Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 231 - Getting more and more weird

This news undoubtedly made the entire alliance excited. The citizens of the alliance who had accepted the reform began a training craze, and the entire Jingsu Alliance took on a new look.

Everyone wants to become stronger.

When Xixiu got the news, he and Xue Fanhui were happy for Zhen who was far away in Jinghuixing.

The Jinghui planet where Zhen is located is among the sixth batch of galaxies to undergo genetic modification. After getting the news about Xixiu, Zhen made an appointment early.

After learning that Zhen had entered the operating room, Xixiu and Xue Fanhui opened their terminals nervously and waited.

The three of them sat quietly in the living room of 626. She didn't touch the juice that A Xian poured for Xi Xiu. Seeing that Xi Xiu was so nervous, it seemed that this woman named Zhen was the one Xi Xiu cared about.

Xue Fanhui was equally nervous.

Under the leadership of Master Jian, she has been doing data model research in the laboratory for the past two years, and the results have been amazing.

This is also her last semester at the First Military Academy. After that, she will serve in Gaia's Device Research Institute for fifteen years.

Because they are rarely used on the battlefield, the service time of equipment will be longer than that of the front line.

After Zhen completes the genetic modification surgery, she will come to Gaia with the school's exchange group for a one-month study visit.

Ever since the last time Xixiu and Xue Fanhui went to Jinghuixing to see Zhen, the three of them have been meeting in the Star Network hologram.

"Xixiu, how long will this operation take and what is the recovery period?" Although there is a detailed introduction on Xingwang, Xue Fanhui felt that she still had to ask.

She knew that Xixiu was very familiar with Dr. Wei, the chief biomedical officer, and her information must be the most accurate.

"About four hours, there will be no side effects. Aunt Lan has done many tests. The recovery period only takes seven days, and Zhen can catch up with the exchange group to come to Gaia." Xi Xiu's crisp voice seemed to give Xue Fanhui reassurance.

"Yeah. I just don't know if Zhen's body can bear it."

"Yes, Zhen's physical level is quite high, but her mental strength has been unable to break through."

Xue Fanhui had been waiting in Xixiu's dormitory for four hours, and was relieved when Zhen Ping An came out.

"Xiu Xiu, Fan Hui, I've made you worry." Zhen came out of the operating room, looking a little weak, but her mental state was still good.

Both Xixiu and Xue Fanhui breathed a sigh of relief.

"As long as you're safe, rest and recover quickly. Fan Hui and I are waiting for you in Gaia."

"Yeah. Don't worry. When will your surgery be done?"

Because Gaia is the capital star, after this technology matures, it will be promoted in other galaxies first. Jinghui Star is the sixth batch, and Gaia is the ninth batch.

"It's coming soon. By the time you come to Gaia, we should all have undergone new changes." Appointments have been made for Gaia's surgery, and the First Military Academy will conduct it uniformly.

Because of their race, A-Xian does not need genetic modification surgery. They are a special family, and death is just another new beginning for them.

"Okay, you don't have to worry about me. I will go to Gaia in more than a month." Zhen Zhanyan, her beautiful eyes sparkling with happiness.

"Okay, take a rest quickly. Let's have a video call after you've rested. Hurry up." Xixiu's gentle words filled Zhen's heart with happiness.

"Okay." Zhen added in her heart, Xiu Xiu, I miss you very much.

After Zhen Ping'an left the operating room, Xi Xiu and Xue Fanhui devoted themselves to new learning.

Xue Fanhui didn't have much time in school anymore. From then on, there was a real separation.

From now on, they will be separated from each other.

Everyone works hard and works hard.

Just so that everyone can meet again.

After Xue Fanhui left, Xixiu stood by the window, in a rare daze.

Seeing her like this, Ah Xian walked over and patted her shoulder: "Why, are you worried about going to the frontier fortress?"

"No, I just feel a little sad in my heart, feeling that life is impermanent." There was a touch of sadness on the corner of Xixiu's mouth.

The results of Wu Jingya's investigation are not optimistic. Their clues are often interrupted inexplicably. It is obvious that someone is interfering behind the scenes.

With such a powerful central brain of the alliance, they could not trace any traces of the other party. The deeper Wu Jingya investigated, the more something was wrong.

She sent all the news to Wu Jingyang. She had been traveling among various galaxies in the past two years, and the descendants of these people who knew the archives were also visited.

But he didn't get any suspicious clues. After Wu Jingya got the useful information, these people would disappear, disappear completely, as if they had never existed.

This incident attracted Anvil's attention.

After three discussion meetings, the Council of Elders decided to activate the alliance’s first-level network warning.

Although the alliance's robots have been updated, there is no guarantee that some will still slip through the net.

The matter of immortal robots was brought to light in this way.

However, the reason given by the alliance is that the robot's program will be modified to attack humans.

Because there is a loophole in the old robot program, the opponent can use this loophole to implant the martial arts program. As long as it is a living creature, the robot will attack indiscriminately.

The level of danger is no less than that of the Star Beast.

When the people found out about this, there was a panic.

Some people who were lucky and had not replaced the robot before saw this news and quickly sent the robot to the recycling bin.

I purchased another new model to feel reassured. Everyone is learning how to identify the robots that have been implanted with martial arts on the Star Network, and they no longer take orders from their robots.

From children who can walk and use robots to elderly people who are already old, a wave of discrimination has spread throughout the alliance.

It was even discussed on StarNet.

All of this information was leaked and passed through anonymous channels to people who didn't know where they were.

Wu Jingyang noticed something unusual, but this time he still failed to track it, and was noticed by the other party halfway.

It was exactly the same as the last time he tracked down Master Jian's laboratory.

Could it be that the same force is behind this?

Wu Jingyang thought back to the strange things that had happened in the alliance in the past few years. Could it be that the same person was behind these things?

Ah Xian also knew that the alliance was getting more and more complicated, and Wu Jingyang had been following up without any clues.

"Xi Xiu, we can only wait for the opportunity." Now there is no way to track down the person behind it. They are in the light, and this person is in the dark, always peeping.

However, from the fact that he has thrown so many things to the Alliance, it is certain that he cannot wait too long and is getting closer and closer to unveiling this person.

However, I don’t know if the alliance will be bloody by then.

If the creation of living creatures is really successfully cultivated by these people, and if the successful cultivation is the perfect form, the alliance will definitely have a fierce battle.

And immortal robots.

If these two weapons were released on the battlefield with the Alliance at the same time, it is unimaginable what kind of casualties the battle would cause.

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