Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 209 - Meeting Long Xingxue again

Wei Lanshan told the people around her: "Fu Chen, the weapons we brought back from the Immortal Sun Alliance were loaded on the fourth and ninth gun ports. The other gun ports used atomic weapons. Six rows of continuous fire. I will control the muzzle, watch my hand gestures to launch." Wei Lanshan looked at the arrangement of the opponent's warships, and the corners of her mouth curved, half-smiling.

Very good, Wei Lanshan has not been on such a battlefield for more than thirty years.

Since this person makes her feel familiar, she must know that she, Wei Lanshan, is a ruthless character who refuses to admit defeat.

Wei Lanshan concentrated all the weapons of the Immortal Sun Alliance on the sixteenth cannon port, her fingers flew around, and she quickly calculated the angle, coordinates, and impact speed on the light screen.

A few minutes later, Fu Chen's voice came from her headset: "Dr. Wei, the other communication ships are ready."

"Okay, launch according to the trajectory I set." After Wei Lanshan finished speaking, the weapons from the 1st to 15th muzzle were fired from different directions, all heading towards the opponent.

When the light screen showed that their weapons had reached the opponent's capture range, Wei Lanshan pressed the launch button of the sixteenth gun.

The weapon with sixteen muzzles went straight towards the opponent, accelerated after crossing the capture range, and instantly split into countless small weapons.

The largest main gun shell went to the position of the main ship, and the rest exploded towards the scattered battleships of the opponent.

all hit.

The opponent's warship was destroyed by the platoon in the fire of weapons explosion.

The firelight soaring into the sky illuminated the surrounding nebulae.

The other party did not expect that the communication ship would have such a powerful weapon, and this attack was undefeable.

Just now, they were only focused on catching the weapons that entered their range. They didn't pay attention to the fact that they had other weapons coming secretly.

None of them have seen this kind of weapon.

Unlike the alliance's atomic light cannon, this is the technology brought back from the Immortal Sun Alliance?

When everyone thought of this, they didn't feel panic at all about being hit, but instead became more excited.

As long as they get the data of the opponent's new weapon and successfully develop it, the Jingsu Alliance will be within their grasp.

Be sure to get their technology.

After regaining consciousness, they began to repair the damaged areas.

Their warships have suffered varying degrees of damage, and many locations must be repaired.

What annoyed them was that the opponent's accuracy was so amazing that most of the places where they were blown up were gun ports.

If you want to fight back, you must repair the muzzle.

These people had to temporarily stop the attack.

When his subordinates reported the specific situation to the mechanical voice, the mechanical voice looked at the light screen in front of him and said, "I said you are too careless. Those who surrounded you before were because of your carelessness. Wei Lanshan is a ruthless character. Thirty minutes Repair the battleship and catch up."

"It can't be repaired in half an hour. The area of ​​damage is too large and there are too many damaged places." His men had no choice but to tell the situation about the muzzle and active area.

"You losers, use the spare sub-ships to catch up, while the rest repair and return to the camp."

After saying that, he hurried to the parking bay, got on the sub-ship and quickly chased out.

In just over ten minutes, they discovered that they had lost sight of the exchange ship.

Wei Lanshan's sailing speed was too fast.

He was so angry that the mechanical voice swept all the objects on the table to the ground, and blue veins popped out on his forehead: "Wei Lanshan, this bitch, is such a scourge. I will catch her one day and throw her to the deserted star in the vast sea. The radiation consumed her."

This mechanical voice sounds extremely hoarse. Looking at his body, it turns out that the whole body is mechanized, and his original appearance is completely unrecognizable.

No, it should be said that this is no longer his original body.

While the other party was busy reporting, Wei Lanshan seized the opportunity and moved forward at full speed: "The equipment side is repairing the warship while we are marching. In ten minutes, the repairs that need to be made must be made. We have arrived near the Liuning Frontier Fortress, and the request has been made. After being accepted, I will open a special channel and move to the fifth level.”

The various positions that received the order stepped up repairs, and the other side was also making repairs and suspended the attack so that they could take a breath and buffer.

The exchange ship dived into the interstellar dust, and Wei Lanshan turned on the signal jammer, making it temporarily impossible for the other party to determine their location.

Wei Lanshan stood in front of the display screen with a frown on her face. Fu Chen next to her whispered: "Dr. Wei, we don't have many weapons left."

"I know." Wei Lanshan calculated the amount of weapons they had, and they could probably sustain another round of attacks.

"Fu Chen, don't believe anyone. Remember our mission."

"Yes, doctor. If the situation becomes more critical, you go first and I will hold them back."

Fu Chen has been with Wei Lanshan for more than ten years and knows how much change these data can bring to the league. He also knows that Wei Lanshan can contribute more to the league.

"No need. I, Wei Lanshan, brought you out, and I will take you back as well." Wei Lanshan's words were light but full of confidence.

Fu Chen went to work, while Wei Lanshan was listening to the recording. The voice reported by the other party's subordinates was captured by Wei Lanshan. It turned out that she had placed eavesdroppers on the launched weapons.

She found that these words did not sound familiar to her. No one she knew had such a timbre.

If that person really didn't die, he couldn't still have a body after the explosion, unless...

"Transfer to Mingzhen Galaxy, and we will return to Gaia from there." While she was thinking, someone sent a message to her terminal.

After encryption, she glanced at it and found that the source of the data had the symbol of Shangyuexing Jiuxing.

It was her fellow disciple.

When they found that the route had changed, no one understood why Wei Lanshan didn't go back to Gaia directly. Now that the pursuers had no time to care about other things, wasn't it the best opportunity to return to the capital star?

Wei Lanshan was too lazy to explain to these people.

She didn't ask for other people's opinions, because among these people, there was no telling how many people who betrayed the alliance.

Wei Lanshan turned on the interference tracking and entered Liuning Fortress smoothly. As soon as she entered Liuning Fortress, she met fellow disciples who came to help.

Their five exchange ships were surrounded by the fleet, a total of sixteen ships.

The other party's main ship sent her a video, and Wei Lanshan saw in the video, Long Xingxue.

Not long after, the other party directly loaded the bridge hatch on her main ship.

Long Xingxue walked over in combat protective clothing, and there was a young man beside her, Ming Weiman.

Wei Lanshan only then knew that the leader of the Snow Dragon Group she met more than ten years ago was actually her fellow disciple sister.

"Sister, I'm Long Xingxue, this is Ming Weiman." Long Xingxue quickly stepped forward to greet Wei Lanshan.

"How did you know my news?"

"Sister, the information of the communication ship was leaked. Now not only the entire alliance, but also Hanhai, Inquila, Musa, Huo Wei, and Pinsel know it." Ming Weiman's tone was unusually serious.

"Yes. The mercenaries also received your news, and the notorious interstellar pirates of the alliance are waiting for you on your way back to the alliance."

Wei Lanshan thought about what her and her junior brothers said. It seems that these people must get this data, otherwise they will not give up.

"Thank you very much."

"Sister, you are too kind. You are the pride of our Shangyue Star." Ming Weiman grinned with pride.

Everyone stay well!

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