Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 289 - Three months of emergency training

The four of them, Su Jinbao, were also discussing countermeasures in the dormitory. Although the station would definitely find ways to improve the strength of the new warriors.

But if the teammates in their own group are too weak, they will be very passive when going on missions in the future.

At the critical moment of life and death, not only was he unable to get support from his teammates, he also had to take time off to take care of other teammates.

"If their strength is not strong, we will have to take into account more aspects in future missions, and our cooperation will be greatly reduced." Tarasha was analyzing.

"Three months of emergency training will start tomorrow, and I don't know what the emergency training will be about." Su Jinbao pondered.

According to past practice, military school graduates will not undergo special training after arriving at the station.

Only old warriors will lead new warriors.

Problems encountered are solved by the new and old together.

It's always like this when on a mission.

This time, all new warriors in the alliance will undergo emergency training, not just for Yuanri.

Because there is no extra time for the new warriors to grow slowly, it seems that the alliance is making early preparations for the war.

"Let's take a look first. Team Hong should have arrangements." Enwit became steady.

Xi Xiu's words on the starship shocked him. Now Xi Xiu was not only his former partner, but also his leader.

Furthermore, strength cannot be improved in one day, so there is no point in rushing.

Qiu Shaorong didn't make any remarks because he wasn't very familiar with the others.

Hong Xixiu seems to be very good at training. From the fact that Aola Star people can grow up so well, you should know that there is a person in this team who is particularly good at training.

Qiu Shaorong guessed that this person was Hong Xixiu.

The people of Anvil wouldn't worry about that.

Others are not strong enough to provide guidance.

After putting away the clothes and utensils in the dormitory, Xixiu began to study the map of the residence.

Mountains, rivers, rivers, lakes and seas are all found on this planet, and forests cover a wide area.

They are stationed, and there are people stationed in every direction on the planet.

They are in the East District.

There are also West District, North District, and South District.

The strength of the troops in each district is basically the same, but the tasks in the east district will be heavier.

The missions outside are basically completed by the soldiers in the East District, with the other three districts serving as garrison forces.

Reinforcements will be provided when the Eastern District is short of personnel.

This time, two-thirds of the power of the five starships that came with Xixiu and the others will go to the other three areas.

The strength of the entire Yuanri garrison is sufficient to garrison only Yuanri.

After Qing Zhixun returned to the station, he and Li Yuanting returned to the camp where they worked.

It's east of the freshmen dormitory, about ten minutes' walk.

"Axun, does the emergency training still follow the previous plan?"

"Deploy Hong Xixiu and Wu Jingxian as instructors and take charge of their group. The same goes for other groups. Our people will assist on the side to see where the problem is and then fix it accordingly." Qing Zhixun thought for a while and said A plan was given.

The overall strength of this batch of fighters has dropped a lot compared to last year.

The league is getting less talented every year.

Also, the self-control and awareness of these people are not as high as they were at the beginning.

In previous years, the Second to Seventh Military Academy could produce several outstanding talents who could compete with the graduates of the First Military Academy, but this year they were completely gone.

If the abilities of these warriors are not improved, how can they cope with the tough battle ahead.

If this war doesn't break out, it will be a matter for the entire alliance.

How severe would the situation of a national war be? He hoped that these soldiers would remember what he said on the starship.

"Three months, I don't know if it's too late." Li Yuanting and Xian Quanlong murmured a few words.

The current situation is really not optimistic.

Another news came from the Hanhai side. They began to unite with the other four galaxies and were always ready to attack the alliance.

I don’t know how long it will take to complete the assembly.

The mechanized warriors here on Yuanri have also completed their first assembly.

Their numbers are not enough, so they are holding back for the time being, but it is only a matter of time before they start a war.

The troops stationed in Yuanri are barely able to cope with this turmoil. If the alliance is attacked from both sides, there will be no reinforcements in Yuanri.

The strength of the warriors is particularly important. Each warrior must have the strength to deal with mechanized enemies.

Only then can they win this disparate war.

The biggest purpose of this emergency training is to improve the recruits' strength in a short period of time.

However, there is no practical and effective way to do this. They have to start from external equipment so that these soldiers can at least kill the enemy and protect themselves on the battlefield.

So this time the alliance spent a lot of money to equip almost every soldier stationed in Yuanri with a wearable mecha.

In these three months, these recruits must get used to the mechas and be able to go into battle against mechanized warriors.

"Okay, let's arrange it this way. Do you want to inform the other three districts?"

"Say what they decide to do, that's their business."

The top officer of Yuanri Station has been stationed here for many years and will be transferred in about a year.

Qing Zhixun didn't intend to contradict him too much. Now that the enemy was facing them, their first task was to improve the strength of the soldiers.

For other things, as long as they don't involve issues of principle and don't always jump out to point fingers, he can just pretend he doesn't know.

The chiefs of the other three districts are relatively good-looking, and everyone's actions can be consistent. As long as they always adhere to the alliance's military regulations, he will not find trouble.

The content of the emergency training for the new warriors this time was set by the alliance, and naturally the other three districts would not have much opinion.

As for how to train and how to be anxious, it is a personal understanding. He said the method, just let them do whatever they want.

Qing Zhixun took Li Yuanting and others to pack the instruments they brought back. Fang Jinyu was already on the way here.

We should be there in another hour.

He originally planned to wait for him in the starry sky, but later he simply asked Fang Jinyu to drive the starship to the ground. He needed to exchange information with him.

The Fang family is in charge of the Alliance Guards and has many sources of information, and their sources of information are also reliable.

Although the news from the alliance was passed to him by people from the Qing family, it was still not comprehensive enough after all.

He sat in the office waiting for Fang Jinyu's arrival, flipping through the information collected on Ming Huo Tuan, and found that not only was there a fog, but the water was getting deeper and deeper.

If Minghuo Group is related to the matter of the immortal robot, then Minghuo Group has done countless evil things in the past few hundred years.

He really couldn't estimate how many children the Minghuo Regiment had kidnapped, as well as other "killed" convoy soldiers.

There are also passing passenger ships and business trips...

This number is certainly astonishing.

What was the final outcome of these children? Did they become slaves of Hanhai and Musar, or were they transformed into immortal robots?

If these human beings were transformed into immortal robots, you can imagine how large the number of opponents will be without calculation.

So he and Fang Jinyu wanted to calculate the total number of missing people in the alliance in the past century, including those humans and other species who were judged dead.

Today is Women’s Day. I wish all female book lovers a happy holiday, and I wish all the women in the families of male book friends a happy holiday! Why do you think it's a bit confusing? do not care????

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