Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 208 - Worried about again

Thinking of the other party's identity, he silently hung up the video and turned to command his subordinates to repair the active area no matter what.

If it really doesn't work, they can only abandon these obsolete warships and go to the other two warships that can still move, squeeze back to the camp.

While the other party was busy, Wei Lanshan ordered the other five exchange ships to move forward quickly. When those people came to their senses, they had disappeared.

It was a fluke to meet such an opponent.

Wei Lanshan wondered why these people had already revealed their ambitions, but sent such a vulnerable fleet to intercept. This was unacceptable from any aspect.

Could it be that the other party didn't know her identity and thought that the exchange ships were all weak soldiers and remnants?

That's why they dared to use such warships to go on the expedition.

Then, the person who leaked their return route this time, that is, the several waves of forces they had encountered, was not familiar with her.

People who are familiar with her would not send out such a vulnerable warship team so rashly.

At least on this basis, seven levels must be added to it before it is possible to take down Wei Lanshan.

The rich experience of the exchange ship also caught the other party off guard.

After learning the news of the defeat of the entire army, the other party checked the information of the leaders of the exchange ship this time and found that the leaders were basically the leaders in a certain field.

There was no special person.

How could these people have such precise combat capabilities?

Scholars in the field of science and technology may be familiar with every weapon, and even proficient in space combat. He thought it was unlikely.

While he was struggling, another wave of teams coming to intercept received the news of the defeat of these people. The leader's mechanical voice, which was different from that of a robot, made a somewhat uncomfortable laugh.

"Is this person a fool? Although Wei Lanshan is a stinky woman, I admit that she is still capable. He didn't even check who she is, and sent these pediatrics to surround her? Don't want to die."

This person was obviously very familiar with Wei Lanshan.

His men listened silently, and no one dared to make a different voice, and they all said "yes" respectfully.

This mechanical voice felt that his men were too boring, and waved his hand to signal them to go out.

After his men left, he stared at the video he had just received. He could only see the details of the battle, but not the woman he hated.

He flattened the metal ball in his hand and said to the screen viciously: "Wei Lanshan, don't be too surprised when you meet me."


After leaving the blocked star field, Wei Lanshan and his team spent several days of peaceful sailing.

She took the opportunity to organize all the weapons, adjust the order of weapon placement, and discuss the next countermeasures with several key figures in the escort team, and decided to speed up the return journey.

Their energy can support them to go back and forth between the Jingsu Alliance and the Xianri Alliance, which is their advantage.

As long as they reach the range of the Jingsu Alliance, they can take the Jingsu Alliance's migration channel, and will not be in the passive situation of being intercepted in a certain star field like now.

In this way, they floated in this star field for several more alliance days, but never encountered the fleet that came to pick them up.

Wei Lanshan asked everyone to prepare for the worst. The fleet that came to pick them up might be tripped and unable to support them. If they encounter danger again, they have to save themselves.

Hearing Wei Lanshan's words, the people on the communication ship were a little panicked, but when they remembered Wei Lanshan's amazing performance in the previous battle, they were relieved.

They also saw some tricks in Wei Lanshan's deployment in the past few days. They should be able to survive in danger. They have really seen Wei Lanshan's ability over the years.

Ten days passed peacefully, and when they were about to reach the Jingsu Alliance star field, they encountered a stronger opponent.

This time, the opponent's warships were all the latest models of warships, with much higher configurations than before.

Wei Lanshan looked at the opponent's fleet. She didn't expect that she could still be found and followed by these people after changing the route many times.

"Liu Yao, can you find the terminal that sent messages to the outside world in the past few days?" Wei Lanshan looked at the light screen and asked the robot that had been following her.

"I can't trace it. I didn't find any signal sent out here. Unless the central intelligent brain takes over, I can't detect it with my database algorithm." Liu Yao checked the data it had been monitoring for no less than ten times.

There was really no problem. Wei Lanshan pondered, could it be that the Alliance had developed some incredible communication technology during the years she was away?

But the Elders Council did not mention it in the email to her, so it seemed that she had to return to the Alliance to reveal the answer.

Wei Lanshan gave an order to prepare the other five communication ships for battle.

As soon as they were ready, the other side opened fire.

The enemy's firepower was very strong, and Wei Lanshan and his team escaped the first wave of attacks.

But when the fifth wave of attacks came, the sixth warship of the communication ship made a mistake and failed to escape the enemy's artillery fire and was hit.

Wei Lanshan had to let the fifth ship go to the position of the sixth ship for support. She took the remaining four communication ships to block the two ships in the center, giving them time to take over the people of the sixth ship.

Looking at this situation, Wei Lanshan changed her combat style.

She found that this person's combat style was very familiar to her. Did she finally meet an acquaintance?

So Wei Lanshan began to test.

The other party really fell into the trap.

How could this person still be alive?

At that time, he should have been destroyed along with his starship.

Could it be one of his men?

Wei Lanshan became more cautious.

If it was really that person, this would be a big problem.

There was no time to think anymore, as the opponent's artillery fire kept coming fiercely in their direction.

Wei Lanshan and the others were in a critical situation, and the main ship she was on was also hit.

But before that, she shot down six of the opponent's warships and had already recovered her capital.

It's just that the starship was severely damaged, and it's estimated that it can only last another three hours.

"Dr. Wei, take all the information and use the Immortal Sun Alliance mecha to return to Gaia. We will cover you." said a scientific researcher who was recruited together with Wei Lanshan.

"No, it's not the most desperate time yet." Wei Lanshan stared at the opponent's warship on the light screen.

How could the information about their return be leaked so completely? Even the route they took was clearly known by the other party.

Then it is obvious that the other party also knows the information about these people.

In this case, people will definitely be sent to guard the only way to the alliance.

Their purpose must be to exchange fleet information.

Wei Lanshan stored all the information in her dedicated storage space, put it into the space button she carried with her, and wore it on her wrist.

She is the highest level in this recruitment, and she has always kept the data obtained through the exchange. She will be the opponent's first target.

There is no time to find the betrayer now, so we can only wait for rescue.

Wei Lanshan decided to create some obstacles for the other party before doing so, so that they could be buffered.

Pay tribute to all the staff fighting on the front line, everyone, come on! Return safely!

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