Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 126 -The eldest princess who was removed from the royal family

Liujia's voice was somewhat crisp. She told Xixiu and Axian about the part about saving Wu Jingxi and Jingxi's current situation.

The Anvil people who went out to look for the seeds of opportunity found Jingxi on a remote and desolate planet far away from the Anvil galaxy a month ago and brought her back.

This is how she looked when she was found.

Only a faint breath showed that she was still alive. They hurriedly sent Jingxi back secretly.

No one knew what Jingxi had experienced.

She was in a deep sleep, and the fluctuation of her mental power was almost zero.

"As you can see, my daughter Jingxi was seriously injured and her mental power is currently exhausted. Anvil's method is useless for repairing her mental power.

So, I would like to ask you for a favor and give Jingxi a ray of living mental power to activate her increasingly exhausted mental power." Liujia's tone was very sincere.

This was completely inconsistent with the rumors outside that the Anvil royal family expelled Jingxi because of anger.

Xixiu could feel her pain and sadness from her voice. After all, she was her daughter.

Ah Xian also heard his mother's words: "Mom, I can help my sister too." Ah Xian's expression was still a little sad, "Ah Xian, your current ability is not enough to help Jing Xi." "What should I do?" Xi Xiu sighed in her heart. She couldn't refuse Liu Jia's request. Xi Xiu looked at Wu Jing Xi lying in the special box. The golden eyes that should have been shining were tightly closed. There was no life in her body. There was no fluctuation in her mental power. It seemed that she would sleep forever. "Use your mental power as a guide to light up Jing Xi's vitality." Liu Jia was so excited that she couldn't speak. This was said by Wu Jingmo. "Dad, can't I?" Ah Xian was puzzled. Wu Jingmo looked at his little daughter, "Jing Xi rejects everyone's mental power. We tried it." Ah Xian thought about his closeness to Xi Xiu. If Xi Xiu did it, then his sister shouldn't reject it anymore? "Don't rush it. Wait until tomorrow morning. Ah Xian, take Xi Xiu to rest first." Wu Jingmo turned to his little daughter, and the pain in his heart was reduced a little. Ah Xian was reluctant to leave his sister, "Go, it's best for your sister to be here now."

After Ah Xian took Xi Xiu away, Wu Jingxu looked at Wu Jingxi who was lying there silently, "Can it really be done?"

In fact, they were a little bit unconvinced, "You have to try it to know, judging from Xi Xiu's breath, it should be feasible." Wu Jingxu knew that Wu Jingmo's judgment of a person was very accurate.

Wu Jingyang and Wu Jingmu both looked at their sister. They had actually been separated for more than 20 years, and they didn't expect that the reunion would be so sad.

"You should also go to rest. I and your mother are here to watch over you. There will be no problems. Get ready and go to the source tomorrow." After Wu Jingmo pondered for a while, he asked Wu Jingxu and others to go back to the room.

Ah Xian took Xi Xiu to the room in silence, "Sister Ah Xian, don't be sad, at least she is still alive now."

"Yeah. We all know that she is still alive, so we never thought that she would live in this way. She should have been like this for a long time." Ah Xian's sobbing sound came.

Xi Xiu could only pat Ah Xian's back gently.

Comforting her gently.

Ah Xian thought to himself that this must be the reason why his father and mother were so sad.

Because of Wu Jingxi's departure, because they made the decision to remove her from the list, they really didn't ask about Wu Jingxi's news after that.

If they had been paying attention to her, Wu Jingxi would not have been so seriously injured.

"Be with her well in the future and tell her that you all love her very much." Xi Xiu comforted Wu Jingxian.

"When she left Anweier, I was actually still very young. I almost grew up listening to her stories.

I liked her very much when I was a child. After that incident, my father, mother, and brothers and sisters didn't mention her much. Until the news of the removal spread, she didn't come back to Anweier again." Ah Xian whispered about the past.

Ah Xian always thought that Wu Jingxi had no feelings for them. She chose to leave Anweier because of a human. Isn't the lesson of the ancestors enough?

No one asked her the reason. Maybe her father and mother asked, and finally made the decision to remove her from the list, but her father and mother didn't tell them the reason.

But from the expressions of her parents today, Axian knew that things were not what she thought before.

Xixiu listened quietly to Axian talking about Wu Jingxi, her mental power gently enveloped her body, and a wisp went to Axian, just like she usually comforted Wu Mu, gently, giving Axian tenderness.

The room was very silent.

Xixiu didn't know how to talk to Axian.

She could only wait for her to calm down.

More than ten minutes later, Axian asked Xixiu to rest early, and she would pick her up tomorrow morning. After leaving, Axian went to Wu Jingya's room.

The south side of this palace is the residence of the three sisters, and the east side is the brothers. Wu Jingmo and Liujia live in the palace in front.

Wu Jingya waited for Axian in the bedroom, and Axian threw himself into his sister's arms, "Cry if you want to, no one will laugh at you."

"How could she let herself be so seriously injured and not give the family any news." Axian said sullenly.

"Dad has already told us what happened. She took the initiative to ask the royal family to remove her from the family so that she could accomplish something on her own. She was determined to do it no matter what." Wu Jingya didn't quite understand her sister's feelings for that human.

But if she puts herself in her shoes, if her own partner is in crisis, she will try to save her, but she will not drag her family into taking risks, because this is her business, and her family has more important tasks.

So at this moment, Wu Jingya understood how desperate her sister had been.

"Didn't mom stop it at first?" Axian asked, lying on the bed with his eyes closed.

Wu Jingxi's silent look kept lingering in her mind. The Anweil ​​clan had never seen such a time before. This was the first time Wu Jingxian saw their clan sleeping.

"Axian, when you grow up, you will understand that the love of the Anweil ​​family comes slowly, but once it is determined, it will last forever. He will be the other half of your life."

"That man, he is so happy." Wu Jingxian's voice was very soft. She, the younger sister, never received much affection from her elder sister, but that human did.

"Puchi, you, when she was here, she took care of you every day. When you were very young, she was always taking care of you, so you can't be jealous of others. We are all family members. "Wu Jingya remembered when Wu Jingxian was still young,

Their youngest sister was looked after by Wu Jingxi single-handedly. She was busy with her studies at that time, and her parents were busy, so Jingxi took care of everything at home.

"Yeah." Ah Xian was still jealous of that human being in his heart, but he was his sister's lover, so sad. "Then, is he still alive?" Ah Xian asked very nervously.

"I don't know. We won't know until Jingxi wakes up." She had only heard of that human being's name.

"When I went to the administrative planet of Loloda before, there was a lunatic who asked me about her, saying that she had a child with that human being..." Ah Xian remembered Ye Zhenwei's words, which she had also said to Wu Jingxu.

"Well, it should be true. We, Xian, are also elders." Wu Jingya said this with emotion.

"Then when she wakes up, I'll ask her again and let her take us to have a look." Ah Xian finally felt at ease.

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