Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 271 -Gift from the Murloc

Damn it, Xixiu started running away in his heart: "How can I lower the threshold between myself and my match?"

Hai Sumiao and A Xian both shook their heads: "There is no solution to this problem."

Because the genetic information center brain has records, after serving in the service, the completion rate of all tasks of Xixiu will be archived in the center brain, and marriage matching candidates will also be selected based on these.

The better she is, the better the match will be.

Xixiu felt almost bald after hearing this.

Then how did Wei Lanshan and the others do it back then!

When she arrived at the place of service, she had to ask Wei Lanshan, and she could also ask indirectly if she was still young.

Ah Xian pondered Xi Xiu's idea in his mind and found that it seemed good?

Hai Sumiao saw her expression and knew what she was thinking, so he reminded her loudly: "You Anweil ​​have no history of not being partners."

"Oh, I was wondering if I set a precedent, would I be tied up by Ruka and the others and thrown to others?"

"Don't do it. The whole of Anweil ​​will come to see you as an exception." Hai Sumiao's words successfully made A Xian stop this idea.

Being surrounded by all the Anweil ​​people was a very scary thing, and Wu Jingxian's little heart couldn't bear it.

The three of them talked about matching and marriage again, and A-Xian asked Xixiu's thoughts from another perspective.

Then Hai Sumiao and A Xian discovered that Xi Xiu was just too troublesome and impatient to get along with unfamiliar people.

In fact, Xixiu still longs for a family in her heart. She likes children very much and has a very gentle side.

I like stability and don't like wandering.

In the future, she wants to settle down in one galaxy and drive a starship to other galaxies when she has free time.

This idea, in fact, you can also live like this if you are a partner. It will be more enjoyable if you go with each other and become a family.

Ah Xian murmured in her heart, logically Xixiu should be someone who wants to have a sense of belonging, how could she have thoughts that she had never had before.

"Okay, this problem remains unsolved for the time being. Sister Su Miao, when do you plan to leave?"

"I booked a starship for the day after tomorrow. I'll leave early the day after tomorrow."

"It would be a shame not to attend the graduation ceremony."

"Xixiu, you have to believe that we will meet again. Then you and A-Xian can come to Miao Runxing, and I will be your host so that you can have enough fun in Miaorunxing."

The three of them took a group photo together in Hai Sumiao's dormitory, and then stored the photos in the terminal's own data space.

Hai Sumiao was stunned for a moment as he looked at Xixiu who was filing the files carefully.

A Xian pressed her arm: "What?"

"I feel a little sad." The emotions of the Miao Run Xingyu people are the same as those of the Anvilians, which are slow to warm up.

Once you like this kind of relationship with your friends, you will feel very sad when you part with them.

"I can lend you my arms." A Xian made a hug gesture.

Hai Sumiao actually hugged her. There was a peaceful aura about the Anweil ​​people, and Hai Sumiao felt that her heart was calmer.

Xixiu looked at the two beautiful creatures in front of her and instantly calmed down her inner turmoil.

Decided not to worry about matching and getting married anymore, the troops will come to block the water and the earth will cover it up!

If it doesn't work, just give it a go.

"Have you told the team members?" Ah Xian asked after Hai Sumiao's mood calmed down.

"Well, after the performance, I talked to them on the way back and said goodbye."

Nowadays, the school is filled with the sad atmosphere of farewell of graduates.

Yi Mingda and the others knew that Hai Sumiao would leave early. They had been thinking about what kind of gifts to prepare for the captain these days, so Xi Xiu and the others did not see Yi Mingda when they arrived.

After chatting with Hai Sumiao, the three of them said goodbye solemnly. Hai Sumiao gave Xixiu Miao Runxing's pass emblem and told her to go there and play when she had time.

"Okay, thank you Sister Su Miao. Cherish it!"

"Well, Xixiu and A-Xian, take care of it."

Xixiu and A-Xian left Hai Sumiao's dormitory: "Sister A-Xian, we will be separated like this in the future, right?"

There was a sigh in her heart.

Life is like this. Old friends leave and make new friends. Because of many things, we have to separate again and grow up in separation.

Everyone has their own way to go.

She will do the same in the future.

"Don't worry, I will capture you and take you back to settle in Anweil. If you want to go to other star regions alone, I will chase you."

After saying that, A-Xian took Xixiu and took the teleporter back to their Jingtian Tower quickly.

After returning, Xixiu and Axian opened the gifts given to them by Hai Sumiao and found that the gifts were very valuable.

"This is..." Xixiu looked dumbfounded at the round beads in front of her.

"They are probably the largest beads in the seabed of Miao Runxing. They are the largest, most beautiful, and most difficult to find beads."

A-Xian looked at the super-large beads she and Xixiu had made. One had a soft golden luster, one was pure pink, one was off-white, and one was emerald green. The light of life seemed to be flowing inside.

It was ten centimeters in diameter. It looked plump and textured, and she couldn't hold it with one hand.

"I will keep these from now on, and take them out to look at when I have nothing to do. They are very eye-catching." They are so beautiful to look at.

If there were stars painted on it, and if he picked out seven, Xixiu felt that he could summon a dragon.

"Put these beads away." Ah Xian gave three of his beads to Xixiu, leaving only the golden one.

"Sister Axian, I already have these, you don't need to give them to me anymore."

"Take it. The green one is very useful for you. This is the energy bead of Miao Runxing. It can balance your mental power. At critical moments, you can also use it to replenish your mental power."

Is this so powerful?

This gift is really precious.

In comparison, her gift was so unattractive.

Xixiu looked at Ah Xian, hesitating to speak. Ah Xian saw what she was thinking: "Don't worry, sister Su Miao wants to thank you for your life-saving grace."

"But not only are the green beads useful, the other three beads are also very useful, right?" She was a little scared!

"Yes. Okay, since Hai Sumiao gave it to you, he has you as a friend in mind. If you think too much, it will make her feel embarrassed."

Having said that, although she prepared the gift carefully, blue diamonds are no different from stones in the Jingsu Alliance.

The gift only had her heart in mind, but it had no purpose.

"If you are really uneasy, quietly tell her some ways to improve your mental power." If the mental power of the Miao Runxing people can really reach the level of their ancestors, when used, it will be as majestic as the sea.

As vast as their star field.

Hai Sumiao's mental power has been stagnant at the 3S peak for a long time.

The Anvil people's spiritual training is not suitable for Miao Runxing's fishmen.

A Xian had no way to help Hai Su Miao.

But Xixiu can.

With the way she awakened Jingxi, Hai Sumiao could break through the barrier in an instant.

Xixiu thought about the feasibility of this matter.

Do you want to take this risk?

Also, can Hai Sumiao trust her to this extent?

"Tell Sister Su Miao. If she agrees, let her come to us quietly."

They have one night and one day left.

It should work.

A Xian sent a message to Hai Su Miao.

I received a reply within a short time.

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