Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 168 - Accused of Plagiarism

Obviously before they were matched, all of them were cold and abstinent, and all the women were brothers.

You can't get the beauty of women at all.

A man of steel, because of the blockers, has no fantasies about women!

Unexpectedly, once they were matched, everyone would become a ostentatious peacock.

Even his eldest brother Qing Shihao was not spared.

Qing Zhixun looked at Qing Shihao's expression of triumph, with spring in his heart. He seemed to be very satisfied with his match.

After seeing the photos, Qing Zhixun felt that Qing Shihao was very lucky. She was a pretty and easy-to-get-together woman.

The important thing is that he has a good family background and talent.

It seems that the matching of the central brain is quite reliable.

Qing Shihao's match, Li Wangshu, is a child of the Li family of Gaia.

Although the Li family has been relatively unknown in the alliance for the past two hundred years, Qing Zhixun has read the history of the alliance and knows that the Li family has made great contributions to the alliance.

It's just that there haven't been many heirs in the Li family in recent years, so they haven't appeared in front of others and settled for peace.

Qing Zhixun said congratulations to his eldest brother.

The Qing family will be bustling soon.

Considering that his father's whereabouts have been a mystery recently, he probably secretly went to Anville for a date...

After all, his wife is back.

Just fall in love.

A man of his age, but still greener than him.

Really, you can't look straight at it.

When Qing Zhixun was bored, Qing Shihao had already started various fancy love shows in their circle.

After praising his match from head to toe, it is estimated that there will be another hologram, and after the two people have finished the last scene, they will register for marriage and commit themselves to each other for life.

Qing Shihao's words were as exciting as ever.

Qing Zhixun was speechless when he saw his eldest brother like this. It turns out that people in the alliance also look a little crazy when they fall in love.

The first example is his father, the second is his brother, and the third is probably Song Huiyong.

Both Li Yuanting and Song Huiyong sent congratulatory messages to Qing Shihao. After Song Huiyong's matching application was submitted to Qing Shihao, he also received the information of the matching partner long ago.

I am planning to take time to meet holographically and choose a holographic lifestyle together.

Among the familiar people, Qing Zhixun was the only one who could only watch their show speechlessly because he was not yet old enough.

The three of them were completely indifferent when they saw Qing Zhixun, and gave him a lot of advice on how to write when submitting the application form, especially the other party's character was very important.

Qing Shihao also had a good exchange of thoughts with his younger brother, and finally said, "I hope our Axun's match will be a very good woman."

Qing Zhixun had no plans to tell his family his true thoughts for the time being, so he silently responded to Qing Shihao and hung up the video call.

His only expectation for the future is to kill decisively and conquer all directions. He wants to go deeper into the universe to see if there is any shadow of that galaxy.

What he was thinking of at this moment was the woman he was lucky enough to have in the past, but for some reason, he did not treat her well.

The face that should have been forgotten in the long river of time has become clearer day by day.

Like tarsal pain, no matter what, it can't be removed.

Qing Zhixun sighed deeply in his heart.

This is probably retribution.

Putting aside these thoughts, Qing Zhixun carefully browsed the information he just received from Yuan Ri.

The darkness hidden in the depths is ready to move.

Looking at this information, Qing Zhixun decided to use all his extra energy to deal with those who wanted to destroy the peace of the alliance.

This world is so vast. In this life, we can finally express our ambitions, although in another way, although no one can see it.

At the beginning of the second semester of the second grade, everyone got into a busy state and put in 200% of their sweat to study. The progress was obvious.

The teachers felt gratified when they saw the students' efforts.

These students are the future of the league.

Xixiu took every lesson very seriously, and even the other 626 team members also put in a lot of effort, and the training did not fall behind.

This semester's training will no longer be on land, but will take place in the starry sky before the end of the semester.

Therefore, they not only need to be familiar with all the functional cabins of the warship, but also the tactics in the starry sky, as well as weapons and observation.

What matters is the star map, the location of each planet, as well as meteorites, nebulae and other objects in the universe.

Xi Xiu took up the star chart drawing course, and Wu Jingxian, who followed Xi Xiu to make progress, even admired him.

I remember that she, Wu Jingxian, could not sit still for five minutes in Anweil ​​in the past, but under the influence of Xixiu, sitting for two hours was no longer a problem.

Wu Jing and Liu Jia were probably about to laugh out loud.

After this semester's studies were on track, something happened to Xue Fanhui.

Her new work, an atomic clusterer, has been accused of plagiarism.

The other party was a junior who was one grade below her, named Gan Mufu. He was also majoring in equipment. He had never been accepted by any master and was very talented.

This incident caused a big fuss on the school intranet.

Gan Mufu distributed the evidence, data, design prototypes, parameters, and even the location of each part that Xue Fanhui had plagiarized on the entire school network.

Xixiu didn't believe that Xue Fanhui would do such a self-destructive thing, and Xue Fanhui wasn't the kind of character who would risk everything for fame and fortune.

As soon as they heard the news, Xixiu and Axian went to Xue Fanhui's dormitory, and Damian was also there.

Except for these two partners, other students in the Instrument Department all had a wait-and-see attitude, or were suspicious of Xue Fanhui.

"Fan Hui, how can others get your data?" Xixiu was puzzled. Xue Fanhui's data must be stored in her terminal. How could ordinary people get it?

Xue Fanhui couldn't understand either.

The terminal is a very personal thing. It requires one's genetic information to open it, and it is implanted in the wrist so no one can get it.

Unless someone copied her genetic information and copied the terminal, it would be a bit difficult.

The genetic information of Alliance people has been improved. If you are not a professional biologist, it will be difficult to completely copy a person's genetic information.

Moreover, the imprint of their first terminal match will follow them throughout their lives.

The terminal will intercept various data from the first match and stamp it.

The central brain can immediately determine whether this piece of genetic information has been copied.

That's why when it was revealed that Xue Fanhui had plagiarized, no one would look at the problem from her perspective.

"Besides backing up data in the terminal, where else have you opened the data?" Xixiu changed his focus.

Xixiu has seen the evidence submitted by Gan Mufu. They are closely linked and each piece of evidence has its source.

Let those who see it believe that it is a problem with Xue Fanhui's character and that she really plagiarized.

There is only one such situation.

Xue Fanhui was missed.

Who is this guy?

If so, could it be someone close to her?

"Even in the laboratory, it is always opened with a terminal. Except when projecting, there will be data left in the laboratory..." Xue Fanhui was shocked.

In addition to her, there is also Xiao Wenjiu, an assistant of Master Jian, and Master Jian himself in the laboratory.

Because the laboratory is privately owned by Master Jian, ordinary people cannot enter.

Ah Xian was listening and realized something was wrong, "Is this Xiao Wenjiu the one you met last time?"

Xixiu nodded, while Damian was thinking about Xiao Wenjiu, whom he had seen recently. The few times he saw him, he always had that kind of smile that could kill people, "He seems to be a little proud of himself recently."

Damian quickly found Xiao Wenjiu's recent whereabouts through the system and found that he and Xue Fanhui appeared in the laboratory at the same time three times, and they all left after Xue Fanhui.

This is worth pondering.

Before I knew it, it was almost 400,000 words. Thank you book friends for your support!

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