Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 288 - Forming a new team

Most of the dormitories at the Yuanri Station are on the ground, and those underground are training grounds.

The station is very wide, with many starships parked on the ground, as well as small fighter planes. Some of them are obviously soldiers who have just returned from training and jumped out of the fighter planes.

The smiles on the faces of the soldiers infected Xixiu and the others who were new to the station.

After looking around, I found that the overall architectural style here is somewhat similar to Gaia. The environment looks fresh and does not feel dark and depressing.

This feeling is so new.

Moreover, their dormitory benefits are surprisingly good. The layout is the same as that of the First Military Academy. Each dormitory has two rooms, with a bathroom and shower, and a shared living room in the middle.

The two of them shared a room, and to Xixiu's relief, the men and women finally lived separately.

The room numbers they got showed that Xixiu and A-Xian were in one room, Flora and He Yinlei were in one room, and the four of them were in the same dormitory.

Everyone was very happy to see that their future roommates and comrades were acquaintances, and felt that the resident commander here was really very humane!

Together with Enwit and Su Jinbao, Tarasha's roommate is Qiu Shaorong, who has not had much contact with them.

He Yinlei has been running around in circles since she saw Xixiu. In this strange place, meeting acquaintances is a happy thing.

"Xixiu, Xixiu, I really didn't expect to be lucky enough to share a dormitory with you!!!" He Yinlei's voice sounded cheerful, like an oriole.

"Yes, this is fate."

The robot that guided them took the people to the dormitory, set up the access control, and then left together.

These new soldiers who joined the station were divided into men and women, but they were not far apart. Basically, those in the same group were in the two buildings next door.

Enwit and Su Jinbao are used to being together, but Tarasha and Qiu Shaorong still need to get used to each other.

"Everyone will have a happy cooperation in the future." Su Jinbao smiled.

Qiu Shaorong knew to some extent the style of the 626 team, and he admired Hong Xixiu as the captain.

So Qiu Shaorong happily reached out and gave Su Jinbao and the others a high-five.

"From now on, we will be good comrades-in-arms, brothers in life and death!" Qiu Shaorong's words were recognized by Enwit and the other three.

They will go on missions together in the future and experience all adventures together.

When encountering danger, everyone faces it together, and rescue will also involve helping each other.

If they die unfortunately, their remains will be brought back to the Alliance by these comrades.

They are indeed brothers in life and death.

After the newly arrived soldiers completed the check-in procedures, the station issued new numbers, teams, and captains to them through the terminal.

Xixiu's team consists of 500 people, and their number is H909. Xixiu is the captain, and the vice-captain is Qiu Shaorong.

After receiving the new team number, Xixiu started a work training group with the IDs of everyone sent from the terminal.

After a brief self-introduction, Xixiu scanned the electronic resumes of these 500 people and got a pretty good idea.

Qiu Shaorong and the others were also looking at their electronic resumes. On the contrary, the soldiers from the 2nd to 7th Military Academy who were assigned to Xixiu's group were also looking at their electronic resumes.

Everyone exclaimed after reading it.

They discussed privately that this team leader seemed to be very powerful, and what was important was that there were people from Anvil in their team.

They had heard the legend of the First Military Academy to some extent. Their captain led the team and actually won the position of chief of the combat department as a non-key trainee.

Her current mental strength level is shown to be at the peak of 3S, and her physical fitness is also at the peak of the league.

To their surprise, her martial arts skills reached the master level.

What kind of existence is that?

Such a young master.

They haven't heard of it anyway.

When they graduated, all the graduates in the school took a mental test.

Xixiu's level is at the peak of 3S, A'Xian's is 3S, and the rest, Enwit and the others, are all 3S.

In the martial arts assessment, Xixiu didn't let anything go, he tried his best to pass the examination.

Her grandmaster's strength has indeed been recognized by several other grandmasters in the alliance.

Gu Jinyan refused to accept it at first, and fought with Xixiu on the virtual network, and Xixiu won completely.

"In our team of 500 people, the captain is a master, and so is the Anweil ​​man. And the Anweil ​​man's spiritual power is so unbelievable."

After reading their resumes, other members of the Second to Seventh Military Academy began a new round of discussions.

"The Anvil people are inherently powerful. You should say that this team is all very powerful. Have you ever heard that the mental power of the Aura Star people has reached 3S?"

The rest of the people in the group shook their heads and lined up neatly.

"But the Aura people of H909 not only have 3S mental strength, but also have super powerful martial arts. Don't you think it's unscientific?"

A series of nodding expressions from everyone...

"So? What's the reason?"

"The reason is that this captain is very powerful." Idiots!

No need to ask!

Only when the captain is responsible can the team members be outstanding.

The captain is excellent and leads his players to progress together. It is obvious that he is a captain who is responsible for his players.

Hong Xixiu's team had the lowest grades among all the students when they entered school. Because the Aura stars were holding them back, they were considered to be at the middle or lower level of the grade.

In seven years, they reached the top position of graduates.

They should all understand the hard work involved. Because their second to seventh military academies usually have enough training.

The First Military Academy will only have more and wider categories than theirs.

"How do you know? You saw it with your own eyes?" someone questioned.

"...You don't know the intensity of the training at the First Military Academy, right? You probably won't last a month." There is a reason why people become team leaders.

"Don't be in a hurry to reply to me. We'll see what happens tomorrow. Of course, if any of you are unconvinced, feel free to challenge the level and remember to tell me!" After this person finished speaking, he went offline.

Knowing that he was included in such a team, he was completely excited.

Since the Aura people can make such great progress, he can do the same.

Becoming a strong man has always been his dream.

Will this captain train them like he used to train the members of the First Military Academy?

If so, their team is extremely lucky.

When it comes to the battlefield, everyone wants to go back alive.

The first condition for returning alive is hard work, strength, and a little bit of luck.

He was looking forward to tomorrow.

He craves power.

Xixiu and the others have not dealt with soldiers from other military schools and do not know the strength of these people.

But looking at their files, their mental strength and martial arts skills are not as outstanding as those of the graduates of the First Military Academy.

These soldiers who came from other military academies were considered to be mentally difficult to break through 3S during the screening before entering the school.

Among the more than 400 people, the one with the most outstanding mental power is named Yang Jiuqing, and his mental power has reached the peak of 2S.

"Taken together, we all have to improve the strength of these warriors." Su Jinbao and Enwit also read the information on their future comrades-in-arms.

They will spend ten dangerous years with these comrades, and the strength of their comrades is also very important.

This is what Xixiu said to them.

That is to say, comrades must not hold back.

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