Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 12 - Tens of Thousands of Stars

99 learned from Wei Lanshan that the world she was in now was so vast that it had no boundaries.

Each galaxy has a main star, and there are countless administrative stars under the main star.

There are thousands of known galaxies in this world, and there are a total of six alliances.

Each alliance will have dozens of main galaxies, and even more scattered galaxies.

99 The Jingsu Alliance they are currently in has a total of 20 main galaxies. These galaxies include some subordinate galaxies, totaling hundreds of galaxies.

The total number of administrative stars in the 20 galaxies is 16,801. This number once again breaks the inherent common sense of 99.

Now she knows that there are more than 10,000 administrative stars in the universe where humans can survive. This number does not include the administrative stars belonging to the five hostile galaxies, nor does it include the other five alliances.

The five galaxies that are hostile to the Jingsu Alliance are relatively backward in technology, but they often develop extremely lethal weapons, and each time they unite to launch attacks on the galaxies to which the alliance belongs.

The alliance has won many times, but there have also been times when its failed planets have been occupied.

That time, the Alliance sacrificed billions of lives, and finally, under the leadership of Li Xianfeng, it took five star years to recapture the galaxy that originally belonged to the Alliance - Tianwei.

After this war, the alliance changed the education system, and the military service system implemented all-military service.

All citizens of the alliance who are over 16 years old, regardless of gender, as long as their physical examination meets the requirements of the alliance, must enter the military academy for seven years, and then be sent to serve in various fortresses for fifteen years.

Those who fail to meet the test requirements must also learn various physical skills and weapon operations. If they encounter a war again, they must ensure that they can save their lives instead of just waiting for rescue.

Gaia, the largest galaxy in the Alliance, has more than 1,000 administrative stars.

She won't be surprised when she hears the number 99. Even if Wei Lanshan tells her later that there are all kinds of strange beasts and strange biological forms here, she may not be surprised...

The star she was born on, Q68, is just a death star belonging to the Tianning galaxy.

The main star of the Tinian galaxy is the Tinian star, and the main star Tinian star has 5 satellites. There are more than 200 administrative stars in the entire Tianning galaxy, which is considered a relatively small galaxy in the alliance.

99 felt that what he heard was like a fantasy.

But at this moment, she was in the starry sky. The stars she passed from time to time outside the airship, the occasional twinkling stars from deep in the starry sky, and the robots Wuyuan and Wei Lanshan in front of her were all telling her that she was really in the universe now. , this is an extremely real interstellar world.

This world is too big, and what Wei Lanshan told her is probably just the tip of the iceberg of this world.

She had a lot to learn. After spending three full days to memorize these galaxies and the various humans and creatures in them, 99 began a new round of exploration.

Wei Lanshan told 99 a lot of basic knowledge about the alliance intermittently. 99 just came out of the laboratory with a blank piece of paper. Wei Lanshan left a strong mark on this piece of paper.

From her, 99 developed curiosity and yearning for the world, and also learned what kind of survival dilemma he would face in the future.

Wei Lanshan, the leader of the alliance, left a breathtaking scenery to the Jingsu Alliance and other alliances.

Her explanation helped this child, who is currently only over four years old, to become a legend of his own in the rest of his life.

After 99 accepted this knowledge, she compared it with the knowledge she had accumulated in the past and found that she was really insignificant.

In her previous life until her death, she only knew one planet on which humans could live - Blue Star.

Her planet has just begun to explore outer space, and they have not discovered the existence of other cosmic civilizations. Perhaps her planet's civilization level is too low, and higher civilizations disdain to interact with lower civilizations.

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