Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 166 - The New Semester Begins

Xue Fanhui picked out several beautiful stones for Xixiu from a pile of stones, and sent a message to Xixiu, asking her to come and get them when she was free.

Xixiu sent many good guy cards to Damian.

Jin Ke Xingren is so shining.

Xixiu took time out to find Xue Fanhui and brought a bag of stones back to the dormitory.

Looking at these beautiful stones and imagining how brilliant they will be after being polished, I feel more comfortable the more I look at them!

I gave a few to A-Xian and put the rest into the space button.

After all, she has accumulated a lot of things in the past ten years or so. She will sort them out slowly after she retires.

In the new semester, she is a hard-working Hong Xixiu.

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than two years since I came to Gaia, and the class schedule for the next semester should be out in the next few days.

After Wu Jingxian and Enwit came back, they joined the training team. It can be said that the six of them worked hard to catch up with each other.

Enwit told the 626 members about his return home. He actually challenged all ten brothers and sisters in his family and won them all!

Xixiu’s focus is different from others!

Enwit actually has ten brothers and sisters. Adding him, that means their family has eleven children.

She really wanted to ask if they all had the same parents.

I thought for a while but couldn't ask, so I decided to forget it!

Enwit felt proud for a time. After his brothers and sisters were defeated, he was surrounded and his soul was tortured.

When they learned that Enwit had met a human being who was particularly loyal and generous in teaching him martial arts, Enwit's brothers and sisters didn't believe it.

The Ora people have a stubborn prejudice against humans. They believe that humans are treacherous and only cheat others.

Although humans account for the majority of the species with outstanding abilities in this star field, and the alliance's supreme commander Xu Jiusong is also a human, the Aola people just don't have a good impression of humans.

"You don't believe it?" Enwit narrowed his eyes and looked around at his brothers and sisters.

"How can we believe that?"

"Why don't we have to fight one another a few more times? Then I suddenly started to improve. Why haven't you made any progress?" Mental strength is the shortcoming of the Aura Stars.

Without anyone's guidance, the mental energy of the Ora people would remain stagnant.

The rest of you look at me and I look at you. I can’t answer this question. After all, I was defeated by Enwit. This is a fact.

It is also true that Enwit can control almost two hundred metal balls.

"Your school should systematically teach you how to practice mental power." Enwit's eldest brother thought of the military school courses.

"Yes, but others can only control more than fifty metal balls at most now. I can also control close to two hundred under twenty-level gravity."

This was a bit unbelievable. Enwit looked at this group of people proudly, barely wagging his tail to show his happiness!

Even though the other ten people didn't want to admit it, Enwit's huge improvement shocked them all, let alone their old man.

When Enwit met his old man, he specially thanked him for throwing him on the starship to Gaia.

Otherwise, he would not have achieved this change.

This is the change in my mood after getting along with my roommate partner.

It was also the first time that he saw the narrow-mindedness of the Ora people. After that, Enwit found that he had grown.

"I am very proud of you for having such spirit. You have to work harder to go further." Enwit's father let out a long sigh.

He had already noticed the stagnation of Aura Star, but unfortunately, Aura Star's prejudice against humans was engraved in his bones, and he was unable to change this situation.

At that time, Enwit was packed away to Gaia. On the one hand, it was an order from the alliance. On the other hand, it was also because he hoped that Enwit, who had a pure nature, could put aside his prejudice against humans and learn the skills of humans.

Unexpectedly, Enwit actually learned it.

This may be an opportunity for Aola Star to change.

Enwit tortured his brothers and sisters at home, and returned to Gaia happily. When talking to the 626 members, he was very happy.

A Xian and Xixiu looked at each other and smiled happily in their hearts. Their teammates were so loving.

The six of them laughed for a while, then finished the training and returned to their dormitories.

Enwit and Su Jinbao walked behind Xixiu and Axian. Su Jinbao folded his hands behind his head and whistled, obviously very happy.

"Baozi, you secretly added so many classes without waiting for me!" Enwit turned around and used his height advantage to force Su Jinbao to a stop.

"Isn't the challenge of going home a kind of training? I don't believe you didn't gain anything." Su Jinbao put down his hand and refuted Enwit's words.

"What's the matter? The ten people in my family combined are not as powerful as Classmate Hong." Enwit felt a little hot when he thought of his family members.

The people of Aola Star relied on their natural strength and strength, so they were too lazy to learn spiritual power. Everyone saw the backwardness of Star Aola Star in recent years, but the people of Aola Star did not wake up.

The reason why they can still hold on to these energy sources is due to their brute force and the alliance's defense.

"Then seize the opportunity and make up for what you missed during the past few days of training." Su Jinbao still understands the Aura Galaxy and knows what Enwit and the others are worried about.

Su Jinbao patted Enwit, who pursed his lips tightly, "There is a long way to go."

Enwit also felt that his previous hostility to humans was a bit ridiculous. In several energy wars, humans helped protect Aura, although they were afraid that the energy would fall into the hands of the enemy.

Human beings are friendly forces from beginning to end.

Enwit returned to the dormitory and gave away the gift specially brought to Xixiu. "I am extremely grateful to Mr. Hong for his guidance in the past two years."

Xixiu looked at Enwit, who was holding the gift in both hands and was already a head taller than her current height, and actually felt that the Aura star was cute too.

"We are partners, and we should learn from each other and make progress together. In the future, please take care of Enwit!" Xixiu said sincerely, and also gave Enwit the gift she brought back from Jinghuixing. Gift.

It's a courtesy.

Enwit couldn't laugh or cry when he received the gift.

Classmate Hong's temper really made him helpless.

But he knew what his roommate meant, and the two parties exchanged gifts. Xixiu opened it and found that Enwit's gift was very expensive.

It turned out to be twenty refined energy stones.

Twenty pills, a single combat mecha can maintain uninterrupted action for two years.

"Thank you Enwit." The gift she gave Enwit was too insignificant.

Xixiu stared at the energy stone in a daze, thinking about how to repay this favor.

He had to give Enwit more guidance in future training.

The two people looked at each other's expressions and laughed, "You're welcome, Mr. Hong, just think of it as my tuition."

"Okay. We will make progress together in the future." Enwit has grown a lot in the past two years, and Xixiu is also very happy for his partner.

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