Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 210 - Transfer to Mingzhixing

Wei Lanshan looked at the man and woman in front of her. They all had the nine-star emblem on their bodies.

To be on the safe side, she used Jiuxing's special method to identify the two people.

After confirming that it was correct, Wei Lanshan and Long Xingxue started talking: "Did you encounter other forces along the way?"

Long Xingxue thought for a while: "No. We are taking the high-speed commercial channel."

There are probably forces lurking waiting for them at Liuning Fortress, "How many weapons and equipment does your battleship have?"

"Sister, don't worry, I'll take care of you enough." Ming Weiman said, patting his chest.

"Senior sister, when you showed up at Mingzhang Star, I went out of my way to look for you, but I was in vain." Ming Weiman's tone turned out to be coquettish towards Wei Lanshan.

Wei Lanshan's face was covered with black lines, but Long Xingxue knew Ming Weiman's virtue, so she grabbed Ming Weiman's ear and said, "Speak carefully to senior sister, and don't use the same tactics you use to deal with women, it will be of no use to either of us! !”

"It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! Dragon Bloody, please be gentle. If my ears are broken, my image of Yushu Linfeng will be gone." Ming Weiman held his head, the expression on his face was really worried about disfigurement.

"Next time you do this again, I will really send you back to guard the tomb." Long Xingxue glared at Ming Weiman with her beautiful eyes.

"I know, I know." Ming Weiman murmured in a low voice: "No wonder when I was married to a holographic person, I didn't like that person and acted so violently. Who would dare to marry her?"

His voice was very low, but Wei Lanshan heard it and raised her eyebrows noncommittally. Why did the junior brother and junior sister look a little out of place?

"I just said, why did someone clean up my tail at that time? It turned out to be you, thank you." Wei Lanshan finally solved an old case.

"Hehe, why are you so polite to me, junior brother? If you have any difficulties in the future, just come to me, and I will definitely help you, senior sister, solve everything." Ming Weiman's smile was bright.

Long Xingxue couldn't bear to look at it.

"Okay, let's get down to business." Long Xingxue was as cool as before, "Senior sister, the force that intercepts you this time, I heard that there will be six groups of people who will appear in various shipping lanes of the alliance."

Long Xingxue revealed these six groups of people. Wei Lanshan thought about these people and found that many of them were acquaintances.

It has been more than ten years since she left the alliance. Unexpectedly, these forces have not yet been replaced, and the younger generations have not exerted enough strength.

"My people are all arranged on a starship, and the supplies are placed on our starship. I can't trust other people." Wei Lanshan made a gesture to indicate that there was an insider among them.

"In addition, ask your people to take these people to the Mingzhen Galaxy. Once there, the escort team sent by the Central Intelligence Brain will take over these people. When they arrive, we will return to Gaia."

"You already have a target?" From the fact that they were blocked all the way, Long Xingxue could guess that something had changed in the team.

Wei Lanshan shook her head: "I won't know anything until the results of this investigation come out. I tried asking my assistant robot to track down clues, but it didn't track any abnormalities." Wei Lanshan guessed that she might not be able to find anything in the end. These people were obviously prepared.

She has said that in recent years, similar leaks have occurred frequently in the league, but in the end, the real person behind these incidents has not been found.

"How long will Senior Sister stay in the Mingzhen Galaxy, or will we go back to Gaia directly when we arrive?" Long Xingxue asked Wei Lanshan.

"The escort should be here by the time we arrive. We will go directly to Gaia without stopping."

She has to go back and hand over the data to the Council of Elders before completing the mission of this voyage.

When she was recruited and returned to Gaia, she told the most senior old guys in the Elder Council that after this time, she would truly retire when the research on biomedical treatment came out.

"Sister, are you going back to Shang Yuexing?" Ming Weiman was curious.

"I won't go back for the time being. Xu Fengxiang and Bai Yinglong are both in Gaia. I will stay in Gaia for a while to deal with work and some personal matters." Wei Lanshan knew that her return also meant the exposure of Xixiu's identity.

Unless she and Xixiu never see each other, maybe this problem can be avoided prematurely.

However, Xixiu should no longer be afraid. She has already faced Ye Zhenwei directly and won for sure!

Thinking of her talent and the most amazing secret about her, the gift that Xixiu gave her when she and Xixiu parted ways had greatly benefited her.

She was looking forward to seeing Xi Xiu now.

That was a strength that she could no longer match.

Interested people in the alliance should have found clues, but the most important part of Xixiu's files has been marked as top secret by her. I believe no one will check it yet.

Xixiu has grown so well now that even if this matter is exposed, there will be no hindrance.

Moreover, Vivian said that with the help of the Anweil ​​people, her identity would no longer be a problem.

"Yes, it was about that little baby." Long Xingxue said in a positive tone.

"Yes. There are some problems that need to be solved." Wei Lanshan did not deny it.

"I'm curious, how far has she grown?" Long Xingxue was deeply impressed by that child, because that child's talent was the only one she had ever seen in her life.

"Probably both of you combined are no match for her. I will be inferior to her as well." Wei Lanshan said this very proudly.

Ming Weiman's mouth opened into a big "O".

Although Wei Lanshan's strength was not high on the surface, their deceased master once said that Wei Lanshan's talent was much higher than that of him and Long Xingxue.

Even higher than Wei Lanshan's current strength, that child is only eighteen years old this year, right?

"No need to be surprised, she spent her childhood in the training room. She trained ten hours a day, both physically and mentally, and competed with others in the virtual network. She has been unbeatable for more than ten years." Wei Lanshan rarely said this with interest. It's a long story, but I didn't expect it to be all about Xixiu.

"Okay, I, I, admit defeat." Ming Weiman was a little stuck. How could such an outstanding junior dare to meet his nephew after he arrived in Gaia!

Wei Lanshan finally breathed a sigh of relief after boarding Ming Weiman's starship.

With Long Xingxue's Snow Dragon Regiment escorting them, they should be able to avoid a lot of trouble on their way from Liuning Fortress to the Mingzhen Galaxy.

"By the way, senior sister, the fleet that went to pick you up was trapped in the deserted sea of ​​the Jingsu Alliance by unknown forces. This is the news that just came." Long Xingxue stared at his terminal, finished browsing the information, and looked up Wei Lanshan told her the situation.

"Yeah. I guess we're just stuck." It's impossible for the fleet sent by the alliance to stop midway. The reason why it didn't come as promised could only be because it was held back.

"Can I get the video of their battle?"

"Okay, senior sister, wait a moment, I will forward it to you later." Long Xingxue forwarded the video sent by the other party to Wei Lanshan.

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