Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 104 - Mobile Humanoid Harvester

The three people took the camp as the center and walked within a 50-meter radius. The buildings here were messy and there were ruins.

The abandoned steel frame was already rusty due to wind and rain erosion. Under the light of the stars, the place felt dull and suffocating. Xi Xiu did not expect that the Alliance would have such a place.

A-Xian withdrew his mental power, and Tarasha didn't notice anything unusual for the time being. "Go back, you can spend the afternoon peacefully, but not the evening." A-Xian judged that a storm was coming from the breath in the air.

The three people who returned to the camp described the situation they had discovered, "Be vigilant at night. It is best to put night vision goggles where they can be reached immediately, and keep your most advantageous weapons nearby. Enter the battle as quickly as possible." Tarasha said in a deep voice.


The six of them sat in front of the camp and took nutritional supplements. Xue Fanhui called Xixiu via video call, "Xixiu, are you here?"

"We're here, where are you?" Xue Fanhui looked at the environment behind Xixiu, which was much more serious than theirs.

"Here we are, our grade is coming to the Krall Galaxy. There are many forests here. Sister Xixiu and Axian should pay attention to safety. I wish us all a safe return."

"Yeah, so is Fan Hui. Be more careful at night." They didn't chat much. They must have already understood the situation after arriving at the destination.

Xixiu and A-Xian were sitting on a high steel frame, looking at the yellow sand in the distance. If they were just traveling, Xixiu might think that this place is vast and boundless. He could even describe it as the lonely smoke in the desert and the setting sun over the long river. To describe it, but there is no such beauty at this moment, only endless cruelty.

"Are Xixiu still planning to hide his strength?" A Xian stopped making naughty jokes and became serious.

"If the situation is critical, then use all your firepower." Your life cannot be guaranteed, and you still hide your strength!

"Haha, okay, this time, our team will set a record." A Xian turned around and smiled, his golden eyes sparkling.

"Yeah. Come on, sister A-Xian! We all have to work hard." Xixiu smiled softly, but this kind of unique and delicate tenderness made A-Xian feel like spring breeze.

"Ah ah ah, our Xixiu is really a treasure girl!" A Xian turned around and stretched out his hand to hug Xixiu's waist, and the laughter of the two of them spread far.

The other four people couldn't help but raise their lips when they heard A Xian and Xi Xiu's laughter. Even if the next moment is a life and death crisis, we can still laugh openly at this moment.

In the afternoon, the six people conducted a joint training. A Xian and Xi Xiu cooperated as the forwards, Su Jinbao and Enwit were in the middle, and Tarasha and Flora were in the back. This time, the six people were in tacit understanding.

It was not until the end of the training that the six of them were a little sleepy and decided to take a nap so that they would have the energy to face the crisis that was bound to come in the evening.

Loloda's star disappeared at the other end of the desert, and the night gradually became quiet. The insects and animals hiding in desert caves during the day began their night tours.

Tarasha opened the camp's protective shields to prevent their temporary habitat from being destroyed.

"There is movement on the right front, we will maintain the formation according to the afternoon training." Tarasha made a decision.

The animals that emerge at night are very fast, and they will be in front of Xixiu and the others in less than five minutes.

After opening the light screen and scanning, the information about this creature came out. It was the Yuan La Beast, an indigenous creature of Loloda.

This creature has no fangs, but is somewhat similar to the rhino in the world where Xixiu lived. It has an extremely sharp horn that is forked, like two gleaming knives, and its skin is as tough as two meters. Thick walls, difficult to kill.

Tarasha made an attack gesture, and Axian and Xixiu went to the front to intercept them. After a quick glance, they saw that there were no less than twenty of them, and these creatures were actually moving in groups.

"Xixiu, you are left and I am right." After saying this, Ah Xian moved his hand first, followed closely by Xixiu.

Her long knife was extremely sharp, and combined with her martial arts skills, she nimbly climbed over a group of giant creatures, with blood flying out wherever she passed. This scene actually made the four people behind feel the beauty of suffocation.

The same goes for A-Xian, but this time she shortened her weapon halberd to the same length as Xixiu's long knife, and also used it for close combat.

The speed of Xixiu and Axian's forwards stunned Tarasha and Flora at the back. Su Jinbao and Enwit were used to it, and they had such expressions on their faces.

The four of them no longer looked at A Xian and Xi Xiu, and all their attention was spent on these ferocious creatures. The combat power of the indigenous creatures was two levels higher than the previous first-level starry sky beasts.

They didn't dare to be careless. Such a battle could greatly improve their strength, and Enwit brought his martial arts to the extreme.

Su Jinbao was not to be outdone. He cooperated with Enwit. One used a laser sword and the other used a meteor stab. Su Jinbao was responsible for smashing the eyes of these beasts to block their sight. Enwit was responsible for cutting. After successfully solving the first Behind the head, the two people cooperated more and more tacitly.

Tarasha and Flora are so shocking, these two girls are like human harvesters.

Seeing that Enwit and Su Jinbao had quickly entered the state, the two of them did not dare to delay any longer. They cooperated and followed Enwit to start the battle.

Xixiu swung around in the middle of this kind of Yuan La beast, causing considerable damage to these beasts. With her dexterous posture, she jumped directly onto the back of the Yuan La beast, and attached her mental power to the long knife. Go up, one knife can cut open the skin of Yuan Lamon.

Xixiu felt that it was so refreshing to have all the firepower and use all the strength!

After playing like this for a while, Xixiu started another attack. She jumped off the ground, dodged back and forth a few times, swung the long knife invisible to the naked eye, and ran forward. Wherever she passed, Yuanla beast corpses lay everywhere.

The huge Yuanramon corpses fell to the ground at the same time, making a dull "boom" sound. Xixiu killed all the Yuanramons on her left. After confirming that there were no survivors, she put away the knife, wiped the weapon clean, and inserted it. Back.

After she finished, she clapped her hands. She felt that she had never felt more relaxed during this battle.

In this battle, because Xixiu and Axian's forwards were so powerful, it took them less than an hour to kill all the attacking Yuanla beasts, a total of 26, and Xixiu killed ten of them with one person.

This number is astonishing.

Tarasha and Flora looked at her with incredible expressions. Flora wanted to ask: "Sister, how did you do it? Is it really okay for you to be so awesome?" In the end, she didn't ask anything.

The fighting prowess of A Xian and Xi Xiu are astonishing, one has ten heads and the other has nine heads!

Let Tarasha and Flora think that their teammates are old fools!

"Classmate Hong used to hunt dangerous beasts?" Tarasha still couldn't help it!

"No, this is the second time to kill these beasts. The last time was the starry sky beast, and this time it was the indigenous beast Yuan La." Xixiu couldn't answer more seriously.

But Flora and him looked at each other, thinking about Xixiu's words. Damn it, what Classmate Hong said is true!

"You and Wu Wu are truly humanoid harvesters!" Flora sighed with emotion.

"Ah? I take it as a compliment." Xixiu smiled happily, and A-Xian did the same. The two different beautiful faces had exactly the same expression, both of them were proud and happy.

Our heroine begins to show off her talents without fear.

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