Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 199 - Return of Teammates

Xixiu and Axian packed their things on the second day, greeted Xu Fengxiang, and returned to school.

Wan Youlin drove the hover car to their dormitory, Jingtianlou.

The three people entered the teleportation device in the dormitory, "Thank you for your hard work, Senior Brother Wan, please sit down for a while before leaving." Xixiu opened the door and found that the dormitory was full of ebony vines.

At this time, the dormitory was green, and even the walls of the room were covered with green branches.

Xixiu's expression was a little embarrassed. She quickly flicked the vines of Ebony. Ebony, who sensed Xixiu's breath, retracted the vines aggrievedly.

However, while gathering the vines, Xixiu was unaware and dragged Xixiu to his flowerpot by the window sill.

Ah Xian laughed heartily at the side when he saw it, and waited for a while before walking over to rescue Xi Xiu.

Wu Mu rubbed against Xixiu as if coquettishly, and Xixiu could only draw out a ray of spiritual power to envelope Wu Mu.

Wan Youlin was shocked beyond words when he saw that Junior Sister Hong actually had such a big killing weapon. With this plant here, their safety in the school should not be a problem.

The environment here is good. Wan Youlin also studied here a long time ago. After retiring, he returned to Shang Yuexing and stayed with his master.

The defense and strength of the First Military Academy cannot be underestimated. As long as you are in the school, your safety is guaranteed.

"No, you guys just pack up. I still have things to do when I go back to the master's place." Wan Youlin sent the people safely, gave Shang Yuexing's emblem to Xixiu and A-Xian, and left in a hurry.

Xixiu and Axian collected the leaves that accidentally fell from the ebony in the dormitory one by one, put them in the recycling bin, and applied for a cleaning robot from the management office, and then cleaned the room.

After they cleaned up, Enwit and Su Jinbao returned to school.

Su Jinbao entered 626 and asked urgently: "Classmate Hong, have you been attacked? Have you found out who it is?"

Su Jinbao heard about the attack on Xixiu from a fellow senior on his way back.

The senior is from the Kuimu Galaxy. It takes a long time to return to Gaia, and you can hear more or less mixed news on the way.

Furthermore, Liang Jingxian also sent him a message and told him about this matter, but he didn't explain it very clearly.

He and Enwit made an appointment to arrive at Gaia's star port at the same time, and then take the hover car back to school together.

As soon as he saw Enwit, he pulled Enwit back to the ground. Su Jinbao, who talked a lot along the way, didn't say a word, which surprised Enwit.

Only then did Enwit know why Su Jinbao was silent all the way: "Baozi, is what you said true? Who did it?"

Su Jinbao didn't answer because he didn't have an answer.

"Okay, I know you care about your teammates, so sit down first and let Xixiu speak slowly." A Xian pointed to the sofa.

Xixiu told what happened that day again, ignoring the thrills and focusing on the power of that creature.

Su Jinbao and Enwit couldn't believe it. Who would attack their teammates? Hong had no background, and no one's interests were involved.

Enwit also couldn't understand. Apart from their last performance being better, classmate Hong strived for team points and their team got first place. It seemed like nothing happened, right?

Why would such a powerful creature be sent to deal with Classmate Hong?

This matter is unreasonable from every aspect.

"Don't think about it. The school and the central intelligence brain will handle this matter. It has been submitted to the alliance, and the alliance guards are also following up." The focus of Xixiu is to let them know that there are more powerful opponents, and everyone must add more. Just train hard.

Su Jinbao recalled Xixiu's description, "You should have recorded a video of the battle, right?"

"The signal was interfered and the recording was not successful, but I killed the creature and handed the body to the Alliance's Biological Research Institute." Anweil's encrypted channel cannot be easily told to anyone, so Xixiu and Axian are not allowed to do so for the time being. Will talk about it.

"Classmate Hong, training will start tomorrow. You have experience fighting that kind of creature. Even if you use the harshest method, we can withstand it." Enwit's expression was serious.

"Okay. There is also a mecha confrontation. The alliance has recently released several new models. Has Su Jinbao's mecha model been selected?"

"The choice has been made. Enwit sponsored me. When I retire, I will go to Aola Star to work for him. Hehe." Su Jinbao was very grateful to Enwit for his help at the critical moment.

"What about you, Classmate Hong? I brought a lot of energy stones with me when I went to Aura Star this time. I can buy two of the latest models after selling them, which will be used as training expenses." Enwit thought of her roommate's background. She probably couldn't save it. So many star coins.

"Okay, if you still need to take action, I, Wu Jingxian, have already taken care of it." Rich Axian waved his hand.

"In addition, Xixiu and I have been training for more than ten days, and we are very familiar with mechas and martial arts, so you must be prepared, be prepared to be abused." A Xian's voice rang again.

"Okay, you two can abuse each other, it's healthier for you. Our 626 team is going to fly in the third grade!" Su Jinbao made a rising gesture.

Tarasha and Flora were still on the road and sent a message to Su Jinbao. They would probably be able to return to Gaia tomorrow afternoon.

Xixiu reworked his training plan.

A copy was given to each member of the team. After seeing the training duration and items, everyone silently accepted it.

Taraxia and Flora learned from Su Jinbao that Xixiu and Xue Fanhui were attacked, and sent messages to Xixiu. Xixiu replied telling them not to worry, the problem had been solved.

Being remembered warmly by her teammates, Xixiu's heart surged. After coming to the alliance, most of the people she met were good people.

Does this count as good luck in this life?

Su Jinbao and Enwit asked Liang Jingxian privately about the attack, but all the data was blocked.

The central intelligence brain automatically deleted all information about this matter on the Star Network. As long as it touches this matter, the information will be overwritten. Therefore, even though Liang Jingxian has many channels, he cannot find out more information about this matter.

This incident was not widely known, and the alliance guards immediately blocked the news.

Su Jinbao knew this because someone on the ship happened to witness the process when he came.

He guessed that the people who were attacked were Xi Xiu and Xue Fanhui from the details of this person's description, including the long knife, combat robot, and dagger.

Unable to get any effective information from Liang Jingxian, Su Jinbao and Enwit did not investigate further.

According to Xixiu's description, that creature is probably taboo to the alliance, so they should wait for official news.

After Tarasha and Flora returned to school, 626's new semester training officially began.

The six people all increased the difficulty. Not only did they consolidate their own strength, they also searched out and studied all the martial arts that the alliance could find, and downloaded many classic battle videos to learn from.

Xixiu has the strongest ability to summarize, followed by Tarasha.

Because Xixiu had a lot of training, Tarasha took the time to make comprehensive statistics.

Today is New Year’s Eve, and the author is here to wish all book friends a happy New Year and good health! I still remember when I was a child, my sister and I would get up at around five o'clock in the morning on New Year's Eve and take a bath with grapefruit leaf water according to our custom here to wash away the dust of the year and look forward to better things to come in the coming year. I think of the happiness back then, which was simple and interesting. Nowadays, the taste of the New Year is getting weaker and weaker, and I have a lot of nostalgia for the past days. What about everyone, do your hometowns have any special customs on this day? You can share it with the author ~ Best wishes!

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