Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 167 - Cheating Rules

After 626 gathered for three days of training, the second semester of the second grade officially started.

Students who received the timetable complained.

Because the courses in the second semester of my sophomore year are unimaginably arduous.

When 626 saw their course schedule, he just sighed in his heart, work hard.

If you don’t work hard, you will only have no strength. The members of 626 already know what it means to have no strength.

The curriculum hasn't changed much, but three exams have been added in difficulty.

The mecha must be used smoothly, and the hand speed must reach 400 times per minute. The 400 times means that every action must be a valid action, and this is considered qualified.

No matter how much you practice, you can't avoid invalid movements.

Coupled with these invalid movements, their hand speed must reach 600 times per minute to be able to get excellent.

The difficulty of martial arts has also increased. Yang Guxi has set a goal. He needs to be able to resist the opponent for 300 rounds, otherwise he will fail. You know the previous assessment, you can pass with 200 moves.

The number of mental control objects reached 200, and the members of 626 have been able to achieve it under the supervision of Xixiu.

This course is actually the easiest for 626. Who allows them to have this cheating weapon?

Warships are the most perverted, and the assessment is "fishing blindly".

The signs and guide signs of all cabins on the warship will be removed. They need to enter every cabin on the warship, not only to accurately point out the purpose of the cabin, but also to restore the layout inside.

And combined with the mechanical class, you not only need to recover, but also be able to handle emergencies. If the equipment in the cabin is damaged, you must repair it in time.

There are at least nearly a thousand cabins on the warship. This is a small warship, and a large mothership has tens of thousands of cabins.

Even if they use radar, it will take a long time to scan these cabins...

There are weapons bays, living quarters, training cabins, command rooms, and logistics.

The warships they were tested on were mid-level, which had nearly 20,000 cabins.

According to the usual practice, only a thousand small tests are required, and the error rate is allowed, that is, the positions of a few important cabins are correct, and other errors can be ignored.

Group 626 was speechless looking at this course setting. Twenty thousand is not a small number.

Combined with the restoration, the physical strength alone was a challenge. The abnormality of the mechanical class finally appeared in the application of warships.

However, thinking about the results of the previous seniors, their photographic memory, and their ability to work in groups, I temporarily found some confidence.

They should be able to pass this class, right?

Don't ask for excellence, just pass.

Drawing star maps has become easier. 626 decided to learn like Xixiu, memorize by rote, and memorize unpopular maps.

Xixiu was speechless when he looked at the syllabus. The perversion of this exam was only more perverted, not the most perverted.

If you want to get straight A's this semester, you have to work hard.

A-Xian also sighed in her heart. She felt that she had to spend a lot of time in cultural classes this semester. It would be really embarrassing to fail the class!

How could the third princess of the Anvil royal family fail the exam? It must not happen!

Because pocket money will be deducted.

The six people screamed together in dormitory 626 for a while, all venting their anger.

But he still calmed down, returned to his dormitory, and began to prepare to work hard.

After everyone left, Xixiu was alone in front of the window playing with Wu Mu. She had just unexpectedly received a message from Wei Lanshan.

Since she replied to Wei Lanshan that time, she knew that she would come back in three years. She didn't expect that school days would pass by so fast, and two years have passed.

Wei Lanshan told Xixiu that she was about to return, and she did not give you a specific date. However, Xixiu estimated that the long-distance exchange ship Wei Lanshan took would be able to return to the Jingsu Alliance in about one year.

She is looking forward to the technology that Wei Lanshan and the others bring back, which can create huge waves, is even more powerful than the technology of the Jingsu Alliance, and is a super technology.

However, there must be many dangers on the way back. The news of Wei Lanshan's trip was not very secret back then, so the other five galaxies must have known about it for a long time, and they would wait for the opportunity.

I hope Wei Lanshan’s journey will be smooth.

Xixiu woke Wuyuan and told it the news.

Five Yuan didn't look very excited.

Anyway, its clone has been following Wei Lanshan.

As long as they return to the scope of the Jingsu Alliance, their data will naturally be connected.

"You are not interested at all. What kind of technology will Aunt Lan bring back?" Xixiu looked at Wuyuan with his black eyes open, and Wuyuan's mechanical eyes showed no fluctuation at all.

"I'm curious, but that's not important. I will know sooner or later anyway."

Well, I was thinking that there would be someone to share my joy with. How boring is she, discussing with Wuyuan?

"You don't have to look at me like this, I have emotional mode." It's just rarely used!

In this case, Xixiu looked at Wuyuan with disdain and said, "Are you trying to pretend to be aloof?"

"No? Don't you think it's cooler this way?" Wuyuan raised his eyebrows in a cool manner, looking decent.

"You think Sixi looked stupid in the past, so you chose to be aloof."

When Wu Yuan followed Wei Lanshan, he was very happy sometimes.

Without answering Xixiu's question, Wuyuan transformed and escaped.

After playing with Wu Mu for a while, and chatting with Zhen on Xingwang, Xue Fanhui also had a heavy course, and Zhen was the most relaxed among the three.

Ah Xian has already contacted Qing Zhixun, and Wu Jingyang remotely encrypted Qing Zhixun's terminal.

A Xian was a little proud: "Boy, I didn't expect that I am your elder."

Qing Zhixun looked at Wu Jingxian in the video with an expressionless face: "Hello, second aunt."

A Xian nodded, quite politely.

"My sister told me about you when I got home."

"Oh." Qing Zhixun only answered with one word, not curious about what his mother said.

After a few exchanges, Ah Xian discovered that Qing Zhixun really didn't like chatting very much. Qing Zhixun probably inherited Wu Jingmu's ability to chat.

After a few words, I couldn't find anything to say. Ah Xian was speechless. It seemed that he was not a good communicator!

"Okay, hang up the video call. Don't call me again if you have nothing to do. Just leave a message." Talking to Qing Zhixun was even more difficult than communicating with his second brother.

Wu Jingmu and Qing Zhixun are probably the only two outliers in the Wu family. Although other people are not talkative, they will not chat to death every minute.

Ah Xian's words were polite. Qing Zhixun will serve in the army after this semester.

Unless Wu Jingxian's military service location is also Yuanri in the future, the chance of meeting is probably a family gathering?

Qing Zhi raised his eyebrows imperceptibly.

The youngest princess of Anweil ​​is really outgoing, easy to talk to and not shy about, and doesn't have so many weird questions.

Although he was scornful to him before, it is true that he did not think carefully. As the captain, he should bear the responsibility for causing injuries to the team members.

While Qing Zhixun breathed a sigh of relief, he also felt that dealing with women in the alliance was really tiring.

After hanging up the video call, Qing Zhixun received a greeting from his eldest brother Qing Shihao:

Axun, I have successfully met my match. I feel pretty good and she is a very good woman.

Later, Qing Shihao also sent a photo of the two people's holographic meeting. Qing Zhixun discovered that his eldest brother, who had always been cold and cold, actually smiled tenderly.

I am really afraid of these people.

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