Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 200 - Welcome the New Student

At the beginning of the new semester, 626, who received the new class schedule, seemed more motivated.

The class schedule is abnormal, don’t be afraid, just do it.

It doesn't matter if the training is hard, they want to break the record.

There are many rules for the exam, so don’t ask any questions and you’ll be happy.

Since being so low-key can still be remembered, then let's make a high profile once. After all, there are energy star bosses in their team, and there is also an Anweil ​​noble, so what are they afraid of!

Even worse, there are friendly forces.

Hai Sumiao and Yi Mingdake are both people with identities and stories. When in danger, all 828 will come to help. They are so confident.

Xixiu also acquiesced to her teammates' thoughts. She also wanted to know who was thinking about her.

Wuyuan is no longer in a static state. Every day when Xixiu is training, it is responsible for checking the information on the Star Network and filtering all things about Xixiu.

The interstellar mercenary also has some information about the creation of living creatures from the alliance. It took the initiative to monitor this and told Xixiu.

Xixiu agreed after thinking about it.

Wuyuan's data processing ability is very good. Wei Lanshan kept it in the first place because she was responsible for Xixiu's safety and was afraid that the Ye family would find out and do whatever they wanted.

If the Ye family finds out about this and has five yuan, Xixiu can get a lot of help.

Wuyuan is not sure if the attack that is happening now is from the Ye family, because it may also come from other forces.

Wuyuan handled these matters privately without alerting anyone. Its data can connect information that Xixiu cannot view temporarily. As long as you spend time tracking it, you should gain something.

626 trained for three days after returning to school, and the terminal received a mission from the school.

This year the school assigned a task to the third-year students in the Department of Warfare, asking them to be responsible for receiving this year's freshmen.

So after the morning training, Xixiu, Axian and Enwit, wearing the school's silver-gray uniforms, stood upright at the widest entrance of the school.

This is the only way for students entering the military academy for the first time, and Xixiu also entered from here.

From here, go to the ID application office, and then a robot will identify your identity. Only after you get the ID of the First Military Academy can you enter the dormitory and study area.

Speaking of which, this was their first time as seniors to attend the freshman welcome party.

In previous years, it was just a few symbolic slogans with three-dimensional images, and a welcome video was projected on the exterior walls of all the buildings in the school.

The school welcomes new students along the aisle. This was just created by the school this year. It is said to be a role model for new students.

So I asked Xixiu and the others from the combat department to stand at the gate with their nameplates hanging for the freshmen to visit.

Ah Xian's face turned green.

So does Enwit.

Xixiu didn't know how to express herself, so she could only smile in confusion.

Su Jinbao is an active master, and all he has to do is wave his little hand to greet his fellow students.

Tarasha and Flora were the closest.

One is beautiful and the other is gentle, they look very pleasing to the eye.

Yoqila and Zhang Jixing were opposite Xixiu and the others. She kept her gaze on Xixiu, as if she wanted to see through her.

Yoqila and Zhang Jixing already knew from their master Gu Jinyan that Xixiu and Wu Jingxian had worshiped several powerful masters from Shang Yuexing's Nine Stars lineage.

She found it incredible when she first heard it.

Because what Gu Jinyan said was, several people.

She thought she heard wrongly.

A descendant of the ancient martial arts family of Shang Yuexing, Yuqi La knew him to some extent.

The Nine Stars lineage refers to the descendants of Commander Li Xianfeng. There are seven people in total.

Yoqi La didn't understand how Hong Xixiu was so good that he could win the favor of all the great powers of Shang Yuexing Jiuxing.

She couldn't help but asked.

Gu Jinyan looked at Yokila, who looked a little confused and had an unstable mentality, and said, "This is the conclusion they reached after joint discussion. They didn't tell me the specific reasons. However, Jiuxing pays attention to the character and conduct of its disciples. "

So Ye Zhenwei failed their inspection, but Hong Xixiu and Wu Jingxian obviously won Xu Fengxiang's favor with their several performances in training.

But none of them knew that the most important reason was Wei Lanshan.

Wei Lanshan left a message asking Xu Fengxiang to help Xixiu when he was in danger.

Xu Fengxiang became interested in Xixiu.

It shouldn't be easy for Wei Lanshan to be someone who still remembers her even after leaving his alliance.

So after he arrived in Gaia, he had been paying attention to everything about her.

In the end, her battle with the creature made the entire Nine Stars make a decision.

Although Gu Jinyan is also an ancient warrior from Shang Yuexing, he is not from the Nine Stars lineage, so he does not know the key to this matter.

He had watched the video of Hong Xixiu fighting against the creature, and he was actually very moved after watching it.

This student has a tough mind and flexible adaptability. Whether it is speed or martial arts, he has achieved remarkable results in two years. The progress is amazing.

He recalled that his original evaluation of her was too one-sided and a bit harsh now that he thought about it.

Hongxi embroidery is obviously a workable material.

Both talent and character are lacking.

Gu Jinyan regretted her mistake.

Even if he spoke better in the beginning, he would have formed a good relationship. If Xu Fenxiang knew his original evaluation of Hong Xixiu, he would probably be hostile to him!

How dare you say this about the descendants of their Nine Stars.

Nine-star people are extremely protective of their shortcomings.

When Feng Qiqi went to Shang Yuexing to investigate Ye Zhenwei's character, he was despised by Ye Zhenwei and those around Ye Zhenwei. The entire Jiuxing directly rejected Ye Zhenwei to see who their people were. Anyone who dares to offend or say anything bad may be afraid that the Seven Stars will jointly issue a fatwa.

Those few are all very unreasonable.

Gu Jinyan sighed quietly.

I am sad that I have missed a disciple whose future is immeasurable.

The master used to say that his vision was not far enough, but he was still convinced, but now he is convinced.

Gu Jinyan failed to calm down her emotions, and Jokila noticed that she was depressed.

Yokila felt a little dissatisfied. Does the master think she is not as good as Hong Xixiu?

Do you regret not having her as your disciple?

Gu Jinyan was deep in thought and didn't notice anything wrong with Yokila's expression.

What he was thinking about was that Yokila and Zhang Jixing had grown rapidly in the past two years, and he decided to spend more energy cultivating his apprentices.

So Gu Jinyan told Yokila that he would return to Gaia after school started, and planned to personally coach Yokila and Zhang Jixing for another two years.

Yokila was not too happy.

She thought that the master felt that she had not made much progress, so he supervised her personally. Or maybe he came to see Hong Xixiu?

Yokila's eyes were aware of it, and she didn't know why she was looking at him with a scrutinizing look on her face, so she had to raise her head to meet Yokiela's eyes.

Xixiu saw the fighting spirit in Yokila's eyes. Did Yokila want to challenge her?

For no reason, she couldn't think of any reason for Yokila to challenge.

Or did she know about Jiuxing?

Ah Xian was impatient because his face was green.

She was extremely sensitive to the gazes of the junior students around her. Standing next to Xixiu, she keenly noticed Yokila's gaze on Xixiu.

2019 is coming to an end soon, I wish you all the best~

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