Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 270 - Planning not to get married

Xixiu quickly prepared gifts for Hai Sumiao, and also prepared an extra gift for A Xian and Xue Fanhui.

She had already mailed Zhen's gift before the performance, and she should have received it by now.

With the gifts, Xixiu and Axian went to Hai Sumiao's dormitory and found that her luggage had been packed and only needed to be put into the space button.

"Sister Su Miao, sister A Xian and I are here to see you. This is a little thought from me. It's not expensive, but it's better than Qiqiao." Xi Xiu handed the gift to Hai Su Miao with both hands.

"Thank you Xixiu." Hai Sumiao took the gift and put it into the space. He waited until Zizi and the others left to look at it.

She also took out two quite large boxes from her pocket, which required both hands to hold.

"You and A-Xian, one each. This is unique to the Miao Runxing royal family. Thank you Xixiu for your concern over the years."

"Sister Su Miao, it's Xixiu who has received everyone's care these years." This gave her new expectations in her new life.

"Okay, you two, stop complimenting each other. Let's sit down and have a good conversation. It will probably be difficult to see each other again in the future."

The three of them sat together. Iminda had said she was going out to meet friends, so it was rare for the three girls to be alone.

Ah Xian asked about Hai Sumiao's marriage. The fish-man's wedding was very special, and the contract was a lifelong affair.

Hai Sumiao returned Ah Xian's own thoughts. Marriage cannot be cancelled, it can only be like this.

In addition, Yan Lanxi seems to have received instructions from God recently, and his attitude has changed.

Become less venomous.

I will also care about people.

They even ask for help every day.

She was a little overwhelmed.

This kind of enthusiasm seems a bit permeable.

Hai Sumiao's words made Xixiu laugh out loud: "Sister Sumiao, isn't this good? It's better than the tip of a needle against the wheat. It won't be easy for everyone."

"What you said seems to make sense." Hai Sumiao pondered for a moment.

She originally decided to choose the male gender, but Yan Lanxi, who played with her, knew her thoughts clearly and chose the male gender when she became an adult.

As a future partner, she could only choose a female, which was something she had resented for a long time.

But now I have let go of this obsession, because it has become a foregone conclusion. Since it can't be changed, accept it.

Besides, it was because of her female status that she met Xixiu and A-Xian.

"Everything Xixiu said makes sense. Don't go too far. Miao Runxing's environment requires you to work together to cope with it. At this time, the existence of a partner becomes very important."

Miao Runxing's battles are fought as husband and wife, so the tacit understanding between the two is particularly important.

Only when we understand each other can we be invincible.

After Hai Sumiao returns to Miao Runxing, Yan Lanxi should return from the station in one year.

After the wedding, the two people will station at the border fortress together to escort Miao Runxing.

"I understand." Hai Sumiao is not a troubled fish. Once he figures it out, everything will be fine.

If Yan Lanxi really changes his previous vicious tongue, the two fishes should get along harmoniously.

During the conversation, A Xian talked about the situation in Yuan Ri. They had faced a tough battle in the past. Hai Su Miao could not help but could only cheer them up.

After this topic was over, Hai Sumiao asked about Axian's marriage. As far as she knew, the marriage of the Anweil ​​people was the most special.

A Xian was a little confused.

She had never considered this question.

After thinking for a long time, she thought about all the Anvil nobles above level 16 she knew, and found that there was no one she could form a contract with!

"Let me think about this issue for a few more days." A Xian frowned with golden brows, this look was extremely beautiful.

Hai Sumiao looked at Ah Xian's face and knew that she had never considered this matter.

"Where is Xixiu?" Unexpectedly, Hai Sumiao asked him, and Xixiu decided to reveal his thoughts a little bit.

"I, I might be like Aunt Lan, Vivian and the others." That is, not getting married.

Hai Sumiao and A Xian looked at her with their eyes widened, one pair of gold and one pair of blue.

Xixiu shrank back: "Isn't this incredible?"

A Xian and Hai Su Miao shook their heads after a long time, but they just didn't know what to say.

Because they didn't know why Xixiu had such thoughts.

"Why do you have such an idea?" Ah Xian has always been direct, and he will ask Xixiu directly if he doesn't understand.

"I feel that I am free and have no restraints. I can live a good life alone."

This is indeed true.

But partners in the Jingsu Alliance sometimes do not mean trouble. On the contrary, they can often share some pressure.

The laws of the Union impose many obligations on men, and also on women.

After genetic engraving, both people will be loyal to each other, and there will be no betrayal like in the long-ago era.

Loyalty to your partner is deeply imprinted in your genes and becomes a part of your life.

"Then you plan not to have children in the future?" Hai Sumiao's words touched Xixiu's heart.

Because the issue of children was her obsession in her previous life.

Her five-year marriage to that man was in name only. They had never done anything a couple would do, and children became a delusion.

After coming to the Jingsu Alliance, she had put this matter aside.

"If I really want a child, after I retire, I will go to a nursery and adopt one."

Accompany her to grow up, teach her to learn, and take her to play in the depths of the star sea in the future. When she grows up, it will be time for her to retire and play in other star fields.

"you sure?"

"That's the current thinking."

Ah Xian frowned, this question is a bit big, should I tell Wu Jingshuo and Liu Jia, and let these two models of love demonstrate to Xi Xiu?

"Just think about it yourself, but after you submit the application and the matching partner is found, how do you reject the central intelligence brain?"

Xixiu has already considered this issue.

When she decided to undergo a holographic simulation, she responded passively and then directly said that she was not suitable for married life.

Next, she can learn from Wei Lanshan. Even if it doesn't work out, Ming is not full. None of them have a partner, so she doesn't think this is a big problem.

"I think you are thinking too simply. What if the other party is very satisfied with you?" The reason for rejection must be agreed by both parties.

"I've behaved so badly, why would someone still hold on to me?" Anyone with a discerning eye could see through her perfunctory behavior at a glance.

You can’t even tell how low your emotional intelligence is!

"Sometimes we can't generalize." Many people in the league basically completed the match the first time.

Moreover, Xixiu is very good in appearance and strength, and the other party is afraid that he will be a fool to give up such a partner.

Hai Sumiao didn't know the principle of matching because of Miao Runxing's special nature. However, there were cases of matching between fish and humans in history, so she knew something about it.

"If your matching threshold reaches the optimal level, the central intelligence brain will force you to become a partner." Hai Sumiao's words were like a thunderous sound, scaring Xixiu into a cold sweat.

"Is this true?" Xixiu still didn't believe it.

"Real, more real than Miao Runxing's pearls." Hai Sumiao answered extremely cautiously.

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