Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 230 - End of sixth grade

Xixiu led 626 to resume their usual training. After Wei Lanshan came back, Xixiu and Axian worked hard to increase their classes.

Seeing how hard they worked, 828 felt embarrassed to be leisurely anymore, and basically followed the pace of 626.

When the two teams were training as usual and planned to ignore these gossips, Liang Jingxian, the news leader, sent another voting link to the group.

It turned out that after Ye Zhenwei and Chris broke off their engagement, her fans built a voting building for her to vote on which outstanding young man from the alliance Ye Zhenwei would choose to be her partner.

Ye Zhenwei's fans listed the top-ranked young people in the alliance who were aspiring to be married and put them on the Star Network for everyone to vote.

Su Jinbao and Liang Jingxian responded positively and climbed up to the Star Network to watch the excitement. When they were about to vote, Su Jinbao called out and paused: "Classmate Hong, this Qing Zhixun is not the senior Qing who led us before. Bar?"

Seeing Su Jinbao's words, Xixiu opened the most popular post and found that it was indeed A Xian's nephew.

There aren't many people with the surname Qing in the alliance, so there shouldn't be anyone with the same name.

Seeing the post, Xixiu pushed Axian and pointed at Qing Zhixun's name.

Axian followed Xixiu's finger and saw the name of her nephew Qing Zhixun. Unexpectedly, he also became Ye Zhenwei's future partner.

Seeing his family members appear above, Ah Xian felt uncomfortable.

Although I know that it is absolutely impossible for Qing Zhixun to fall in love with a woman like Ye Zhenwei, what if Ye Zhenwei is interested in her?

Thinking about Qing Shihao like that would make you feel panicked.

A Xian was able to connect to Qing Zhixun's video call and sent him the survey in the post.

Qing Zhixun was surprised to see her video call. The first thing he saw after connecting was the old god sitting next to A-Xian.

When Qing Zhixun's voice sounded, Xixiu glanced at A-Xian's video feed and found that Qing Zhixun was no different from before. He was cold and aloof, and he had a contradictory temperament that was very inconsistent with the alliance members. .

After that, Xixiu went back to his dormitory and asked Axian to chat with Qing Zhixun.

Seeing Xixiu's leaving figure, Qing Zhixun frowned, but didn't show it: "Third Aunt, I will handle the post."

Qing Zhixun moved while watching, and after a while his name disappeared from the post.

These people are really busy.

She actually set her sights on him. Could a woman like Ye Zhenwei get her hands on his Qingzhixun?

Ah Xian knew Qing Zhixun's ability and hung up the video call after bringing the news.

When the melon-eaters saw Qing Zhixun's name disappearing in an instant, they knew the joke was too big and stopped shouting about it.

The controversy over Ye Zhenwei and Chris's breakup of their engagement dissipated not long after.

Xixiu and A-Xian resumed their normal training. In addition to their schoolwork, they also had to go to their former residence to train, and they also had mechas, so they didn't have a moment to spare.

Feng Qiqi and Bai Junge wait for Xixiu and Axian at their former residence every day.

After their classes in the afternoon, Xixiu and A-Xian would drive their hovercars to their former residence for training. After training for about three hours, they would return to their dormitories to rest, and they would live in their former residence on weekends.

Wu Jingya and A Xian would meet normally, and they would usually be at their former residence. She and Wu Jingyang had begun investigating the sealing site, but the progress was very slow.

A large amount of data needs to be browsed every day. Wu Jingyang uses Anweil's artificial intelligence to screen out the people, and Wu Jingya is responsible for going through them several times alone.

Finally, they found all the descendants of the people who had known about this matter over the past few hundred years. The next work will be to investigate them one by one.

Wu Jingya, Ah Xian and Xi Xiu chatted easily, "Second sister, are you and Wu Jingyang leaving Gaia?"

"Not yet. When the time comes, Wu Jingyang will stay in Gaia to track down the robots. I and the escort team sent by the central brain will go to where these people currently live."

By then Wu Jingya will probably have traveled to 20 galaxies. The descendants of these people live in scattered places, and each one must be visited in person, because this matter is of great concern.

"Well, second sister, please be careful outside and pay attention to safety." Ah Xian hugged Wu Jingya. She was still confident in her sister's strength, but these things about the alliance, especially the immortal robot, always felt like she was holding back some big moves. .

"Don't worry, it's not the hardest part yet." Ah Xian knew what her sister was talking about, so she nodded.

"Sister Jingya, when are you going?" Xixiu asked.

"We will set off in about ten days. The return date is uncertain. You and A-Xian have to train hard. Don't worry about me. I will take Anweil's plants with me." Wu Jingya spoke to Xixiu patiently.

Hearing what Wu Jingya said about plants, Xixiu thought of her witchwood. Recently, her foodie appetite has increased, and she has placed the witchwood in her former residence so that it can be eaten at any time.

A Xian said that Wu Mu should grow up as soon as possible. When they go to serve at the frontier fortress, Wu Mu will be very useful.

Since Wu Jingya would bring such a powerful weapon to investigate, even if he was in danger, the presence of plants would be able to avert the danger.

After sending Wu Jingya away, Xixiu and the others did not care about anything else and focused all their energy on training.

Their lives are fulfilling and passionate.

In this way, it was the second semester of sixth grade, and life was relatively uneventful.

During this period, although Ye Zhenwei was also studying battleships and mechas at the First Military Academy, she did not come to Xixiu to fight again because of the agreement.

Instead, she focused on training and her strength improved quickly. The elders would be very satisfied with her progress.

When Xixiu and the others were in fifth grade, Ye Zhen was promoted to captain and went to station in the Tianwei Galaxy.

As for the technological data brought back by Wei Lanshan, there has been gratifying progress in various areas of the alliance in the past two years.

The alliance's transportation facilities are more convenient.

Airships are gradually replacing hover vehicles.

Wearable mechas have also made progress in stages. When Xixiu and the others graduate from the First Military Academy next year, the technologies brought back from the Xianri Alliance will basically be realized.

What's even more gratifying is that the medical technology research team established by Wei Lanshan and Fu Chen achieved significant results by the end of Xixiu's fifth grade.

Wei Lanshan and the others used the technology of the Xianri Alliance to develop a new set of genetic modifications for the special circumstances of the Jingsu Alliance to avoid possible risks.

Within a year, this technology was promoted to the entire alliance. It is estimated that by the time Xixiu and the others graduate, the Jingsu Alliance will be able to complete a new round of genetic improvements.

The lifespan of humans and other species in the Jingsu Alliance will be greatly improved.

As Wei Lanshan told Xixiu before, the life span of ordinary humans can exceed 400 years, which is 100 years longer than the previous record of the Jingsu Alliance, Li Yufeng.

There is no final answer to how far humans with good physical fitness and high mental strength can reach, and anything is possible.

Xixiu is looking forward to this matter very much.

Probably because he died young in his previous life.

Therefore, in this life, I am particularly obsessed with longevity.

After Wei Lanshan's improvements, the physique of ordinary humans has been further optimized.

Now, even humans with ordinary mental power levels have the strength to undergo further training.

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