Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 196 -Nine Star Force

Xixiu listened to A Xian and Wan Youlin talking, looked up at the sky above her head, and felt an inexplicable heaviness in her heart.

Over the years, she has been forcing herself to work harder and harder, and her heart can never be said to be stable for a moment, just so that she can come back alive in the future.

These things that happened within the alliance, the powerful species, and this time the obvious purpose was her enemies, which put her in a deeper crisis.

This feeling of being stared at is extremely uncomfortable. But now he has no way to get more information.

Ah Xian came over and sat next to Xi Xiu, and the two sat side by side under the shade of the trees on the training ground.

From the fountain mouth of the rockery in the distance, when the water spurts out, sweet music will sound, just like the flowing water in the mountains meeting a close friend.

Xixiu had only listened to it, but couldn't remember the melody, and since he hadn't listened to it for more than ten years, many things had disappeared from his memory.

Ah Xian closed his eyes: "Xi Xiu, this music is really nice, I've never heard it before."

Xixiu also fell silent in the music: "Well, it sounds very comfortable."

"Xiuxiu, school starts in a few days. Everyone should be on their way back."

"Yes. Su Jinbao sent a message in the group. He will arrive in about two days. Let's go back to school tomorrow." Xu Fengxiang prepared a room here for Xixiu and A Xian. They can live here directly when they come over.

Wan Youlin and Xu Fengxiang returned to their residences for business. Xixiu and Axian's residence was in the attic not far from the training ground. It overlapped with the history of her time, and it seemed to make Xixiu feel that there was something different about it. The breath of time.

During the more than ten days here, she and A-Xian worked hard every day, training hard, and the results were remarkable, which made her feel somewhat relieved.

Xue Fanhui has also been practicing martial arts hard these days. Xi Xiu gave her a book that she found on Xingwang. A Xian also gave her some books on martial arts techniques.

The three of them studied hard and practiced hard. Xue Fanhui had a video chat with Xixiu and the others at night, and even went to the virtual network to show Xixiu his martial arts achievements.

In ten days, Xue Fanhui grew up in a real sense and shed the last trace of innocence.

The three of them played against each other on the virtual network for an hour every day, and it was already early morning when they fell asleep.

Fortunately, the quality of sleep was good. Although my breathing was a bit heavy these days, I still stepped up my training pace.

The two told Xu Pengxiang their decision to return to school tomorrow. Xu Pengxiang saw their efforts and didn't say anything more. He only asked them not to neglect their exercises.

The key to martial arts is persistence. If you don't understand anything, leave a message on the Star Network. They also agreed on a time to come over for training on the weekend after school starts. They told Wan Youlin to send them back to school safely tomorrow, and then asked Xixiu and A-Xian to take a lunch break. .

After Xixiu and A-Xian left, "Master, the Elder Council still wants us to accept Ye Zhenwei."

Xu Fengxiang pressed his temples with his fingers. Ever since he left Shang Yuexing and arrived in Gaia, these people had been staring at him.

"Get ready, we will go out to meet the elders later."

Wan Youlin opened the protective cover of his former residence, set the highest combat mode for the combat robot, and sent the information about going out to Xixiu and Axian.

Li Xianfeng's former residence is guarded by alliance guards. If there is danger, someone will come to rescue him.

Moreover, Xixiu and A-Xian's fighting prowess shouldn't be anything to be afraid of, and they should be able to hold on until they come back.

This is the central area of ​​Gaia, and no one has yet blatantly attacked Li Fengfeng's former residence.

Xu Fengxiang and Wan Youlin left and went to a building not far away. The teleportation device directly entered the special parking lot of the Elders Association.

When Xu Fengxiang arrived, there were three people waiting for him. When the visitor saw him, they directly came up to greet Xu Fengxiang: "Master Xu, I haven't seen you for many years."

The person who came was one of the members of the Council of Elders, responsible for the promotion and selection of newcomers to the alliance. He was the head of Gaia's Chen family, Chen Huan.

"Master Chen is still the same as before." Xu Fengxiang and Wan Youlin followed Chen Huan into the interior of the Elders' Association building.

There are not many main buildings here, more offices are hidden underground, and all defenses are also underground.

If someone breaks in by force, they will probably be killed by the alliance guards hiding in the dark before they reach the door. Even worse, there are automatically triggered weapons that can definitely blast the enemy into dust.

After the five people sat down, the robot served hot drinks and then left. Xu Fengxiang and Wan Youlin sat across from Chen Huan and the others.

Xu Fengxiang took a sip of the hot drink and found that it tasted like something he had never tasted before. "This is the latest taste developed. What do you think, Master Xu?"

After thinking about it for a while, Xu Fengxiang said, "Well, it's not bad. It leaves a fruity aroma on my lips and teeth."

"I have been discussing with Master Xu before, and I would like to ask your thoughts." Chen Huan did not mince words, and Xu Fengxiang did not like to come to Xu.

"The Nine Stars of Shang Yuexing is still the decision made before. This decision was not made by me alone, but a decision reached by everyone together." Xu Fengxiang refused without being tactful.

"But that was before. Now Ye Zhenwei knows hard work and hard work, and her training results are amazing." Another member of the Elder Council next to Chen Huan opened the terminal and played Ye Zhenwei's training and battle videos. come out.

Xu Fengxiang only raised his head and glanced: "Master Chen, this matter is not my decision alone. Moreover, Shang Yuexing has more than just nine stars, there are several living masters, and my ranking is not the highest."

Chen Huan knew what Xu Fengxiang meant, but the Council of Elders wanted Ye Zhenwei to gain power directly after he grew up, so he kept an eye on the Nine Stars lineage.

"Master Xu, there are no more ancient martial arts in the alliance that can compare with Jiuxing. You should know what Ye Zhenwei will mean to the alliance when he grows up. You have to think about the future of the alliance." Chen Huan still tried to persuade Xu Fengxiang.

Xu Fengxiang went to open all of Ye Zhenwei's files, and there was an item in it, which was that her negligence led to the death of two soldiers, and she did not take any rescue measures at the time.

Let the two soldiers die.

Chen Huan squinted his eyes. They had obviously blocked this news. How did Xu Fengxiang get the news?

By the way, the Qing family.

Xu Fengxiang and the head of the Qing family have been friends for many years.

"You always make mistakes when you are young. Ye Zhenwei really didn't mean it at the time." Chen Huan tried to defend Ye Zhenwei.

"Master Chen, I came here today not to listen to this, but to express Jiuxing's attitude once again." Xu Fengxiang glanced at the other two people and noticed a flash of unhappiness on the other side.

"I am going to Shang Yuexing this time to accept the successor on behalf of Jiuxing." Xu Fengxiang's words undoubtedly made Chen Huan and the others even more angry.

"You actually made your decision privately. The inheritance of Nine Stars is not yours to decide." Chen Huan stood up with his hands on the table.

"Oh? I didn't know there was such a saying." Xu Fengxiang raised his eyebrows, and his original amiable temperament suddenly changed.

His mental power spread out, almost making Chen Huan and the other three present unable to bear it.

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