Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 14 - Where they came from is nowhere to be found

Wei Lanshan smiled: "You have already written down a lot of things. Digest them first. I will put them in the chip. When we are safe, you can take a look at them yourself."

What a curious baby. I didn't expect this experimental subject to be unexpectedly interesting.

Wei Lanshan felt that her escape with 99 would be very happy.

99: "I can remember more. This world is so beautiful and interesting."

Wei Lanshan: "Yes. This star field is very large and magnificent, but it is also full of dangers."

99 knows that these thrills should be the interstellar war that Wei Lanshan has not mentioned yet.

After finishing the day's Q\u0026A, 99 lay beside the window of the airship, looking at the darkness outside, as deep as an ancient well without waves.

From time to time, huge stars would pass before her eyes, as well as some meteorites that would pass by their airship.

Five Yuan's skills in flying an airship are superb, and he can instantly avoid meteorites hitting him. For this reason, 99 decided not to be prejudiced against his indifference!

99 looked at the boundless scenery outside the window, thinking about what Wei Lanshan told her.

The time and space she is currently in is infinitely large, so large that there are many alliances and thousands of galaxies, but there is no name for Blue Star, no name for the sun, and no galaxy for the Milky Way.

When Wei Lanshan explained the formation of the alliance, she listened carefully. There was no solar system and no galaxy.

She didn't know whether it was because it was too far away from here to transmit the signal, or whether she was not in the same universe as there.

There is no time to be sad, her whereabouts are no longer traceable.

99 sighed deeply in his heart.

From the moment she was born as a baby, that world was completely a thing of the past.

In this life, she still has to move forward alone.

Wei Lanshan became her first teacher and her savior.

Although Wei Lanshan locked her up in the laboratory for four years just to develop a drug formula to treat another person's illness, it was because of her that she came to this world.

What kind of cause and effect is this? 99 no longer wants to delve into it.

The important thing is that she is still alive and healthy. As for the suffering she suffered in those four years, just think of it as the price to pay for a new life.

Wei Lanshan drove the airship with 99 and 5 yuan. They flew in deep space for five days. In order to confuse Tang Yongyu and Ye Yunhan, the airship made many flight changes.

Wei Lanshan has been imparting various knowledge to 99 for the past five days. She knew that she would not be with 99 for long, and she would leave after sending 99 to a safe place.

So I took every opportunity to teach her about the alliance.

Five days later, after the airship made a large circle, it stopped at the moon of Tinian.

They got off the airship at the starry skyport and took the hovercar at the starry skyport to the ground.

It is unknown what identity Wei Lanshan used to successfully land her.

Before getting off the airship, Wei Lanshan set another route destination for the airship and set up the automatic detonation program.

In this way, the airship will disappear without a trace before reaching its destination, which can buy them a little buffer time.

99 looked at the Tinian satellite in front of her with dumbfounded eyes. She already knew that Q68, where she was born, was just an unnamed star with only a number in the Tinian galaxy.

A satellite of Tianning Star is so prosperous. Tianning Star is still ranked outside the thousand in the alliance. 99 dare not think about what will happen to the Alliance Star.

Such a vast world is where she will live in the future.

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