Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 13 - The Star Domain is Infinite

Wei Lanshan looked at 99's tangled expression and felt happy in her heart. It seemed that she was not always calm. She was calmed down by these majestic knowledge.

Those two delicate little eyebrows were twisted together, and her beautiful eyes were full of confusion.

99 started asking: "Doctor, does the Jingsu Alliance have any contacts with other alliances?"

Wei Lanshan: "Very few, because the cost of traveling is too high. We are too far away from other alliances. Without star maps, ships can easily lose their way in the universe."

Moreover, it is easy to be hit by the exploding stars, and it will fall into an unknown space, and it is estimated that it will not come out until the end of its life.

Therefore, citizens of the Jingsu Alliance only travel or work within their own alliance system.

When she came to Tinian from Gaia, she heard that the star maps of the five alliances had been completed. It was estimated that she was planning to have friendly exchanges with other alliances.

You only need to connect to the central brain to know.

99: “How do you know these alliances exist?”

Wei Lanshan: "By capturing various signal sources in the depths of the universe, we established signal contact with them and shared information within their respective alliances."

99 thought over Wei Lanshan's words in his mind. They can detect various sounds from the depths of the universe and can also transmit information through these sounds. What is the extent of their technology.

According to civilization classification, they are probably already at the top level.

99: "There is an upper limit to physical fitness, but there is no upper limit to martial arts, right?"

Wei Lanshan was very pleased. She didn't expect 99's thinking to be so thorough.

Wei Lanshan: "Yes, martial arts has no limit."

99: “Where did these alliance martial arts skills come from?”

The moves Wei Lanshan used were very familiar.

In order to protect that person in her previous life, she had worked hard to study martial arts, and she knew more or less the various martial arts techniques.

Therefore, 99 was certain that Wei Lanshan's martial arts had the same origin as hers. She was eager to know who the person who taught Wei Lanshan's martial arts was.

Wei Lanshan: "In the ancient martial arts era even further back, humans did not have the large-scale weapons we have today, and could only rely on their own strength to fight. Martial arts were inherited only by the family and were not passed down to others."

99 thought of Wei Lanshan's amazing martial arts skills. She was still capable of fighting against five people by herself. She was so shocked that she couldn't open her mouth from ear to ear.

After hearing Wei Lanshan's explanation, I was 99 sure that she came from an ancient martial arts family.

99: "Shang Yuexing is the Guwu galaxy. Do all the Guwu in the alliance come from this galaxy?"

Wei Lanshan: "Most of them, but a small part, were taught by Li Xianfeng to his seven disciples, and his disciples passed them on to his own disciples."

99 looked at Wei Lanshan in astonishment. The woman in front of him turned out to be the descendant of Nine Star Marshal Li Xianfeng's disciple.

No wonder she was able to escape with her, and her strength was amazing. There must be no one more powerful than her in the entire Tianning Galaxy.

It can basically be concluded that Li Xianfeng came from the same place as her, but he came 500 years earlier.

99: "Are there any levels of people in the alliance?"

Wei Lanshan: "On the surface, there are no levels, but when the central intelligence brain issues IDs, it is based on the initial value of mental power and the initial value of physical fitness.

In other words, the central brain will judge a person's identity, but this is not the final criterion. "

"There is another system that can change one's status level." 99 said with certainty.

Wei Lanshan: "Yes, you are very smart. The central brain will adjust the permission level that the ID can obtain based on each person's contribution to the alliance. For example, my contribution to the alliance is first level, and this contribution value is divided into levels one to nine. There is a super level that only nine-star marshal Li Xianfeng has obtained in the history of the league.”

99 are puzzled: “What does it mean to contribute to the alliance?”

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