and more pushy?

Although they had been honest with each other, Xixiu was still not used to Qing Zhixun's intimacy.

Qing Zhixun was very happy, and his cold-looking face also had the aura of life.

Seeing Xixiu's frown, Qing Zhixun helped her smooth it out: "It may take many years for us to go. Are you ready?"

Xixiu nodded.

She has reserved a lot of energy.

Some of those mined by Jiuxing were handed over to the Alliance. She bought those that were not pure enough in her own name and needed further processing.

She calculated that this batch of energy would be enough for six hundred years of interstellar navigation.

Including the cost of starships, weapons, mechas, etc.

She didn't tell Ah Xian about this. As for Wei Lanshan, she had just become a couple with Xu Jiu Song, and it was time for them to go out and have fun.

She would send her a message after the starship left Gaia, telling her her origins by the way.

But she guessed that Wei Lanshan had already guessed her difference.

Qing Zhixun looked at the list of all Xixiu's belongings and added the things that the Qing family had given her before: "This is what grandpa gave you."

After the two of them confirmed their matching relationship, the Qing family prepared some gifts. Some of them were given to Xixiu before, and some were given after the bonding ceremony between the two.

But the two fell into the divine realm due to the battle, and these things had been kept by Qing Wenxu. After knowing that they came back safely, Qing Wenxu handed the things to Qing Zhixun as soon as possible.

Xixiu saw the list Qing Zhixun opened: "Why are there so many?"

"The accumulation of the Qing family over the years is impossible, right?" Qing Zhixun smiled.

"Leave these things to the boss and the third child and let them learn to manage them." Xixiu had no intention of taking these things with him.

These are some real estate, shops, and other industries.

The eldest brother and the third child stay in the alliance, and letting them manage these industries is also a test.

Qing Zhixun also planned this.

The two discussed other matters and decided to prepare separately.

Soon everyone knew that the family had just come back and were going on a long trip, and they didn't even have time to say a few words.

Su Jinbao sent a message to Xixiu: "My Marshal Hong, you have only been back for a few days and are planning to disappear. Have you considered our feelings?"

Xixiu replied to him: "You have a partner and children, and it's time to live your own life. The journey I walked with you has come to an end. You can decide how to live your life for the rest of the time."

She has taken them with her for so many years. Although she is very happy and joyful, she is actually quite tired.

Because as their immediate boss, he is responsible for their lives.

She was sad every time there was a sacrifice, and she was even more afraid of the sacrifice of the people she had been following throughout her life.

Her heart really isn't made of steel.

Everyone has weaknesses.

If she were allowed to take them through life and death, she would really not be able to be emotionless for them who had married and had cubs.

Each one is life.

She doesn't want to take that burden now and doesn't dare to take it.

Compared with Su Jinbao's depression, Yi Mingda knew Xixiu's thoughts better.

So I just sent my blessings.

Ask her to contact them when she returns.

Xixiu smiled and made peace.

As for whether or when she would return, she didn't know, so she would decide first.

The five children were not too worried about their separation. The eldest was the most responsible. He told the younger brothers and sisters to be obedient and not to fall behind on their homework and martial arts. He would assess them when they came back.

The three little ones were stunned and nodded, making sure they wouldn't be lazy.

Li Fengfeng didn't know where he went, Xixiu didn't ask, he just sent him a departure time, and he would be back by then.

Alyssa took the Belka people to Gaia specially and brought many gifts to Xixiu.

Most of them were the kind of emerald green ore that Xi Xiu Zui liked, and Xi Xiu gave them some things brought from the God's Domain.

Some of them are exotic seeds, and Krell said that if planted on Belka, they should help Belka completely recover.

This made Alyssa and the others very happy.

After so many years, Belka's damaged environment has not been completely restored.

The parasites had done too much damage to Belka. With these exotic plants, Belka could be reborn.

Hai Sumiao asked Yan Lanxi to station in Huanghai, and he brought his children to Gaia.

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