Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 105 - This time the star beast is very powerful

In the first half of the night, Xixiu and his team killed more than twenty Yuanla beasts. After disposing of the corpses of these Yuanla beasts, the six of them had a good sleep comfortably. Tomorrow's battlefield may be more complicated than tonight's. More than ten times harder.

Xixiu's younger sister Wu Mu is in charge of the security. A-Xian can actually be on full alert 24 hours a day, but with Wu Mu, she doesn't have to worry about it, otherwise she will be exhausted!

If Wu Mu could speak, he would definitely protest with Xi Xiu and accuse Wu Jingxian of not caring for the seedlings.

Because of Ah Xian's talent, the Anvilians were born with the ability to communicate with plants, so she could clearly hear Wu Mu's words, but it was completely impossible for others.

Xixiu slept peacefully that night, and there was no sadness in her dream. She dreamed that she was driving a starship, traveling in the depths of the star sea, and earning a lot of star coins, which almost made her laugh out loud.

When I woke up and saw the chaos around the camp, I remembered the battle last night and cheered myself up. Hong Xixiu must work hard to kill these dangerous elements, live well and move forward!

A Xian opened his eyes and saw Xi Xiu sitting in front of the tent full of energy, and felt very happy. Xi Xiu rarely looked like this, he was usually too calm.

"What are you happy about?" A Xian lazily stood up.

"Oh, good morning sister Axian, I was thinking about my dream last night. I dreamed that I earned a lot of star coins and lay on the mountain of stars. Then I bought a starship and drove it to travel in the star sea. It was really, It’s so cool!” Xixiu was in high spirits and her face lit up when she talked about this.

Ah Xian held his forehead and wondered why his obsession with Star Coins was so deep. But thinking about it, Wu Jing has been asked to increase her pocket money several times. Maybe she also likes star coins by nature?

Su Jinbao and Enwit got up for training in the morning. When they came back, they heard about classmate Hong's sweet dream. They didn't think anything was wrong. After retiring, they made money to buy a starship. There was nothing wrong with it.

"Classmate Hong, I will invest in you when the time comes, using my service salary and my pocket money." Su Jinbao, the first dog leg, stepped forward to express his loyalty.

"Nunwit can give you energy stones at a discount, right?" Su Jinbao asked Nunwit.

Enwit looked like an idiot and said, "Classmate Su, Classmate Hong needs energy stones. If you can manage enough, why do you want any discount?" After saying this, which made Su Jinbao "fuck you", Enwit returned to the tent.

Su Jinbao looked at classmate Hong, then looked at Enwit's leaving figure, and scratched his head. Enwit was so wealthy, could his investment be too little?

Tarasha and Flora went to investigate the area. When they came back, Xixiu and the others had already had breakfast and were sorting out the things in the camp and planning to move to a shelter.

"I just took a look around. The temperature at the edge of the desert is too high at noon. If the star beast appears, it will most likely be before noon." Tarasha analyzed, "We need to find a camp that is safer at night."

There is an abandoned high-rise building not far away, which should barely be able to accommodate. Tarasha's intention is to go there to set up a camp, so that when danger arises, they will not have to worry about the camp's problems, thus reducing unnecessary troubles.

"Okay, listen to the captain." The other five people expressed their stance.

After packing their luggage, the six of them set off again, but A-Xian stopped in his tracks, "The smell of blood left over from last night's killing was captured by the Starry Sky Beast, and they are running towards us. There are probably no less than ten of them." A-Xian Her expression was serious. They all knew how sensitive the people of Anvil were. What she said was definitely the truth.

Tarasha made a gesture to let the team members fight where they were.

Everything was put into the space button, and the six people were separated into groups of two. They planned to wait for the starry sky beasts to come over and then surround them.

When Xixiu's scattered mental power came into contact with the target, his face became more solemn.

"What's wrong?" Ah Xian saw something was wrong with her expression.

"Talashia, let's change the team. Enwit and I will be together. Sister Axian will lead Su Jinbao. This time, we are strong opponents." Xixiu's judgment was more accurate. After hearing what she said, Wu Jingxian checked again. After exploring it once, it turned out to be exactly what Xixiu said.

"In this case, the formation also needs to be changed. The six of us are together, back to back. Enwit uses heavy thermal weapons and twenty-shot atomic light cannons. I use laser weapons. Flora uses light coagulants. Su Jinbao Use the volley laser cannon, classmate Hong, you use..." Taraxia was temporarily interrupted by Xixiu, "Sister A Xian and I have weapons, just pick up your own weapons."

Xi Xiu took out 30 sharp flying knives in the Space Niuli. These were the weapons that her brothers and sisters gave her to play with when she was still on the Feihua Tuan starship. Xi Xiu later found a master who made weapons on the Star Network. According to the appearance of that flying knife, more than twenty more were made to form a set, which was usually used to practice subtle mental power.

This was the first time A-Xian had seen Xixiu's personal weapon, and he planned to ask again after the battle.

Soon the starry sky beasts came closer, and more than ten powerful-looking starry sky beasts came into view of the six people.

This time the starry sky beasts are smaller than the ones in the last field training, and they don’t have the terrifying long fangs, but these starry sky beasts are very fast. They all know that these starry sky beasts are more difficult to deal with. They are more difficult to deal with than the last time. The training level is also one higher, it is a level two beast.

"Enwit, when they get within ten meters of us, start shooting to ensure accuracy. Don't worry about the rest. Pay attention to your own defense." Xixiu and Su Jinbao changed positions, and now she is in a group with Enwit. .

"Okay." Enwit has been with Xixiu for a semester and has a certain understanding of her character. Hong never talks nonsense at critical moments. He just does what she says.

The steps of these starry sky beasts were very light, but their speed was very fast. It only took these guys less than a minute from the time they discovered their traces to when they arrived in front of them.

After the starry sky beast entered the shooting range, Su Jinbao opened fire first, and then Enwit and Xixiu threw the flying knives in her hand. After the flying knives reached a certain speed, Xixiu added mental power and thirty He rushed the flying knives in different directions, and all of them hit the Star Beast's eyes.

Before Ah Xian could be surprised, the pain of being stabbed suddenly made the starry sky beasts go crazy.

A-Xian extended his halberd and joined forces with Su Jinbao, one by one to shoot and the other to touch up the starry sky beast that had been hit and knocked down. At first, they both had enough energy to spare, but later on, Su Jinbao was a little exhausted.

The skin of these star beasts is so hard that the wounds caused by laser cannons are actually very small, and Su Jinbao's mental power level is temporarily unable to attach to the laser cannon.

Xixiu stared at these starry sky beasts. If thermal weapons could not deal with these intruders, they would consider fighting in close combat.

Tarasha thought the same thing when she saw this, "Classmate Hong, let's fight in close quarters, otherwise we won't be able to hurt them at all."

"Yeah. You pick their weak points and we should have ten minutes to deal with them before the eye is hit. I'm worried that the second round of star beasts will come soon." Xi Xiu's expression was more solemn than ever before.

Taraxia also felt it, but she was not nervous in her heart. Hong Xixiu could inexplicably give them a sense of stability.

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