Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 197 -No More Disciples

Xu Fengxiang saw that Chen Huan's face was a little pale, so he withdrew his mental power.

He said slowly: "I did not make the rules of Jiuxing. They were written by Commander Li Xianfeng himself. If you are not convinced, can you go to the former residence not far away to have a look?"

The writing is still there, and if they are really blind, there is a backup in the central brain.

Chen Huan and the other two people looked at each other. Zhou Yuanqun, who was also from the Elders Association, Jiang Tianyue shook his head at him.

Xu Fengxiang's strength is still higher than that of Gu Jinyan, and Wan Youlin's strength is not low either. Now is not the time to argue with Shang Yuexing.

Jiang Tianyue had a smile on his lips: "I wonder which child with outstanding talent was chosen by Master Xu?"

"This is our private matter. There is no need for the entire alliance to know." Xu Fenxiang wanted Xixiu and Wu Jingxian to grow up, at least not to be exposed to these people now.

They would check if they wanted to, but he said it was impossible.

These people in the Council of Elders are all old foxes, and they probably have plans in mind.

Chen Huan was thinking in his heart, Jiang Tianyue also planned to check Xu Fengxiang's whereabouts later.

If it is an available person, give this person good conveniences in advance and create opportunities for Ye Zhenwei to get along with him.

When the time comes, Ye Zhenwei will definitely be able to recruit this person into his camp, and the power of the Nine Stars will also fall into Ye Zhenwei's hands as long as Ye Zhenwei works harder.

They didn't believe that there was anyone with a higher talent than Ye Zhen, so they would have made it known to the whole league.

Wan Youlin was also observing the intersection of eyes between Chen Huan and the three of them. He recalled the information about Ye Zhenwei that Shang Yuexing had found out. Shang Yuexing rejected Ye Zhenwei because of the bottom line.

When they first learned about Ye Zhenwei's talent, they were more excited than anyone else in the alliance because Jiuxing thought they had found the inheritance.

Therefore, the master discussed with several colleagues and finally decided not to make a hasty decision.

Jiuxing's power is too huge and must be placed in the hands of someone who is broad-minded, capable and responsible, so that they can live up to their original trust.

A person's talent is important, but character and conduct are more important than talent.

Obviously, Ye Zhenwei failed their assessment in the end.

The person who originally came to Gaia to contact Ye Zhenwei was Feng Yueci's youngest daughter, Feng Qiqi, who was their youngest junior sister.

At the Alliance Elementary School, Feng Qiqi was blocked by the people around Ye Zhenwei before she even got close to Ye Zhenwei.

Feng Qiqi met Ye Zhenwei several times, and Ye Zhenwei's attitude was too arrogant. Feng Qiqi sent a video of her contact with Ye Zhenwei back to Shang Yuexing. Xu Fengxiang and the others were silent for a long time, and finally did not try to talk to Ye Zhenwei again. Zhenwei communication.

Ye Zhenwei felt that Feng Qiqi approached her because it was profitable. He also had a very unfriendly attitude towards other girls in school and bullied others frequently.

Sometimes Ye Zhenwei's emotions would get out of control.

This was discovered by Feng Qiqi accidentally.

Finally, Feng Qiqi returned to Shang Yuexing with these videos, and the rest of Shang Yuexing gave up the idea of ​​accepting Ye Zhenwei.

We cannot disgrace Commander Li Xianfeng.

Such a disciple cannot be accepted no matter how talented he is.

Xu Fengxiang came out this time. Firstly, he had been entrusted by Wei Lanshan; secondly, everyone else had watched Xixiu’s battle video; and thirdly, he was recommended by Xixiu’s teachers, Yang Guxi and Zheng Shengchun.

In terms of character, Xu Fengxiang learned from other channels that there was another point: the human beings liked by the Anweir people must not have bad character.

Xu Fengxiang knew exactly what Chen Huan was planning. Could Xi Xiu and Wu Jingxian be bribed by Ye Zhenwei?

This will never happen.

He is so determined.

Moreover, Wu Jingxian disliked Ye Zhenwei very much, which is even more worth pondering.

Xu Fengxiang felt that he had made it clear and planned to leave. Unexpectedly, Ye Zhenwei heard the news from somewhere.

She was originally training underground, but she appeared in the Elders Association office building and blocked Xu Fengxiang's way.

"Master Xu, please accept me as your disciple. Ye Zhenwei will definitely work hard to fulfill all Shang Yuexing's requirements." After saying this, Ye Zhenwei looked directly at Xu Fengxiang. Her words sounded like pleading, but her eyes were full of pleading. Not a shred of respect or sincerity.

Xu Fengxiang also met Ye Zhenwei face to face for the first time.

She was wearing the military's silver-gray training uniform. She seemed to be in good spirits, but her voice was a bit delicate.

Xu Fengxiang glanced at her nameplate: "You don't have to be like this, Lieutenant Ye, the alliance has found the best teacher for you."

When Ye Zhenwei heard what Xu Fengxiang said, she turned to Chen Huan and asked him what he meant.

"Master Xu, seeing that Second Lieutenant Ye is so sincere, why don't you think about this again?" Xu Fengxiang seemed a little impatient when he heard Chen Huan's voice.

However, he still said kindly: "Master Chen, I have made it clear just now and the candidate has been given to you. The rest should be yours to figure out."

The alliance also has several hidden powers. Not only have their mental strength returned to their original state, but their martial arts and combat experience are among the best in the alliance.

Chen Huan has been staring at Jiuxing, just because he wants Li Xianfeng's secret forces.

Xu Fengxiang ignored Chen Huan and Ye Zhenwei, and got on the teleporter with Wan Youlin back to his former residence.

On the way, Wan Youlin pondered: "Master, will they find Xixiu and Axian and turn to them to cause trouble?"

"I'm not sure whether Ye Zhenwei will vent his anger and cause trouble for Xixiu and A-Xian, but Chen Huan cares about reputation very much and won't let his feathers be stained with dust."

"Do you want to tell them?"

"Yeah. You can talk to them when you get back and start from the beginning."

After saying this, Xu Fengxiang closed his eyes and rested his mind.

After Xu Fengxiang left, Ye Zhenwei almost couldn't control her emotions again, "Master Chen, what does Shang Yuexing mean?"

Chen Huan repeated Xu Fengxiang's words.

Ye Zhenwei couldn't figure out how she had offended Shang Yuexing.

She had never met anyone from Shang Yuexing, so how could she possibly offend him?

She sent her question to Chen Huan’s son, Chen Nansheng.

Chen Nansheng replied to her quickly, but Ye Zhenwei thought about it for a long time but still had no impression.

Chen Nansheng said that when she first arrived in Gaia, there was a girl in elementary school who wanted to make friends with her. That girl was Shang Yuexing.

But in Ye Zhenwei's memory, how could there be a place for such an insignificant person.

Just because she is a citizen of Shang Yuexing, why Xu Fengxiang doesn't accept her? Ye Zhenwei thinks Jiu Xing is really weird.

"That girl is not an ordinary citizen of Shang Yuexing. She is Feng Yueci's daughter, Feng Qiqi." Chen Nansheng looked at Ye Zhenwei behind the video. He really didn't understand that she hadn't made any progress after so many years. Luo protected him like this.

At that time, Shi Luo protected Ye Zhenwei, and Chris even came to the school when he had time to prevent anyone from approaching their princess.

They felt that everyone who came close to Ye Zhenwei had an agenda, so they basically dealt with them with force or repelled them with words.

But in terms of words, it is really ungentlemanly.

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