Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 127 - The Origin of the Anvil Clan (Additional Update)

When Xixiu woke up in the bedroom in the morning, she was still in a trance. She unexpectedly came to such a legendary place.

After washing, she opened the curtains and a corner of Anvil Palace came into view.

There are many plants and trees here, the environment is quiet, the buildings are very ancient, and you can feel the weight of history.

The green color of the vegetation in the morning light had faded, and Xi Xiu realized that this was early autumn in Anvil, a completely different season from when she traveled a few years ago.

I was in a hurry last night, so I looked at this palace again this morning. It was majestic and majestic, and it was all traces of the wind and frost of history and the years.

Looking at the front hall from this room, Xixiu saw that the outline of the front hall was built with huge trees as supports and then filled in.

It feels like you can smell the distant scent from the wood.

This is really a palace that has been immersed in the long river of time. Xixiu admires the people of Anvil for protecting history. The appearance of this palace should be the same as it was thousands of years ago.

After a while, Ah Xian knocked on the door, "Xixiu, are you up?"

"Get up, sister A-Xian, wait a minute, I'll be out right away." After Xixiu confirmed that everything was on her body, she left Wu Mu wandering in the garden and walked out of the room.

"Let's go, they are waiting for us in front." Ah Xian took Xi Xiu's hand, and the two of them left the palace and went to the front to meet the others.

Wu Jingshuo and Liujia, the three brothers Wu Jingxu, and Wu Jingya were all waiting there. The servant-like robot pushed Wu Jingxi, "Let's go." Wu Jingshuo looked at Xixiu and Axian.

Wu Jing suddenly led everyone to an intersection on the east side, far away from the main hall. After a few minutes, they walked onto a long, bright and green corridor.

There are green plants on both sides of the corridor. Unlike the autumn-colored trees that I saw when I woke up in the morning, the leaves of the plants on the corridor are still green.

It's really magical here.

Xixiu looked straight ahead.

Everyone else was walking quietly, and there was eager expectation in Luca's eyes.

Wu Jingshuo's expression was unrecognizable. Wu Jingya's appearance should be inherited from Wu Jingshuo. It must be said that the appearance of this family has reached the peak of the alliance's appearance.

After walking along the emerald green corridor for more than ten minutes, Wu Jing suddenly led everyone through a light screen.

The shock in Xixiu's heart showed on her face. Why did she feel that she was passing through the gate of time and space at this moment?

Ah Xian looked at Xi Xiu's expression and felt less hurt in his heart, "This is the passage to the origin of the Anweil ​​clan. For convenience, the teleportation device was directly activated."

"Oh, I just didn't expect that your technology is so advanced." Xixiu sighed. This is the interstellar era after all. Such a transmission device should be similar to express delivery?

"A lot of the alliance's technology actually originated from the Anweil ​​clan. It's not surprising that we have such technology." A Xian was amused by Xi Xiu's expression.

There is even less sadness.

"When I was studying the history of the alliance, I noticed the introduction about technology. I didn't expect the wisdom of the people of Anvil to be astonishing to me." Even though he has been in the alliance for seventeen years, Xixiu will still be ignored by this world. Shocked.

Whether it is express transmission devices, space navigation, star ports, artificial intelligence, all kinds of technologies that have been seen in the past ten years have made Xixiu awe of the world.

"Don't be too surprised. There are still many things in Anweil ​​that cannot be explained by technology. You have to keep your heart beating normally later." A Xian gave up.

Wu Jing suddenly heard the clear voice of his little daughter, and felt a smile in his heart. He hoped that the God of the Starry Sky would favor Jingxi and let her regain her life.

After entering the light screen wall, within a few seconds Xixiu followed the Wu family to a place with lush vegetation and the fragrance of birds and flowers.

This open, fertile land has mountains, water, and herds of animals. The sky is a little low, and white clouds seem to be right in front of you.

It was eight o'clock in Anvil when they set off, and it should have been less than an hour since they left the palace.

But the stars have not yet risen here. Judging from the dewdrops on the tips of the plant leaves, the time here is actually later or slower than the time in Anvil.

What surprised Xixiu even more was that this was a paradise for exotic plants.

Because she saw, um, plants waving leaves, branches or vines to greet the Wu family.

Xixiu seemed to vaguely hear the sound of some children playing, but for a moment, she thought she had heard it wrong.

Also, the air here was so pure that after arriving here, she felt that every cell in her body was relaxed.

This is a strange, self-contained little world. Later, Xi Xiu learned from A Xian that this place was actually a light-year away from the Anweil ​​Palace, and it was the secret realm of the Anweil ​​clan.

The robot servant placed Wu Jingxi on a high platform. Wu Jingzhu and Liu Jia got on the high platform first. The two of them made several complicated seals on the high platform, "Axian, come here with your breath. Jingxu and Jing Mu also has Jingyang to help."

Wu Jing suddenly explained to Xixiu what he would do later. The two spiritual powers of him and Liu Jia would first open a gap in Jingxi's spiritual power. When Jingxi received the spiritual power from his parents, he would temporarily It won't be rejected, and it will be easier for Xixiu's spiritual power to penetrate again later.

Xixiu listened very carefully, fearing that if he missed an important step, he would be self-defeating.

Since she promised to the Anweil ​​royal family, she will definitely do everything to perfection.

She hoped that the eldest princess Wu Jingxi would wake up and open her beautiful golden eyes.

"Don't be nervous. Whether you succeed or not depends on Jingxi's luck." Wu Jingshuang's tone was very soft. After all, she was still a little girl, and he was afraid that she would have too much psychological burden.

"Okay, I will do my best." After Wu Jingshuo and Liu Jia started, A Xian and the others became a little nervous. They hoped that Jing Xi would wake up instead of being silent like this.

When Xixiu received Liu Jia's eyes, he dispersed his spiritual power and separated a ray of the purest spiritual power, which went to Wu Jingxi.

Wu Jingxu and the others seemed to have mobilized all their strength, and the eight members of the Wu family all had a faint golden color on their bodies. Xi Xiu was not surprised. This was the third time she had seen the strange and domineering appearance of the Anweil ​​people.

She calmed down, and her meditation skills and mental power intertwined into a clean and gentle breath, which fell on Wu Jingxi. After a while, she got in through the gap opened by Wu Jing and Liu Jia.

A few breaths found Jingxi's sleeping mental energy, gathered around the small group, and gently comforted him.

After what felt like a long time, the gloomy mental force carefully put out its tentacles and curiously observed the aura that it wanted to get close to.

Xixiu was also very patient. She felt another wave of mental power, like a curious baby, so she allowed that mental power to rub against her.

After a while, the mental energy became lively, and he actually wanted to run out and play.

Xixiu agreed and followed it. The two mental forces seemed to be chasing and playing for a long time. The little ball became a little sleepy and fell into a deep sleep.

Wu Jingzhu, Liu Jia, and Wu Jingxu stared at Wu Jingxi motionlessly, and found that a smile appeared on the corners of her lips unconsciously.

Ah Xian clutched her chest, her heart beating violently. She almost couldn't control herself and wanted to run in another shape.

Xixiu stayed by Xiaotuanzi's side for a long time. Xiaotuanzi seemed to wake up, stretched his body, and opened his eyes as if he was half asleep.

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