Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 287 - Arriving at Yuanri Star

When Qing Zhixun and his team left the battleship of the Night Fire Group, they took away ten samples.

He would leave two behind, and the rest would be sent back to Gaia by the Alliance Guards for research.

After they left the starship of the Night Fire Group, the stationed starship received an order from Qing Zhixun and blew up the last remaining battleship of the Night Fire Group.

After returning to the stationed starship, Xi Xiu and his team went straight back to the room.

Talashia and Flora were both silent.

"Captain Hong, are these people dead or alive?" Flora's doubts were probably everyone's doubts at the moment.

"I don't know either. I only know that no matter how you live, you can't hurt others. Living, you can't hurt others at the cost of hurting others. Gaining more powerful power doesn't mean you can hurt others at will." Xi Xiu actually had no answer to this question.

If these people finally return to peace and nothingness, they will naturally not confront them.

On the contrary, they will inevitably become enemies of the alliance. It depends on how big their ambitions are.

And it is obvious that they are organized this time.

The people of the Night Fire Group are so unscrupulous that they are not afraid of being discovered by the alliance, let alone being led astray by them through data transmission.

After hearing Xi Xiu's words, Axian was also thinking, and the others thought about the meaning of Xi Xiu's words and found that her idea was a bit novel.

Xi Xiu obviously looked at this matter from a different perspective from them, and after thinking deeply, there was some truth in it.

After returning to their cabin, Axian sent the message back to Anweier.

Jingxi and Wu Jingmo Liujia immediately organized the tribesmen above level 14 in Anweier to hold a video conference.

Informed the tribesmen of the front line.

Jingxi and Qing Heming are still in Anweier.

After receiving Axian's message, they were a little worried about Qing Zhixun who was in Yuanri at the moment, because the scope of this storm was too large.

"I don't know how Axun is doing now, and he didn't even send a message back." Jingxi's words made Qing Heming a little helpless.

The relationship between their child and them is not tense, but definitely not close.

Qing Zhixun is not like other children who want to stick to their parents.

He was very self-disciplined when he was very young.

He can complete training and learning independently without the supervision of robots, let alone his instructions.

Of course, as a father, he is ashamed of his excellence.

"Axian sent a message back. They are now on a starship. There will be no accidents, and you should be assured of his ability."

The few words Jingxi got from Axian's message obviously could not fill the worries of being a mother.

"Also, he is old enough to match a partner, why haven't I heard him ask for your opinion or mine." Jingxi is worried about her child like an ordinary mother.

The sons of ordinary families will at least ask their parents, who have experienced it, for their opinions when they are old enough to match.

How to choose a partner, what conditions can be included in their requirements, etc.

Their family did not do this at all, and did not even have the idea of ​​matching a partner.

"Let him be." Qing Heming has lived with Qing Zhixun for so long, and knows his temper to some extent.

From his side, he asked Jingxi to have another child, and we can guess his thoughts.

He may not find a partner, and even if he does, it won't be soon.

Qing Heming always felt that he was sometimes out of touch with this world.

But he was very concerned about the alliance, and there was nothing wrong with him going to serve, and he even asked to fight in Yuanri.

As a father, he never saw through him.

He hid himself in training and busyness, and the distance between him and his parents became farther and farther after he became an adult.

Jingxi always blamed him for not letting the child live a happier childhood, which led to his current personality.

But as a father, he was also very sad. The child was too independent, and he actually didn't enjoy the fun of being a father for more than 20 years.

What the couple didn't expect was that their awkward child would one day be as passionate as fire.

It seems that they kicked the iron bucket.


On the way back, the stationed starship did not encounter the star pirate group or other forces that wanted to intercept, and arrived at the Yuanri station smoothly a day later.

Xi Xiu and the others followed the starship to the Yuanri base. She left a message for Feng Qiqi, asking her to keep in touch.

Feng Qiqi and the others' camp was on a barren planet not far from the administrative planet. If they used the wartime marching speed, they could get here in less than fifteen minutes.

The base where Xi Xiu and the others were located needed two hours of high-speed flight from Yuanri Star. Small shuttle starships could be faster and could arrive in more than an hour.

The style of the base looked very simple.

Xi Xiu and the others looked down from the sky and found that the environment should have been newly rebuilt in the past few years. Many trees were planted, and it looked like a green forest.

This planet was about the same size as Gaia's second moon, and it was an administrative planet in the Yuanri system.

There were humans living there before.

After the war on Yuanri Star, the number of humans dropped sharply, and many planets became empty cities with no one living on them.

Later, the garrison sent by the alliance chose this administrative planet as its base.

"Captain Hong, this place looks unexpectedly beautiful." Flora was in a very happy mood.

They originally thought that the mechanical stars were all designed with cold and hard metal, and the buildings were also steel frame structures, which would look like a gray and old picture.

"Yes, so everyone should live happily here. Let's all do our best!"

The environment here is quiet and full of vitality.

When you are tired from training, you can go for a walk in the woods or climb mountains to see from a distance. There is actually a sea on this planet...

Ah Xian noticed the joy in Xi Xiu's heart: "What, do you like it here very much?"

"Yes. Very beautiful."

"There is a sea here. If there is a holiday, we will go surfing." Ah Xian also decided to have a good time and follow Xixiu. It was absolutely right.

Not only will you have a new experience every time, but you can also eat delicious food.

"Captain Hong, we're going too." Su Jinbao was dissatisfied that Axian always dragged Xixiu away, and the two of them acted together.

They are a whole!

"Ahem, go, all go, I didn't say I wouldn't take you with me." Their holidays should be the same, and the first year's holiday shouldn't let them go too far.

So let’s try this administrative star.

The six people chatting and laughing followed the leading soldier and lined up to the meeting point, where they had to complete the procedures for entering Yuanri Station.

In the future, all entry will be based on ID authentication.

Just flash the terminal.

After completing the enlistment procedures, Xixiu and the others went to the logistics department to get their clothes.

The clothing at the Yuanri station is actually a little different from other places. I don't know if it's for differentiation. It looks more like the conventional combat uniforms Xixiu has seen.

Each person received three sets according to size, plus two thick coats for each season, and four sets each of combat uniforms and training uniforms, for a total of twenty-two sets.

Combat uniforms are made of constant-temperature materials, so you only need to wear two pieces outdoors in winter.

You only need to wear three pieces when going to extremely cold places. This opportunity should be rare.

However, all the clothes are distributed in the station, so they don’t take up any space. The invention of the space button saves a lot of trouble.

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